時事問題英作 長時間労働、電通の経営揺るがす。 



そんな気持ちを込め、新聞記事を英訳してみました。(北海道新聞 2017年12月29日)


女性新入社員の過労自殺から1年経った。 It’s been a year since the female office worker committed suicide due to overwork.

The labor bureau sent a report to the public prosecutors office alleging that Dentsu, Japan’s biggest advertising company, had been violating the labor standards act. And the Dentsu president Ishii was forced to take responsibility by announcing resignation from his leadership role.

25年前に起きた過労自殺で再発防止を誓った巨大企業はいまブラック企業の象徴として厳しい批判にさらされている。 The similar case occured to Dentsu 25 years ago, when a young employee killed himself due to his atrocious workload , which prompted Dentsu to apologize and promise never to let it happen again. Now the gigantic conglomerate is being rebuked as a symbol of unfair and illegal practices.

The time has changed and the traditional values of selfless devotion no longer exist.  If no action taken , employers might find it hard to maintain their management stability.




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