
BUCKINGHAM POSTという新聞にやっかいな研究結果がでたので紹介します。

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified the radiation emitted by cell phones to be “possibly carcinogenic”. (国際がん研究機関 IARC)が、携帯電話の発する電磁波を”発がん性があるかもしれない”分類に入れた。

This puts cell phones in the same category as lead, the pesticide DDT, and automobile exhaust.(これにより携帯電話は、鉛、DDT殺虫剤、自動車排気ガスと同じ分類にくみこまれることとなった。)

 Governments around the world will be pressured to update the public on the dangers of using cell phones for too long. (世界中の政府は国民に対し長時間携帯使用の危険性を新たにしらせる圧力にさらされるだろう)

The IARC reports that making calls for more than half an hour a day over 10 years could increase the risk of developing gliomas – a type of tumor that starts in the brain or spine – by 40 per cent.(IARCの報告によると、一日に30分以上の携帯使用を10年以上続けた場合、脳や背骨にグリオマと呼ばれる腫瘍ができる可能性が40パーセント高まる。)

 This is considered “limited” evidence, as further studies are needed to determine whether the gliomas are simply caused by chance.(だがこれは限定的な証拠と考えられており、グリオマの発生が偶然なのか否かについては更なる研究が必要とされる。)

 There is no evidence that cell phone radiation causes other kinds of cancer.


Scientists have known that cell phones emit radiation, and that much of it is absorbed by the body.(電磁波が携帯から発生し、その大部分が体内に吸収されることを科学者たちは知っている。)

 But until recently, cancer studies have been inconclusive because tumors can take decades to develop, and cell phones are a fairly recent technology.(だが、腫瘍が拡大するのには数十年かかるのに対し、携帯電話の技術はつい最近のものであるため、がんに関する研究は最近まで結論が出せないでいた。)

Although Christopher Wilde, director of IARC says that more research needs to be done, he says that “it is important to take pragmatic measures to reduce exposure such as hands-free devices or texting.”(IARC所長のクリストファーワイルド氏は、更なる研究が必要としながらも、ハンズフリーやメールなど、露出を減らす実際的な手段を講ずることが大切と述べている。)


(日本経済新聞 2011年3月19日)
Driven by  falling land prices, the housing demand in Sapporo is showing signs of recovery after the recessionary trend caused by the financial crisis.
There is a buying spree for accessible apartment houses  such as the ones along subway trails.
– which shows a greater tendency among seniors to live in city centers. 
On the other hand, more and more young families choose affordable individual houses built in suburbs where land prices are cheaper.
In this way, the housing market here is evolving towards bipolar extremes.





ソースはUSA TODAYで内容は「measle(はしか)の感染が米国内に与える影響」。

国際空港経由で入国した外国人が、突然高熱を出し、病院へ運ばれた。検査の結果「はしか」と判明。 当局はこの患者の入国経路を詳しく公表し、同時期に同じ場所にいた人間に対し注意を呼び掛ける。だが、当局の懸念はもっと別のところにあった。1998年頃に生まれた子供に対し、はしかワクチン予防注射を見送った父兄が約10万組いたのだ。その当時流布していた学説(はしかワクチンは自閉症を誘発する)を信じ込んだためだった。 その後の研究で学説は否定されたが、ワクチンを打っていないままの子供の数は相当数に上るとみられる。もし彼らにウイルスが伝染したら、高熱だけでなく死にいたる大病に発展しかねない。今後とも予防には十分注意すべし。


Air travelers may have been exposed to measles

By Liz Szabo, USA TODAY

Updated 13m ago |

 21 |  5

Health officials in five states are warning travelers, airport employees and others that they may have been exposed to measles.

In Boston, health departments have been offering vaccinations to people who may have had contact with a 24-year-old French consulate employee there who became sick earlier this month.Health officials are also contacting airport employees who may have come into contact with an unvaccinated 27-year-old New Mexico woman with measles. She flew from the United Kingdom to Washington Dulles International Airport in Virginia Feb. 20, then flew from Baltimore to Denver and Albuquerque on Feb. 22.Passengers who were also traveling on those days should call their doctors if they develop symptoms of measles, officials say. Symptoms begin with a runny nose, red, watery eyes and a fever of 101 degrees or higher, then progress to a red rash that begins on the face and spreads to the rest of the body, according to the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.Anyone infected on those flights could start showing symptoms now, says David Goodfriend, director of the Loudoun County Health Department in Virginia, where Dulles International Airport is located. People typically begin showing symptoms within one to three weeks after being infected. So far, Goodfriend says he hasn’t found anyone with symptoms.Doctors investigate even one case of measles because it’s extremely contagious, Goodfriend says.Thanks to vaccinations, doctors have eliminated measles in the Western Hemisphere, says William Schaffner, an infectious-disease expert at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville. New cases here — about 150 a year or fewer — are typically brought in by people from overseas.”We don’t want measles to be re-introduced here,” Schaffner says.The virus infects more than 80% of unvaccinated people exposed to it, Schaffner says. Measles can linger in the air for two hours and spreads through coughing, sneezing or secretions from the mouth, according to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.”Air currents can take the virus to the far corners of the room and into another room,” Schaffner says. “The current generation of doctors won’t recognize it because they’ve never seen it.”Measles can cause rare but life-threatening side effects, such as pneumonia and brain inflammation, and is especially risky for pregnant women, babies under 1 year old and people with compromised immune systems, Schaffner says.People with symptoms shouldn’t go to work or school, and should call their doctors before showing up in the office, to avoid infecting other patients, according to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.Maintaining a high rate of “herd immunity” protects those babies, who don’t get their first measles shots until they’re 12 months old, Schaffner says.People are considered immune if they were born in the USA before 1957, have had measles or have had two doses of measles vaccine, according to the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. A medication called Immune Globulin can prevent measles if given within six days of exposure.The United Kingdom and Ireland have weathered a number of measles outbreaks since 1998, when the author of a now-discredited article in The Lancet alleged a link between the vaccine and autism. Hundreds of people there were hospitalized and four died, says Paul Offit of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, author of Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All.Myths about an autism-vaccine link — which have been refuted by 14 studies — have led parents of 100,000 children not to vaccinate them, Offit says.Contributing: Associated Press.


「ダムは必要悪だと思っていました」と、今本博健氏は告白する。 河川工学などを専門に、京大教授として約30年。 定年退官し名誉教授となった2001年、近畿を流れる淀川水系のダムの必要性を検証する委員会に加わったときも、「必要なダムはつくらせてくれ」と主張した。 だが個別のダムの功罪を吟味するうち考えを改めた。 今は「ダムの時代は終わる」と断言する。 (北海道新聞 2010年11月14日朝刊)

‘I thought that dams were necessary evils”, he confesses.
Mr.Hirotake Imamoto served as a professor at the University of Kyoto for about thirty years, specializing mainly in river engineering.
Following his retirement in 2001, he became a professor emeritus and joined a committee whose mission was to verify the necessity of dams built across the Yodogawa river and its tributaries in Kinki district.
During all these years, Imamoto used to advocate “Let us build dams if they are needed.”
But then he altered his idea after examining merits and demerits of each dam already built.
Now he asserts “The era of Dams will be over”.





Tomorrow would have been John Lennon’s seventieth birthday.  His widow Yoko Ono said that he dreaded turning forty, but thinking of seventy made him smile. So would the celebration that’s coming.
Peaceful, musical, all over the world. 
Our top rock fan Dan Harris will be right in the thick of it.
So many of us find it so hard to believe that this global icon of youthful rebellion and idealism would now be turning seventy.
A birthday that’s being marked in a big way.
All of John Lennon s solo albums are being rereleased in a box. There’s  
 There’s a new movie coming out that examines the teenage years of the future Beatle.
 I’m John
 And this new PBS documentary takes a look at the last decade of Lennon’s life.
 So, I had to contribute something.
 The documentary also contains rare home movies of the five years that Lennon took off from music to raise his son, Sean.
 I looked after the baby and I made the bread and I was a househusband and I’m proud of it.
 Even this active domesticity was radical.
For a father to be as involved in raising his family and making that a priority.
That  wasn’t – in the ’70s, you know that wasn’t a really thing that you  saw so much.
 Yoko Ono has said she is surprised by all the activity around her husband’s birthday.
But it is a testament to his enduring appeal.
 Life and career of John Lennon, singer song writer, symbol of an era, dead at forty.
 Nearly thirty years after he was shot and killed outside of his apartment building in New York City . Today, right across the street in the part of central park named strawberry fields in honor of John Lennon and his music.
So many of the songs are now , part of, you know, singalongs in nursery schools and lullabies and just the music that you grow up with when you live on this planet.
 And the world will live as one.
 And here we are at strawberry fields as the sun goes down.
And George, it’s worth noting that people visit this place pretty much every day of the year, rain or shine, and tomorrow on Lennon’s actual birthday, the crowd is expected to be huge.
More evidence that 30 years after he died, John Lennon still matters

33名全員生存!!! Trapped Chilean miners send note saying they are alive!


炭鉱町で育った私にはこういう事件がどうしても他人事に思えません。 早く無事に帰れることを祈りたいです。


A riveting human drama thousands of feet below the earth. (地下数千フィートのところでものすごい人間ドラマが起きています)Thirty-three Chilean miners facing months of life now at a tiny cavern. (小さな洞窟で、何か月も暮らすことになる33名のチリの鉱夫たち)The mine collapsed two and a half weeks ago they sent up a scribbled message XXXXX (2週間と少し前にこの鉱山は崩落しました。そして中に居た彼らが地上に向け手書きのメッセージを送ってきたのです。)

And now the incredible struggle began to get them food, water, and hope for the weeks of rescue may require.(信じられない戦いが始まりました。中に居る彼らに食糧、水、そして(救出には何週間もかかるが、きっと助かるという)希望を送り込む戦いでした。Jeffrey  Kofman is in Chile tonight. (ジェフリーコフマンがチリに飛んでいます。) 

This video taken by an underground probe confirmed the news. (地下探索機を用いて撮ったビデオが、このニュースを裏付けました。)All thirty-three men are alive. you can see one of them here. 33名すべてが生存しているのです。いま一人が映って見えますね)The men there journeyed down seven miles of zigzagging tunnel when a section of the copper mine collapsed. (彼らは鉱山の中の11キロにおよぶジグザグトンネルを下りていった時、落盤が発生しました)After two weeks of seven failed attempts, yesterday rescuers drilled a six inch wide hole two thousand two hundred and fifty-eight feet down. (その後2週間にわたり、7度の救出作戦が行われましたがすべて失敗。そこで昨日、ドリルで直径15センチ程度の穴を740メートルの深さまで掘ったのです。)When they heard banging, they sent down a tiny camera.(やがて大きな轟音が聞こえたところで、彼らは小さなカメラを落下させました。)

When it came back to a surface,there was a note from the  eldest of the miners,63-year-old Mario Gomez.(それを頂上に戻してみたら、小さな紙切れが一緒に付いてきたのです。63歳の長老炭鉱夫マリオゴメズさんからのものでした。)

“I want to tell everyone that I’m good”, he wrote to his wife. “And we’ll surely come out OK.”  (それは奥さんに宛てた手紙でした。元気だということを皆に伝えたい。ここに居るみんなが無事に帰るつもりでいることを伝えたい、という内容でした) The news was met with euphoria by anxious families and anxious nation.(全員生存のニュースに家族も国民も喜びました。) 

“We are happy”, says Katarine Abalone, whose brother is trapped underground, “this is what we’ve been waiting seventeen days to  hear”.  (とてもうれしいです、17日間待っていた言葉でした。こう語るのは兄弟が閉じ込められたカタリンアバロンさんです)The thirty-three men are surviving under grueling conditions in a six hundred square foot refuge about the size of a hotel room.(この33名の鉱夫は55平方メートル、およそホテルの一室と同じ程度の広さの場所で生き延びています。ですが環境は大変にきびしい状態にあります) The temperature ninety-five degrees with a humidity at ninety-five percent.  (摂氏35度、湿度95%They have some electricity from a truck engine for light.(近くにあったトラックのエンジンから電気を取り、照明として使っているようです) They used a backhoe to dig into the dirt floor of the mine to find drinking water. (またバケット付きの掘削機を使って地面を掘り、飲み水を発見しました)

鉱山安全健康ニュース社編集長エレンスミス氏、 People may say this is not successful because these men are trapped. (鉱夫が閉じ込められたのだから、この鉱山計画は失敗だった、と言うかもしれませんが)I say this is incredibly successful because these men  survived and they’re going to be able to survive.(私はむしろ成功だったと思っている。こうして生存が確認され、生きて帰ってこようとしているのだから)


Down the six-inch shaft, rescuers are now lowering, the saltwater, gel tablets and medicine to help nurse the men back from the brink of starvation. (中に閉じこめられた人を飢餓から救いだすため、地上の救出部隊はその15センチの穴を使って塩水やゼリー菓子、薬品を下へおろしています)It’s believed that they’ve been living off a 48-hour supply of food. (彼らは少なく見積もっても48時間は食糧が無い状態だったとみられています)To rescue the trapped men, they will dig a wider 27 inch bore hole.(人間を救出するため68センチの穴をドリルで開ける用意があるそうです) The men will be raised up one at a time, but two are reportedly obese and it’s not clear how they will fit.(そうすれば、中の人間を一気に持ち上げて地表まで運ぶことになります。ただ肥満者が2名いると伝えられているので、彼らの身体が納まるのかどうか明らかになってはいません) All this could take a month but it may take until Christmas. (このすべての作業には一か月、いやクリスマス頃までかかるかもしれません) Mario Gomez seemed to sense that in the note he scrolled to his wife ” patience and faith”, he wrote,  god is great and the help of my god is going to make it possible to leave this mine alive. (マリオゴメズ氏もそれを感じ取っているらしく、奥さんあてのメモには「忍耐と信心、偉大な神の助けでここから生きて出られるだろう」と書かれてありました。) We know the men have enough air  to breathe and we now know they have enough  food to eat. (彼らには十分な水と充分な食料が届いたことが明らかになりました) What is not clear is whether they know how long it may take to rescue them. Diane? (明らかになっていなのは、救出にどれだけ時間がかかるか、です。ダイアナさん)


Divers find 230-year old champagne in Baltic wreck バルト海で230年前のシャンパン発見!!!

 1780年ごろのシャンパンが完ぺきな状態で見つかりました。製造年に間違いなければフランス革命よりも前につくられたことになります。 いやーロマンがあるなあ。 ちょっとだけ飲んでみたい・・・と思いつつ「大五郎」を口にする私でした。(悲)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8S5i9afMRXo 動画をご覧になりたい方はクリック願います。

A bit of bubbly for divers in finland enjoying a sunken treasure that hasn’t seen the light of day in centuries.(何世紀もの間海に沈んだままだった宝物を見つけ、フィンランドの潜水士が騒いでいます)The divers exploring a ship wreck in the baltic sea found 30 bottles of champagne believed to HAVE BEEN MADE IN THE 1780s, before the French revolution. (バルト海に沈んだ難破船を探検していたら、1780年ごろのものとみられるシャンペンボトルが30本見つかったのです。フランス革命よりも前のものということになります)They popped the cork on one bottle and said it still tastes fantastic.(1本のコルクを開けたところ、味は上々だったとか) If the date is confirmed it would be the oldest drinkable champagne in the world. (製造日付が確認されれば世界で一番古いシャンペンとなるでしょう)Each bottle could fetch about $70,000 at auction.


ドライブスルーの窓を叩き割って懲役60日と罰金13万円Angry Mcnugget Fan Punched Drive-through Window


Here is more evidence that while venting your rage might feel good, it just doesn’t pay.(腹いせに怒りをぶちまけても割に合わないという証拠がもうひとつここに出てきました)Take a look at what happened when an Ohio woman was denied her dose of Morning Mcnuggets.(チキンナジェットを断られたオハイオの女性。その後何が起こったか見てみましょう) At the drive-up window she was told that nuggets were not on the breakfast menu.(ドライブスルーでの窓で、彼女は朝のメニューにナジェットはないと言われました) And that is when she went bizarre. (その時彼女は豹変し) You can see her there swinging at the employee, eventually breaking the entire drive-through window.(従業員に襲いかかって窓を割ったのです)

That bit of rage cost her sixty days in jail and fifteen hundred dollars in damages.(これだけのことで、懲役60日と損害賠償1500ドルが科せられました)


昨日の時事英語研究会例会で取り上げた記事です。 今までで一番難しい気がします。 試訳を載せますのでご意見をたまわりたく。

Google this week abandoned “Wave,” its much-hyped social collaboration tool. Wave was perhaps the prototypical Google product: Technically advanced, incredibly ambitious and near-impossible to use.
「ウエーブ」はおそらく同社の先駆者的な製品であった。 技術的に高度で、驚くほど野心に満ち溢れ、しかしほとんど使えない。

Its demise is the canary in the coal mine for Google’s social networking plans: Facebook is destined to build the Web’s next wave, as Google continues to tread water. グーグル社の社会ネットワーキング計画にとり、ウエーブの終焉は鉱山のカナリアそのものである。 ウエブの次世代を築く運命にあるのはFACEBOOKだ、というのもグーグル社が努力の割には成果を見ていないからだ。

Wave was a testament to Google’s technical prowess: A real-time communication platform that combined elements of instant messaging, e-mail and collaboration software. 「ウエーブ」はグーグル社技術が大胆な行動に出たことを裏付ける証しだった。IMや電子メール、コラボソフトの各要素を組み合わせたリアルタイムの通信環境ちなるはずだったからだ。

The only problem: With its many dials and switches, mastering Wave was the web equivalent of programming your VCR.



Few users took the time to understand the product, and mainstream adoption proved unattainable.


It’s the same fate that awaited Google’s other recent foray into the social realm: Google Buzz. (グーグル社はこのほかにもソーシャルネットワーク領域への進出を図ったことがあった。「グーグルバズ」がそれだ。 「ウエーブ」は「グーグルバズ」と同じ運命をたどることとなった。 This Twitter-like service seemed smart in theory, but Google’s inability to build simple and compelling social tools meant the service was perceived as a nuisance rather than a breakthrough.このツイッターに似たサービスは、理論上は有能に見えた。 だがグーグル社がこれを分かりやすくて心をつかむようなツールに出来なかった。そのためこのサービスは、飛躍的な前進という見方をされずに迷惑なものとしての印象を持たれてしまった。

All of which must have Mark Zuckerberg rubbing his hands together in glee. これらの事で、Facebook創始者マークザッカーバーグ氏は大いに喜んでいることだろう。

While Google is one of the few companies large enough to build a significant social network, Google Wave’s demise is further proof that these efforts (rumored to be called “Google Me“) are destined to fail. グーグルは重要なソーシャルネットワークを構築するできる数少ない会社の一社であるけれども、 「ウエーブ」の終焉はかれらの努力(グーグルミーと呼ばれているそうだ)が失敗する運命にあることをさらに示す証拠となった。

Like Wave, Google Me will likely be a work of technical wizardry too advanced for us mere mortals to understand. ウエーブ同様、グーグルミーも、我々素人には難しすぎて理解できないハイテク製品になるだろう。

Google’s failure to develop engaging social services is more disastrous than it might seem at first.ソーシャルネットワークへのサービス展開にグーグル社が失敗したことは、当初そう思えた時よりもいっそう壊滅的になっている。

Social networking is no longer just a time-waster for young people — it now reaches all demographics and encompasses personalized search, highly targeted advertising and the red-hot social gaming trend. (ソーシャルネットワークはもはや若い人のヒマつぶしではなく、すべての年齢層に行き渡り、特定個人検索や高度に的を絞った宣伝広告、熱狂的な社会ゲームの傾向をすべて網羅したものとなっている。)

As Facebook builds a user base of more than 500 million people, it also stockpiles the personal information required to provide more comprehensive ad targeting — and a more personalized search engine — than Google could ever hope to engineer through algorithms alone.


Google isn’t unaware of this predicament: The company is throwing its resources behind a plan to escape its social networking slump. But short of a miracle — an acquisition of Facebook nemesis Twitter, perhaps — Google won’t become a socialite anytime soon.

グーグル社はこの苦境を知らないわけではない。 ソ-シャルネットワーク事業の不振から脱却するための計画を掲げる裏で資産の売却をおこなっている。

だが、フェースブックや到底かなわない敵であるツイッターを買収するというような奇跡にはおよばないだろう。 グーグル社が社交界の名士になれるのはまだ先のことだ。