時事問題英語作文 スポンサーを探し始めたタカタ
言えそうで言えない英語表現 ー おんぶにだっこ
NHK ドラマ あさが来た のセリフ英訳
日本初の女子大創設をめざす主人公あさ。 しかし資金あつめのメドがたたず、難航する。 そこで早稲田大学の創設者である大隈重信に手紙を書いて助言を求めようとする。そのときのセリフ
Do the most important things first and the rest will fall into place.
NHKあさが来た のセリフを英作文
「ずーっといてへんことのほうが普通やったさかい、急に来たら何はなしたらええのかわからへん」というセリフが頭に残りました。 私も若い頃、長期海外出張から帰ると子供たちが気まずそうにしていたのを覚えています。。「亭主元気で留守がいい」というCMが流行っていた時代でした。「父親っていったいなんなんだ」」と思いましたね・・・
さてこのセリフ、どう訳したらいいでしょう? さしずめこんな感じでしょうか?
My mom is normally away from home most of the time. When she suddenly returns home, I have no idea what to talk with her about.
全国高等学校写真選手権大会が三日間にわたる熱戦の末、幕を閉じました。The national senior high school photo contest came to an end after three days of hard competition..
This event is also known as “ Shashin Koshien “ with its name Koshien stemming from the baseball stadium where the national baseball championship is held annually. After being selected from preliminary auditions, students gather in a small town of Higashikawa, Hokkaido to compete for the “grand” competition.
The pictures taken by participants are judged mainly in terms of passion, originality, technical skills and creativity.
Judges are eminent photographers. They choose winners after detailed scrutiny of the entries.
On the final day of the contest, winners are announced and go up on the stage to receive awards. That’s when tears start flowing on the cheeks of participants, not only winners but also those who couldn’t win.
After the awarding ceremony, Mr.Yoshihiro Tatsuki, the world-famous photographer and judge, told the tearful boys and girls. There’s one thing more important than winning first prize. That is you spent the memorable part of your life getting to know many people, such as your teammates, rivals, volunteers, host families who welcomed you staying with them, and the local residents who smilingly accepted being photographed. Interacting with those people will enrich your future.
英作文にチャレンジ! 北海道新聞記事
Fish Net Hauling
Recently, Jibiki Ami, or Fish Net Hauling, a practice done by local fishermen to bring in large quantities of fish by pulling them onto the shore by a net, is becoming very popular among native Japanese and foreign tourists from around the world. Since 2014, Hokkaido has become a destination of choice for this kind of activity. Locals and visitors alike join in hauling in… large nets, set up to catch some fresh fish and experience the excitement of dragging multiple kilos of them to be then sold at an auction.
Tourism in Hokkaido is expected to further expand with companies from many countries such as Korea, Taiwan and Philippines, sending their best performers to take part in this great tradition, as a reward for their hard work.
英作文チャレンジコーナー(はいはい道新) Hokkaido Newspaper “Readers’ voice column”
北海道での年末年始の過ごし方は他地域と違います。ケンミンショーに出てきそうな話題です。昨秋、道産子の彼と結婚。札幌の夫の実家で年越しをしました。 何が驚いたかとといって、大みそかの夜にお節料理やおすし、タラバガニなどのごちそうが出てきたことです。私の生まれ育った関東地方では、大みそかはテレビを見ながらミカンなどをつまんで、年越しそばを食べるだけ。元旦にごちそうが並んで新年を祝うのです。一日の朝はどうなるのかと思っていたら、あっさりとお雑煮だけ。なんだかもの足りなくて拍子抜けしました。(北海道新聞 2011年1月19日)① 年越しをする:see the old year out and the new year in② ごちそう delicacy③ 拍子抜けする feel out of rythm(試訳)Last autumn, I got married with my husband who was born in Hokkaido. And I saw the old year out and the new year in at his parent’s house. What was amazing was that on New Year’s eve, many delicacies were placed on the table such as Osechi (traditional Japanese New Year’s food), Sushi, King Crab legs.In the Kanto area where I was born and grew up, New Year’s eve is usually spent with such simple food as buckwheat noodles and tangerines that are eaten while watching TV. Lavish food are not served until January 1st.So having leant that Hokkaido people eat gorgeous food on Dec.31st, I was curious what they’ll eat on Jan. 1st. Discouragingly enough though, it was rice cakes with soup. I felt out of rhythm.