
小学生のお子さんたちとの対面レッスンを中止してから2週間。It has been two weeks since those face -to-face lessons for primary school kids were cancelled owing to the coronavirus-related  reasons

一向に収束する気配のないコロナウイルス。It seems to take even longer than expected until the coronavirus issues  come to an end.

でもそれより心配なのが子供さんの精神面だ。What is more worrying is children’s psychological problems.

どこへも行けず、自宅で悶々とする日々、どんな元気な子でもまいってしまう。 Not being allowed to do anything other than staying home, youngsters do get exhausted.

そこで当塾ではネットを使って無料のおしゃべりタイムを設けることにした。So I arrange for the kids to have a period of free time to chat online.

一定の時刻を決めて、あらかじめ作ってあるLINEグループアカウントを開き、子供たちが母親の手を借りながら参加してチャットする。When it is time to start, I open the  Line app Group Chat and the children join me with the help of their mothers.

もちろん途中には英語レッスンも入れる。They enjoy chatting and they also take English lessons as well.

英語40%、日本語60%程度のゆるーいものだがお子さんたちはエラク楽しそうだ。40% English and 60% Japanese – sounds too laid-back to be called an English lesson. But children are participating actively.

おとなしくて引っ込み思案の子でさえ元気いっぱいに話す・・・・人とのコミュニケーションに飢えているのだな、と感じさせる。Even the reticent and introvert one speaks confidently. It makes me feel that they are craving for a chance to see and interact one another.


The world is faced with unprecedented crisis. Nothing makes me happier than helping someone regain their smile.