英作チャレンジコーナー(日経) なんと女性の1/4が彼氏より高年収!


年収以外に彼氏を上回る学歴やキャリアの女性も少なくないようだ。「恋人より学歴が高い」と答えた女性は3分の1に迫る31%にのぼり、「恋人より役職が高い」と答えた女性も7%いた。(日経 2011年4月19日)
As many as 26%, or one out of every four  responded  they earn higher income than their boyfriends.  The questionnaire taken on women aged 20-39 has shown a new aspect of circumstances surrounding people who are in love. It also indicated that women surpass men in other fields as well, such as education and career. ABout one third, or 31 percent answered they have higher education than their male counterparts, and seven percent , higher positions.