英作文チャレンジコーナー : 北大がジャガイモ害虫特効薬の合成に成功!



A research team from Hokkaido University has succeeded in synthesizing a “wonder drug” that can decisively exterminate harmful insects infesting potatoes. The news was reported in newspapers the other day.



Having read it, I was truly impressed with how they came up with such a great idea.



Given such a tongue-biting name as “Jagaimoshisutosenchuu” (Globodera Restochiensis) , the insects are approximately one millimeter tall and live on potato roots, causing a very poor crop.



With their eggs persisting in the soil for more than ten years, Globodera Restochiensis are so troublesome that even the chemical compounds cannot kill effectively.



Not only has Hokkaido suffered but also other potato producing countries throughout the world.


卵は眠った状態で土壌に潜み、ジャガイモが畑で根を張る際に分泌する物質を感じ取ると目を覚まし、ふ化する。Their eggs sleep in the ground. They wake up and start hatching upon feeling some substance released by potatoes when starting to grow roots,.



What a wise strategy to sleep until dinner is ready!



But human beings fight back.


幼虫はジャガイモしか食べないため、作付け前に人為的に卵をふ化させてしまえば、彼らは餓死するしかない。The larvae eat nothing but potatoes. It means that if we can artificially hatch eggs before planting potato seeds, the larvae have no other option than to die of starvation.



The Hokudai team has successfully achieved the artificial synthesizing of the “awakening substance” for the first time in the world.



The team says there’s no negative impact or risk to the environment because the substance comes from potato itself.



As we use stronger chemicals to kill germs and insects, they get more and more resistant to protect themselves.



As a result of the endless fighting, contamination threatens nature and human health more seriously than ever.



“We’ll stop fighting, and give you a helping hand in hatching eggs.” Such a conciliating approach should be applicable when dealing with troubles and problems, big or small.



I wonder if lawmakers in Nagatacho could take up the idea.

(北海道新聞 7月16日号朝刊 卓上四季)