将棋界で偉業を成し遂げ毎日のようにニュースに出る藤井聡太くん 。
Sota Fujii is making news every day for the greatest achievement in the history of Shogi. (Japanese chess)
He’s only 14 and set a record of the longest winning streak – 29 matches.
彼の母親は聡太君が3歳の時キュボロという組み立ておもちゃで遊 ぶのが好きだったと話しています。
His mother says that , at the age of three, Sota was good at playing with a toy marble construction set called cuboro.
It is possible that this toy helped him learn to become one of the Shogi grand masters.
この報道はすぐに広まり、お母さんたちが子供を天才にさせようと キュボロを買い求めているそう。
The news spread like a wildfire and a horde of mothers are rushing to buy Cuboro to for their children to become genius.
さて、私の教室に通う生徒にも怪童がいます。仮に名前をリョウ君 としておきましょう。 弱冠12歳だが大人顔負けの才能と能力の持ち主。 レゴのような組み立て物を分解し、元通りに復元できるのだ。それ もマニュアルなしで。
Here is another genius in my school. Let’s call him Ryo for his personal protection. He’s only 12 but has a special skill that surpasses adults. He can disassemble a object and put the pieces back together without an instruction manual.
Take a look a this Asimo, for instance.
Ryo disassembled it into small pieces.
And successfully put them back together all by himself.
I think Ryo knows how each small part functions such as rotating , supporting, moving, connecting so that Asimo can not only run, walk, climb up and down the stairs but also push up.
Also, take a look at these lego masterpieces made by Ryo all by himself.
These are so-called “lego mindstorms version”. They can move and steer, and will follow exactly what you want them to.
What a boy!
リョウ君の将来の夢はロボット技師。 どんなものを作ってくれるのか楽しみだ。
Ryo’s future dream is to become a robot manufacturer. I can’t wait to see what kind of robot he’s going to make.