


There’s a new TV drama featuring a poor girl whose family members are facing misfortunes, such as traffic accidents, sudden illness, etc. This show has a high viewership rating.


Is this a show you’re interested in, or were you curious about its popularity?


I’m more interested in the ratings. It seems people want to watch others go through challenges. I’m not sure if that’s a positive thing.


It’s true that dramas showing people facing tough situations tend to get a lot of attention. Some viewers might be drawn to the emotional intensity, while others may watch because they can relate or find comfort in seeing how the characters overcome their struggles. It can raise interesting questions about what we find entertaining and why.

Do you think shows like this are inspiring, or do you see them differently?


It depends on how viewers perceive them. I can think of three categories. First, there are viewers who watch and cheer for the characters in the tragedy. Second, there are those who feel better about their own situation, thinking, ‘I’m better off than these people, even though I’m not satisfied with my own life.’ Third, there are those who take lessons from the TV drama on how to prepare for the worst possible scenario.
