Turning Japanese






A GOVERNMENT’S credibility is founded on its commitment to honour its debts. As a result of the dramas of the past few weeks, that crucial commodity is eroding in the West. 政府に対する信頼とは、債務を引き受けて期日に返済する責任に基づくものだ。だがこの数週間に起きたドラマの結果、この責任感が西側諸国で崩れている。

In the early days of the economic crisis the West’s leaders did a reasonable job of clearing up a mess that was only partly of their making. Now the politicians have become the problem. 以前に経済危機が起きたとき、西側諸国の指導者たちは「混乱を取り除く」という職務をしっかりと遂行していた。それが彼らの能力の一部分にすぎなかった。 今では政治家そのものが問題となっている。

The West’s leaders are not willing to make tough choices; and everybody—the markets, the leaders of the emerging world, the banks, even the voters—knows it.


The world has seen this before. Two decades ago, Japan’s economic bubble popped; since then its leaders have procrastinated and postured.


Its economy has barely grown and its regional influence has withered.


As a proportion of GDP, its gross public debt is the highest in the world, twice America’s and nearly twice Italy’s. 借金の総額を対GDP比でみると、アメリカやイタリアの2倍に相当する。

If something similar were to happen to its fellow democracies in Europe and America, the consequences would be far larger.似たようなことが欧米の民主主義国家で起こったなら、その結末ははるかに大きなものとなろう。

No wonder China’s autocrats, flush with cash and an (only partly deserved) reputation for getting things done, feel as if the future is on their side.


Japan’s politicians had umpteen chances to change course; and the longer they avoided doing so, the harder it became. Their peers in the West should heed that example. かつて日本が方向を転換できるチャンスは多く存在した。それを避ける時間が長くなるほど、その転換が難しいものになった。西側諸国はこの実例にもっと留意すべきだろう。