I feel my eyes are heavy and blurry, perhaps my age is showing.
生徒の宿題をチェックしていて間違いを見つけた時は眼精疲労が倍増。She name is Lucy.ってなんだよ〜。
My eye fatigue gets worse especially when I go through my students writing assignments and see some errors such as “She name is Lucy.” Help me !
By the way, I had an online talk lesson with one of my students. Let’s call her Rena for convenience sake. Rena is a nurse by profession and she has been engaged in administering covid vaccines.
「筋肉注射は痛いって本当?」彼女に聞いてみた。I asked her “is it true that intramuscular injection is painful?”
彼女の答えは、注射した患者さんによるとインフルエンザのワクチンより痛くないとのこと。She replied this way. According to the patients that she injected, it hurts less than flu shots.
結局のところ痛みを感じさせるのは針でなく薬液の量。After all, it is not a needle but the amount of fluid that causes more pain.
The volume to be administered is 0.3 mL for Covid vaccine and 0.5 mL for flu vaccines .
Maybe this is the reason why flu vaccine hurts more.
勉強になりました! I learned a lot. Thank you, Renasan.