北門地区教室のBさんは、お菓子作りの名人。これまで何度も我々にご馳走してくれました。今回挑戦したのはケーク・サレ(La Cake Salé)、フランス生まれの塩味ケーキなんだとか。
同じ教室のみんな(総勢10人)のために、ひとつひとつラップにくるんで渡してくれるBさん、心尽くしが伝わります。さっそくこの私もいただきました。とってもまろやかで美味しかったです。 Bさんありがとう、君はケーキ屋さんになれるよ!
某フリーペーパーに出てから問い合わせが増え、今でも時々電話が鳴る「特訓コース」。 そのほとんどが30から50代の主婦です。炊事・洗濯・掃除に雑用。時間と戦いながら主婦業をこなすかたわら英検やTOEICの勉強をする彼女たち。 すごいとしか言い様がありません。 趣味はトライアスロンという体育会系のMさん、中学校教諭のKさん、専業主婦で北見から通ってくるSさん。みんなよく頑張るわ。
そんな彼女らですから時間にはとってもシビア。先日のこと、ホワイトボードマーカーが見当たらなくて、1、2分無駄にした時、「早くしてください! 私には1分がとても大事なんです!」とどやされてしまいました。ごめんね。今度からは道具類はキチンと開始前にチェックするから・・・
80歳、82歳、88歳、89歳。 みなさんほんとうに元気いっぱい。
What was, in retrospect, most heroic about Neil Alden Armstrong, who died Saturday at age 82, was the manner in which he shied away from the spoils and trappings of heroism itself
Being the first man on the moon, after all, would seem to place you on top of the world, providing a kind of lifetime pass to wherever you wanted to go — and whatever you wanted to be.
When a Missouri man decided to install central air-conditioning and central heat in the attic of his historic house, he found much more than he bargained for.
Bryan Fite, of St. Joseph, Mo., discovered 13 bottles of century-old whisky under the floorboards in the attic of his 1850 house.
He didn’t recognize his good fortune right away, thinking the bottles were tubes or oddly shaped installation pipes. But Fite soon discovered he was sitting on a goldmine of antique whisky – the bottles are likely worth several hundred dollars each, and possibly more.
Interest in investing in whisky has grown in the last five years since the U.S. made it legal for auction houses to sell spirits, the Huffington Post reported.
The bottles of Hellman’s Celebrated Old Crow whisky that Fite found were distilled in 1912 and 1913 and bottled in 1917, two years before Prohibition made the consumption and sale of alcohol illegal throughout the U.S.
Fite guesses the bottles were a secret stash hidden by the previous owner of the house.
“The original owner lost the house and was put in a sanitarium for alcoholism,” he told St. Joe Channel. “So perhaps that might be a story behind it too, that that was his secret stash up in the attic!”
Fite and his wife, Emily, bought their home in 2011 and planned to fix it up. He decided to install the heating and cooling unit himself to save some money.
“I think it’s amazing to be able to feel a little bit energetically what’s been going on in this house for its history,” Emily told St. Joe’s Channel.
Fite said he has no plans to open the pre-Prohibition bottles yet, and might wait until year 2017 when they turn 100.
“Part of the allure for me is having them in their original state,” he told ABC. “I have high expectations of what they’ll taste like, and I’m afraid if I open them I’ll be disappointed.”
Chances are that even though Fite is a Bourbon man himself, it will be a night to remember.