英作文チャレンジコーナー(はいはい道新) Hokkaido Newspaper “Readers’ voice column”


毎日通勤で通る道で気になっていることがあります。いつも通るその道は冬は車一台分くらいの幅しか除雪されておらず、歩道は除雪後の雪が山積み。近く小学校に通う子どもたちは仕方なく車道を歩くしかありません。車とすれ違う時は交通事故に巻き込まれるのではないかといつもひやひやします。幹線道路の除雪も大事ですが、子どもたちの安全のためにも通学路の歩道を最優先で除雪してほしいものです。(1月31日 道新)

There’s something on my mind about the road I take everyday on my way to work. For this road, the snow shoveling is not done enough, making it as wide as a single car lane.

The shoveled snow gets pushed aside, blocking people from walking on the sidewalks. Thus, children going to school or a facility have no option but to walk on the road instead. It makes me shiver every time I see cars passing by, causing me to fear the  kids might get involved in an accident.

It’s important to clear trunk roads of snow. But I want the authority to carry out snow clearance on school roads for school children’s safety .


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