

Face of Jesus revealed?

New 3D technology shows image.

V_720072 ← 音声ファイルはこちらをクリック


We got a lot of reaction when we talked about this yesterday. Is this the face of Jesus? 

Last night on this channel, we had a new 3D image based on studies of shroud of turin,  cloth that some say was wrapped around Jesus’ face when he died.  But since the shroud itself was wrapped in controversy either, it’s been debated about so much. 

この3D画像は、Shroud of Turinoと呼ばれる布(キリストの遺体を包んでいたとされるが、異論も多い)に映っている顔をベースに再現された。 だが、その布自体、信憑性を巡って議論に包まれている。(うまいこといいますね) 

Dan Harris took the image to the public to find out seeing is believing. Watch this.

 (ここがよくわからないなあ。直訳すれば、ダンハリスが、百聞は一見に如かずを発見するため、街を歩く人ににこの絵を見せました。) 皆さんはどう思われますか?

Artists and scientists studied the shroud of turin to develop a 3D image of a face that millions worship as the son of God. 何百万人もの人々が神と崇める人物の3Dイメージ画像を導き出すため、芸術家や科学者がshroud of turinを調査した。

Does a shroud of turin and minded picture of Jesus look the same?  Seeing this image provokes  a host of reactions. 

 a host of ~おおぜいの

It looks like the way I would picture Christ. (私が思い描いているとおりの御顔だわ

Pretty realistic view. (非常に現実的な姿ですね)

It’s kind of questionable. (なんかちょっと疑わしいなあ)

I don’t think this should be anyone’s face. (誰の顔でもないわよこれ)


ABC’s Jim **** showed people at the Vatican. 


As you look at this,  you think you are looking at what・・・



He actually looks like… 


For some, an instant spiritual connection.(いきなり神聖さと結びつける人もいます。) 

 I see love. I see compassion. I see my savior.


For others a reaction a little less forward.


Jesus is hot.  (キリストってかっこいいのね)

Very good looking. (すっごくハンサム)

 He’s not a bad looking guy.(顔は悪くないわね)

He looks younger.(若ーい)

 A rapper? (ラップ歌手ですか?

Blowing brown hair and power out of his finger tips.


Some people just don’t buy it.

It’s unclear if the shroud is real. I believe that’s  an accurate picture of whoever the shroud belongs to. But it’s an unclear if that  shroud belongs to Jesus Christ.


However you look at it, the drive to create this image and the intense response to it is another illustration of the profound role that Jesus continues to play in so many lives.


Doesn’t matter how he looks. It’s what he did that counts.


For Good Morning America, Dan Harris. ABC news.







For all that I have done, I am so sorry.


I have a lot to atone for, but there is one issue that I really want to discuss.


Some people have speculated that ELIN somehow hurt or attacked me on Thanksgiving night. 感謝祭の日の夜に、妻エリンが私を殴ったとか、襲いかかったとか推測する人がいます。

It angers me that people would fabricate a story like that.人々がそういう話をでっちあげるのは腹が立ちます。

ELIN never hit me that night or any other night.エリンはいつだって私をたたいたことはありません。

There has never been an episode of domestic violence in our marriage, ever.


ELIN has shown enormous grace and poise throughout this ordeal.


ELIN deserves praise, not blame.エリンは非難ではなく称賛に値します。

The issue involved here was my repeated irresponsible behavior.


I was unfaithful, I had affairs, I cheated. 私は不誠実でした。不倫をしました。浮気をしました。

What I did is not acceptable. 私がやったことは許されることではありません。





A)   The nursing home fire was really frightening, wasn’t it?

B)   You mean the one in Sapporo that killed seven people inside?

A)   Yes. I feel sorry for the victims and their families.

B)   Do you know what the cause was?  It’s hard to believe.

A)   I don’t know.  What was that?

B)   It’s a laundry that caught fire over the stove.

A)   Oh my god. It’s an accident that could have been prevented.



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