

When I get inquiries from mothers of high school students, they are either through email or phone.

メールの時は、メルアドをみます。するとある「傾向」があることに気づきます。 l look at their email addresses, I noticed a widespread tendency.

それは、アットマークの手前に80年代のアイドルを連想させる文言が使われていること。田原俊彦、近藤真彦、ゴダイゴ、チェッカーズ。That is, the part before @ sign often suggest their favorite artists of the 80’s, such as Tahara Toshihiko, Kondo Masahiko, Godiego, Checkers.


Then I think to myself that this mother was a great fan of the rock star when she was in her teens.


Having a chance to meet them face to face, I never forget to ask about their email address.

すると真っ赤な顔をして「あらいやだ。年がバレバレ」。They turn red and go like this. “Oh no. “Oh my goodness. Now you know how old I am.”


Don’t worry, mom. Nomura School of English Studies is always in the SHOWA era.