絶えぬ銃声 米南部デモ

Here is another tragedy involving the racial conflicts.
ダラスで5人の警察官が射殺されたのです。ルイジアナ州とミネソタ州で白人警官が黒人を射殺した事件に対する抗議デモの最中の出来事でした。Fve police officers were shot and killed at a demonstration in Dallas that was protesting recent killings by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota.
This accident has left an impression that the US still  has a deep division in terms of the racial issues.
またアメリカ大統領選挙にも影を落としています。 It also cast a shadow on the U.S. presidential election.
ドナルドトランプ、ヒラリークリントン両候補は慎重なかじ取りを迫られるでしょう。Both candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, are forced to take careful steps as they fight for the presidency.