3月31日 水曜サロン

奇跡中の奇跡と呼べる事件がアメリカでおこりました。 夜中に脳卒中で倒れた女性が、助けを求めてかけた電話。 意識がもうろうとしていたため、友人にかけるつもりが数百キロはなれた女子大生につながってしまいます。 真夜中に鳴った携帯、そして見知らぬ番号。この女子大生はいたずら電話かと思い、出るかどうか迷います。 ここでもし女子大生が無視を決め込めば、脳卒中の女性は命を失うところでした。 結果的にこの女子大生は電話を取り、救急車を呼んで命を救うこととなるのですが、その背景には二重の奇跡が起こっていたのでした。 今日のサロンではこの話題でレッスンを行い、「夜中にかかってきた不審電話に出るべきか」を中心に話し合いました。 参考までにTVニュースの音声と聴きとった文章を表記します。

(注:前回同様聞き取れなかった部分は***やXXX で表しました。悪しからず)

 Wrong Number Leads to Saved Life ← (音声ファイル) click here for the sound

Here’s an amazing story. A woman suffered from stroke, then she made a desperate call for help to her friend, but she accidentally dialed a wrong number. But the stranger on the other end of the call ended up saving her life. She called 911.


Joining now is Taylor Booker, a freshman with the U.C. Riverside. Good Morning Taylor. 


Good Morning.  


Tell us about this.  Is this a change of definition of when a stranger called, DON’T HANG UP?  

You became a hero when a stranger called. What happened? 


*****Early  Saturday morning. I get a phone call on my cell phone and at first I thought that was a prank call. However, Mrs.Turner, she was in need of help, and when she said she needed help, I realized XXXXX   Quickly I spoke to a friend and she used her cell phone and called 911 police department. And they transferred me to Richmond  Police Department. I told them all the information I could get out of her, her name,  her city that she lived in, what had happened, and things that she had told  me, They quickly got the perimeter closer to her  house and helped her.



Taylor you saved her life, because the authority had actually had to break into her house to get her because she had in fact suffered from stroke and could not move. And I understand the reason you decided to pick up the phone call normally that you wouldn’t especially in the middle of the night, was because you noticed the area code and you thought that was near where you grew up? 


Yes. The area code was actually my area code that I was actually  in so the first thing I thought was that it was a friend or   someone called me from a different cell phone so I thought I had to pick up the phone for him.

 つまり、運命を分けたのはおばあさんの市外局番でした。 女子大生が幼少のころ住んでいた地域の市外局番と同じだったため、「昔の友達かもしれない」と考えて通話ボタンを押したのでした。 

私が彼女の立場なら、電話を取らず、おばあさんを死なせることになった気がします。 皆さんはどうでしょうか?