



Every minute I hear you, you speak like a real professional celebrity.


You’re very funny, Toshi-san.


Am I?

It sounds like you are on TV. You are quite used to speaking to strangers or any kind of people, I think.


A little bit. I think flying experience actually helped a little bit, I hope.


So did you get training about how to talk to the passengers or difficult people?


Yes, because we had some training and especially but mostly our trainings are based on service. So it’s like how will you offer this kind of food or this kind of service to them. But yes it was different.


OK, I heard that serving food or serving coffee during the bumpy flight is very tough because you have to be careful not to spill coffee on the passengers.


Or, yes, that’s right.


Could you share with me some of your memories or experiences about serving food or coffee? Any memory?


Actually, that’s a good question. I tried to remember my experience. I think if you will ask a flight attendant, he or she will always say an experience about spilling something to the passenger. So yes, I think I have one experience, but I still juice because it was turbulent. So yeah, that’s it in afterwards. I just gave a couple of blankets to the passenger just to keep her. How do you call this? To keep her clothes dry. That’s very embarrassing. Yes, but I had no experience of spilling a hot beverage. That’s very scary.


Oh yeah, but didn’t she request for compensation for the laundry or dry clean ?

“Hey you spilled juice on my clothes.!”


But you know what? You know what I did, because I think that was one of my first few flights, so I bought her some chocolates at the duty free shop. And then I gave it to her. For my apology, yes. And then Luckily she was kind. She didn’t come to Lane and then she accepted my.


OK, yes. If she had the opposite character, like a demanding woman, what would be the result? “Buy me a new one, OK?”


The result would be I think she’s going to complain. Or yeah, it’s going to be a tough flight, but Luckily I was, you know, I’m still quite lucky because she was very kind.