鏡を見ていたら、顔にシミが出てきた。なんだろうと考えてても原因が浮かばない。 やがて、若いときに料理をしていて油が顔にハネた時のやけどだと思い出した。そのときは、跡がすぐに消えたので気にとめなかった。今になって復活するとは、とんだ招かれざる客だ。
The other day I was looking into my mirror and found some smudges over my face.
I wasn’t sure why so I wondered for a while.
Finally I came up with the cause. (which I believe is the real cause.) They
are the burn scars that I had when I was younger.
are the burn scars that I had when I was younger.
While I was cooking , some cooking oil splashed over my face, leaving me
some scars.
some scars.
A little while later, the scars were less noticeable. So I didn’t pay much
attention to them, to say nothing of giving care.
attention to them, to say nothing of giving care.
Years passed by, those scars showed up again. It feels like having some
unwanted guests showing up at my house.
unwanted guests showing up at my house.
MY cause.
It was long tim ago some pimples over my face.
My marrage cremony time.
Beautican said.
I couldn’t beautiful a bride.because under cover of makeup.
Since then l had not mkeup and facial cleansing every day.
At the present time nothing.