インフルエンザ対策 今後の課題

インフルエンザが流行っています。私の生徒も軒並みダウン。  なかには親子そろって感染した人も・・・受験生は特に気を付けてほしいですね。

体力の弱い高齢者にとってインフルエンザは非常に危険なものである。Influenza is very dangerous for physically weak elderly people.
高齢者の施設でインフルエンザを予防するために入所者に薬を使うかどうかは施設の判断にゆだねられている。It is up to each facility’s decision as to whether or not they give medicine to every senior in the nursery homes as a preventive measure against the deadly disease.
ただ心配なのは、みんなが予防目的で薬を使うようになると、耐性ウイルスが増えるのではないかだ。However, there is one concern. If everyone comes to use such prophylactic  drugs,   it might induce the development of a new kind of virus that is drug resistant.
使い方についてはもう少し明確な基準があるのがのぞましいのではないだろうか?We feel it is more desirable to have sharply defined standards regarding its usage.
私が訪れた介護施設は、入居者に予防接種をさせ、さらなる予防としての薬も準備している。The nursing home I visited had residents have influenza vaccines injected. Also some medicines are available there for further prevention.
それでもなおウイルスを完全に消し去ることはできない。Even so it is difficult to fight off viruses perfectly.
つまるところ、うがい、手洗い、よく食べ、よく寝るなどの日常生活が病気に対する免疫を持つ強い身体を作るのだ。It eventually reduces to daily routine such as gargling , washing hands,  eating well, and sleeping well that help build a strong body.immune to diseases.

時事問題英作 長時間労働、電通の経営揺るがす。 



そんな気持ちを込め、新聞記事を英訳してみました。(北海道新聞 2017年12月29日)


女性新入社員の過労自殺から1年経った。 It’s been a year since the female office worker committed suicide due to overwork.

The labor bureau sent a report to the public prosecutors office alleging that Dentsu, Japan’s biggest advertising company, had been violating the labor standards act. And the Dentsu president Ishii was forced to take responsibility by announcing resignation from his leadership role.

25年前に起きた過労自殺で再発防止を誓った巨大企業はいまブラック企業の象徴として厳しい批判にさらされている。 The similar case occured to Dentsu 25 years ago, when a young employee killed himself due to his atrocious workload , which prompted Dentsu to apologize and promise never to let it happen again. Now the gigantic conglomerate is being rebuked as a symbol of unfair and illegal practices.

The time has changed and the traditional values of selfless devotion no longer exist.  If no action taken , employers might find it hard to maintain their management stability.



時事問題英語作文 スポンサーを探し始めたタカタ

Takata will conduct its first bidding process in choosing a financial backer.   Following a series of deadly accidents,  the airbag manufaturer received growing concern about their future management.
The total compensation is said to reach well over one trillion yen.
It is reported that more than thirty firms have already raised their hands.
How can they venture to do this at such an unclear and unpredictable stage.

英作文にチャレンジ! 北海道新聞記事



Fish Net Hauling
Recently, Jibiki Ami, or Fish Net Hauling, a practice done by local fishermen to bring in large quantities of fish by pulling them onto the shore by a net, is becoming very popular among native Japanese and foreign tourists from around the world. Since 2014, Hokkaido has become a destination of choice for this kind of activity. Locals and visitors alike join in hauling in… large nets, set up to catch some fresh fish and experience the excitement of dragging multiple kilos of them to be then sold at an auction.

Tourism in Hokkaido is expected to further expand with companies from many countries such as Korea, Taiwan and Philippines, sending their best performers to take part in this great tradition, as a reward for their hard work.

ジジイの時事英語教室 がんばれ、まるか食品!




Peyang Cup Yakisoba (chow mein) disappeared off the shelves throughout the entire country.

原因は商品混入を指摘された1匹の虫。 The reason was a single bug allegedly found inside the cup.


Maruka, the  manufacturer of the popular instant noodles, recalled all of their products and halted the production lines.


They are also thinking of a complete reform of their facilities which could cost them billions of yen. (tens of millions of US dollars) .

Voices are heard from the surroundings wondering if it’s really necessary to go that far.


It’ll be a heavy burden for a middle-sized company whose annual sales figure is around 8 billion yen.

Why did Maruka decide to shoulder such a big compensation?  Can they really hold it?





Sony held a corporate strategy conference on May 22nd, where President and Chief Executive Officer Kazuo Hirai said he would finish making a basic change in  the ailing electronics segment before the end of this fiscal year.
言葉が He also announced that the financial services and entertainment businesses would be developed as  main forces. We finally heard the word “finance” from President Hirai’s own mouth.出てきました。

As I have pointed out several times, SONY should infuse their energy to the financial service field.
利益が出ているのは金融部門であることは明白です。We can clearly tell which segment generates the most profit – financial service department.

一方で、エンターテイメントは厳しいでしょう。On the other hand, the entertainment related businesses will face a severe battle.


Video games don’t sell as well as they used to.  Making movies is not always a stable profit maker.

英作文チャレンジコーナー(はいはい道新) Hokkaido Newspaper “Readers’ voice column”

昨秋、道産子の彼と結婚。札幌の夫の実家で年越しをしました。 何が驚いたかとといって、大みそかの夜にお節料理やおすし、タラバガニなどのごちそうが出てきたことです。私の生まれ育った関東地方では、大みそかはテレビを見ながらミカンなどをつまんで、年越しそばを食べるだけ。元旦にごちそうが並んで新年を祝うのです。一日の朝はどうなるのかと思っていたら、あっさりとお雑煮だけ。なんだかもの足りなくて拍子抜けしました。(北海道新聞 2011年1月19日)
① 年越しをする:see the old year out and the new year in
② ごちそう delicacy
③ 拍子抜けする feel out of rythm
Last autumn, I got married with my husband who was born in Hokkaido. And I saw the old year out and the new year in at his parent’s house.  What was amazing was that on New Year’s eve, many delicacies were placed on the table such as  Osechi (traditional Japanese New Year’s food), Sushi, King Crab legs.
 In the Kanto area where I was born and grew up, New Year’s eve  is usually spent with such simple food as buckwheat noodles and tangerines that are eaten while watching TV. Lavish food are not served until January 1st.
So having leant that Hokkaido people eat gorgeous food on Dec.31st, I was curious what they’ll eat on Jan. 1st.  Discouragingly enough though, it was rice cakes with soup. I felt out of rhythm.




The government decided to raise the consumption tax
from the current 5 percent to 8 percent in April 2014.
Prime Minister Abe announced that, along with the
sales tax increase,  new economic policies would be decided such as the reduction of  corporate tax rates and stimulus packages
totaling five trillion yen.

The three percent raise is expected to bring eight trillion yen to the national treasury on an annual basis except for the first fiscal year producing five trillion.
This is quite ridiculous. It is like raising taxes to waste money.

The original purpose of  the consumption  tax raise is to improve our tax systems but it hasn’t been that way.


野村ジジイの時事い英作文 次世代に向けたエネルギー戦略


There are times when , with situations changing, we can see things better than before.


And it applies to Japan’s energy policy.


The great east Japan earthquake and tsunami and the subsequent meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear plant put Japan into crisis.


But there are some experts who see this crisis as a chance for a new beginning.


One of them is a non-fiction writer KAZUMA YAMANE.


He says “The twentieth-century type of civilization is now denied and reset owing to those disasters, creating a good chance for new technologies and systems to be put in the world.

原発などの発電設備があるから、新しい発電技術はコストや将来性の見地から実用性に薄く、開発するだけの価値がないとみなされてきた。 New power generation technologies were considered too short in practical use to be developed because sufficient energy supply was guaranteed by exhisting nuclear plants.


Now those technologies have made their way. It is wonderful.


Lens windmill, power generation by collecting microwaves in the air, and ocean current power generation. Although there is a long way to go, but we need to take each step along the way for our kids, grandkids, and great grandkids.

時事い英作文教室 ー 日本はワクチン後進国

感染症予防のため、世界で広く使用されているワクチン。日本では先進諸国に比べ公的に接種するワクチンの種類が少なく、予防接種制度において我が国は「後進国」とされている。5月23日に開催された厚生労働省の予防接種部会では、新たに7種類のワクチンの定期接種化が推奨され、そのうち3ワクチンは来年度から定期接種化される見通しだ。 (日本経済新聞 6月25日朝刊)

Vaccines are widely used throughout the world  to prevent infectious diseases.

Japan is seen as  a developing country in terms of the preventive vaccination system  because the number of publicly administered vaccines is fewer than that of developed nations.

In the May 23rd meeting held at the preventive-vaccination section of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Labor, seven kinds of vaccines have been newly recommended for regular shots, three of which are to be put into effect from the next fiscal year.