日本はアジアカップ大会において記録破りとなる4回目のチャンピオンとなった。決勝戦開始後109分目、途中から出場した李忠成選手が長友佑都からのクロスパスをゴール。 延長戦におけるこの一撃で、果敢なオーストラリアとのスリルある戦いを制し、栄冠を勝ち取った。
This was a game that neither side deserved to lose, but, as the nerve-shredding prospect of a penalty shoot-out loomed, it was fitting that a game of this calibre and status was decided in open play, however heartbreaking for the losers.
The Socceroos can, however, hold their heads up high. They dominated much of the game, playing football of fluency, craft and sophistication that many did not think them capable of, especially in the first half.
But full credit has to go to Japan, who had come through a torrid semi final with South Korea just four days earlier, a match that had been decided in a penalty shoot-out. As revenge for that day of Australian jubiliation in Kaiserslautern five years ago, when the Socceroos came back from canvas to destroy the Blue Samurai’s World Cup dreams with a 3-1 win, this was as good as it gets.