にくいよこのッ ど根性ガエル!




Last Saturday, I was able to reminisce my childhood days as I once again saw a show that I used to enjoy as a young boy. DOKONJO GAERU, a very famous manga and TV animation in the early 1970’s, has come back and was shown in live-action!




The story revolves around a frog named Pyonkichi and Hiroshi, a junior high school boy who fell on the frog, making it stick to his shirt, forcing them to be inseparable.



The show brought many good memories to me when I saw the new show last week; it was a very nostalgic experience indeed!



One of the reasons they made a live version of the good-old anime is the advancement of computer graphics technologies. It made Pyounkichi’s facial expressions more realistic than 40 years ago.




I urge everyone, especially those who grew up during my time to watch this fantastic TV drama! It will sure to be lots of fun being a kid, at least for one hour each week, again.


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