

日本を訪れている観光客が日本製品を大量に買う現象がここのところ多く見られ、「爆買い」という新語さえできました。There has been a recent boom in tourists shopping in Japan for Japanese products, This phenomena gave rise to a new word: BAKUGAI.



Many travelers, mostly from China, have come to make purchases of home electrical appliances, cosmetics, diapers and the like; creating a positive effect on Japanese industries.



The Hokkaido Newspaper reports that some Chinese buyers BAKUGAI huge amounts of scallops, increasing the annual export volume of 1000t of 2009, to 50,000t just last year.



Is this a good thing? Not always.


一部の商人が「保税加工」という制度を悪用して不当な利益を得ているらしいです。It is said that a few Chinese merchants take advantage of the “Bonded Process” to make an illegal profit.



保税加工とは、原材料を国外に移して加工し、元の国にもどす仕組み。当然、輸入関税はかかりません。Bonded process is a system where goods are imported temporarily and are intended for re-export to the originating country. No import duty is imposed, of course.





Finding a loophole in the system, those immoral merchants allegedly import scallops free of duty and sell some to the black market.




This will potentially be a bad image for Japanese products, as they are available through the local fishing stalls and the black market in an illegal manner.




Why are such illegal activities not prosecuted but tolerated?



I suspect that some supervising government officials take bribes and prevent facts from being leaked.



It is urgently needed to discourage unfair practices by those weasel traders.