知らなかったあ~。 走行距離では測れないタイヤの安全性




方法はカンタン! 左写真の白線で囲んだ4けた数字を見ればいいのです。

最初の2ケタは製造週、後ろの2ケタが製造年を表します。 したがって2610ならば2010年の第26週目につくられたもの、となるわけです。  動画は下記をクリック。



We are going to turn tonight the world news investigation involving something most of us take for granted. The safety of the tires of cars. It was two years ago our Brian Ross first reported that the tires being sold as new were not and then could put your families at risk. So we wanted to know if anything changed. Here’s Becky Worley.


Imagine driving down the highway having your tire disintegrate. In these test videos , even skilled drivers couldn’t keep control. “I think I’m OK. I think I’m OK”

Many experts agree that tires have a short life, even when they are not driven a single mile, air separates the treads. Robert Moore bought  what he thought were new tires for his son’s car. And just five years later, “***** called me to say that Policeman just came to the house and told me Andy had a car accident  And it was so cracked and he told me he died.”

I got my vehicle made ***** together, and I discovered that the tires that I got were new but actually three years old when I bought them.”


Crash investigators said the tread had peeled right off one of the then nine -year-old tires.

I would not drive on tires older than six years. And the problem is tires degrade over time.

Tires have a date code, the DOT stamp followed by a four digit number. The first two letters indicate the week it was made, the second two the year. So our goal: Check the date stamp on tires being sold as new.


We took our cameras to tire shops outside New York and San Francisco. Of the five New York tire shops, two had old tires – a couple from 2006 and another with a tire dated 1995.  In California, we went to four tire shops and the last one had a entire set made in 2005 and one tire from 2000. Just days ago, a major rubber supplier urged the US government to beef up labeling standards. And five major car companies recommended replacing six year old tires.


But the rubber manufacturers association disagrees. “There’s no scientific information that can point to when a tire should be removed because of age” After ABC news investigation in 2008, The National Highway Traffic Safety Association issued a consumer advisory about tire age. But since then, “Unfortunately there have been actually no changes in legislation, and no changes by the tire manufacturers.”  Becky Worley, ABC News, San Francisco.