最も気に入ったのを紹介します。 題して「ネコはこたつで丸くなる」
「猫はこたつで丸くなる」というが、油断大敵。 青森県の金木町で、奥さんが町議選の投票に出かけた留守に、飼い猫がこたつにもぐりこみ、布団を動かしたので豆炭の火がふれて、家一軒焼いてしまった。現場検証中に背中をこがした猫が現れ逃げてしまったので、警官曰く「被疑者は逃げました」
It is said “ a cat curls up in a ‘kotatsu’ ( a fixed warmer ) “. There is danger in
unsuspected places, In Kanagi Town in Aomori Prefecture, while a house-wife was
out of the house to vote in the town assembly election, the house cat crawled into the
“kotatsu”.The cat moved the comforter over the “kotatsu”, resulting in the comforter
catching fire from the briquet fire and burning down the house. While firemen were
making an on-the-spot inspection, a cat with a singed back appeared and then fled,
moving a policeman to comment, “ The suspect fled”.