

ABC Restaurant: Hello, ABC Restaurant. How may I help you?

Suzuki Corporation: Hi, this is Suzuki Corporation. We had a party at your restaurant last Saturday. Do you remember?

ABC Restaurant: Yes, thank you very much for your business.

Suzuki Corporation: We have a problem. Someone posted a negative comment about our company on social media.

ABC Restaurant: Oh no. And how does this involve us?

Suzuki Corporation: We suspect that one of your staff members made the post.

ABC Restaurant: Why do you think that?

Suzuki Corporation: The post appeared right after we complained to your waiter about the poor service. We saw him using his cellphone and looking unhappy.

ABC Restaurant: But that doesn’t prove he posted the negative comment, does it?

Suzuki Corporation: We request that you delete the post.

ABC Restaurant: We can’t do that. We are not responsible for the post. You should address this issue elsewhere.

  1. What are the parties involved ?
  2. What triggered the incident?
  3. Do you think that ABC restaurant waiter did the posting? Why and why not?


別に私、死んだわけでも入院していたわけでもありません。サイトがやられてしまって更新しようにもできなかったのです。今回tech-savvyなお方に助けてもらって再び投稿できるようになりました。 まだ(もう)65歳、頑張り続けます、 生徒数は51名、ピーク時の半分になりましたが、 頑張っております。