45歳で20人目の子! すごいぜ!







0:42 ダンナさんのコメント。
 I don’t know how it happened. なぜこのようになったのでしょうね。

0:49 インタビュアー

Were you planning for twenty without a goal?


0:53 (ミシェルさん)

This is the farthest part we’ve gone. I mean typically 16 to 18 months apart. So we’re kind of thinking it might be our last.

(次の子が生まれるまでの期間が)今回は一番長くなりました。普通だと16から18か月で次の子が生まれていましたから。 だから(19人目で)終わりかな、と考えていたんですよ。

1:22 (インタビュアー) Why isn’t nineteen enough for you? (なんで19人で十分だと思わなかったの?)

1:26 (ミシェルさん)

We always have the motto around our house ‘There’s always room for one more. もうひとり子供を持つ余裕がわが家にはある、というモットーを常に持っています。


1:38 (夫ジムさん)

We just have one that got married, so  we’ve made room for another one. ひとり結婚して出て行ったので、もう一人(子供を住まわせる)余裕ができたんです。


We diden’t want to stop on odd numbered yet.(子供の数を)奇数で終わらせたくなかった。


2:57 (長男のコメント)

It is unique whewn you have uncles younger than you are.










鏡を見ていたら、顔にシミが出てきた。なんだろうと考えてても原因が浮かばない。 やがて、若いときに料理をしていて油が顔にハネた時のやけどだと思い出した。そのときは、跡がすぐに消えたので気にとめなかった。今になって復活するとは、とんだ招かれざる客だ。

The other day I was looking into my mirror and found some smudges over my face.
I wasn’t sure why so I wondered for a while.
Finally I came up with the cause. (which I believe is the real cause.) They
are the burn scars that I had when I was younger.
While I was cooking , some cooking oil splashed over my face, leaving me
some scars.
A little while later, the scars were less noticeable. So I didn’t pay much
attention to them, to say nothing of giving care.
Years passed by, those scars showed up again.  It feels like having some
unwanted guests showing up at my house.

Turning Japanese






A GOVERNMENT’S credibility is founded on its commitment to honour its debts. As a result of the dramas of the past few weeks, that crucial commodity is eroding in the West. 政府に対する信頼とは、債務を引き受けて期日に返済する責任に基づくものだ。だがこの数週間に起きたドラマの結果、この責任感が西側諸国で崩れている。

In the early days of the economic crisis the West’s leaders did a reasonable job of clearing up a mess that was only partly of their making. Now the politicians have become the problem. 以前に経済危機が起きたとき、西側諸国の指導者たちは「混乱を取り除く」という職務をしっかりと遂行していた。それが彼らの能力の一部分にすぎなかった。 今では政治家そのものが問題となっている。

The West’s leaders are not willing to make tough choices; and everybody—the markets, the leaders of the emerging world, the banks, even the voters—knows it.


The world has seen this before. Two decades ago, Japan’s economic bubble popped; since then its leaders have procrastinated and postured.


Its economy has barely grown and its regional influence has withered.


As a proportion of GDP, its gross public debt is the highest in the world, twice America’s and nearly twice Italy’s. 借金の総額を対GDP比でみると、アメリカやイタリアの2倍に相当する。

If something similar were to happen to its fellow democracies in Europe and America, the consequences would be far larger.似たようなことが欧米の民主主義国家で起こったなら、その結末ははるかに大きなものとなろう。

No wonder China’s autocrats, flush with cash and an (only partly deserved) reputation for getting things done, feel as if the future is on their side.


Japan’s politicians had umpteen chances to change course; and the longer they avoided doing so, the harder it became. Their peers in the West should heed that example. かつて日本が方向を転換できるチャンスは多く存在した。それを避ける時間が長くなるほど、その転換が難しいものになった。西側諸国はこの実例にもっと留意すべきだろう。




とうきびです。 うーん、低温の日々が続くせいか、成長が遅いです・・・

ピーマン。 まあまあ、といったところでしょうか。 チンジャオロースにして食べるのが夢。

じゃがいも。 今年初めての挑戦です。 白い花が咲いてきれい。 土寄せが不十分だったせいか、一部倒れてしまいました。(悲)

 なすび。 これも初めての挑戦です。 紫色の花は結構つくのだけれど、なかなか実がならないです。 肥料が足りないのかなあ?

きゅうり。 やったあ、大成功! スーパーで売ってるやつより太くて立派なのができました。 冷蔵庫でひんやりと冷やして、味噌つけてたべよう。


同姓同名でエライ迷惑! ケイトミドルトンさん。



Two weeks from now, Prince William’s fiancee,Kate Middleton, will be married. Everhybody in the world will be watching.
Probably there’s a lot of attention being paid to this next person, the other Kate Middleton.
Right. The one in Concord, Massachussetes WCBB’s Emera Brenda met her.
The phone call was the another request for an interview with Kate MIddleton at the bicycle shop in Concord , where she has worked for about six years. This is the Kate MIddleton that Facebook thought was a fake.
I had an e-mail from them saying that they had indeed deactivated my account freezing my fake name.
So I had to e-mail them to say “I am in fact Kate Middleton. I have nothing to do with the lady in England.
She got her facebook account back where she mostly posted pictures of her dogs.
She and her friends have had some phones with the whole Kate Middleton royal wedding things.
But there’s been some druggery too.
I don’t print my card out here at shop anymore, business cards. Because I don’t really want to go through the whole thing like “Oh, you’re Kate Middleton. Oh yeah. When is the wedding? How come are you still here at work? Shouldn’t you be doing your princess duties?
Middleton says her name first became an issue about six years ago. She applied for a job and the person doing the interview googled Kate Middleton.
When I got a call back, the person said “Well, I didn’t know you were dating with Prince William.” And I said “Well, I didn’t know that either. What are you talking about?”
Since then, Middleton, born and bred in Louisville Kentucky, googled her own name and found some interesting stuff.
I even found some articles where they had extrapolated information from an interview from me in Google and put it into an article about the woman dating prince William as if I was her.
And despite the presumably fabulous life of the woman who would be queen, this Middleton thought about Prince William.
Not my type.
She does wish for them happiness, privacy, and long lives, and can’t wait for all the good luck to pass.


本日の日経記事より抜粋しました。 今年の夏は本当に厳しい試練になりそうです。

An original plan was filed by the Ministry of economy, trade, and Industry on how to maintain a balance between electricity demand and supply for the coming summer months.
Based on the article 27 of the Electric Business Act, the bill takes a few steps forward – such as the 25 to 30% reduction on the maximum power consumption by large quantity users such as big factories.
Prior to this, the major manufactuing sectors, such as automotive, electrical equipment, metal production, have already started working on the countermeasures.  But the hurdle is high for drastically cutting down on power consumption. 




ソースはUSA TODAYで内容は「measle(はしか)の感染が米国内に与える影響」。

国際空港経由で入国した外国人が、突然高熱を出し、病院へ運ばれた。検査の結果「はしか」と判明。 当局はこの患者の入国経路を詳しく公表し、同時期に同じ場所にいた人間に対し注意を呼び掛ける。だが、当局の懸念はもっと別のところにあった。1998年頃に生まれた子供に対し、はしかワクチン予防注射を見送った父兄が約10万組いたのだ。その当時流布していた学説(はしかワクチンは自閉症を誘発する)を信じ込んだためだった。 その後の研究で学説は否定されたが、ワクチンを打っていないままの子供の数は相当数に上るとみられる。もし彼らにウイルスが伝染したら、高熱だけでなく死にいたる大病に発展しかねない。今後とも予防には十分注意すべし。


Air travelers may have been exposed to measles

By Liz Szabo, USA TODAY

Updated 13m ago |

 21 |  5

Health officials in five states are warning travelers, airport employees and others that they may have been exposed to measles.

In Boston, health departments have been offering vaccinations to people who may have had contact with a 24-year-old French consulate employee there who became sick earlier this month.Health officials are also contacting airport employees who may have come into contact with an unvaccinated 27-year-old New Mexico woman with measles. She flew from the United Kingdom to Washington Dulles International Airport in Virginia Feb. 20, then flew from Baltimore to Denver and Albuquerque on Feb. 22.Passengers who were also traveling on those days should call their doctors if they develop symptoms of measles, officials say. Symptoms begin with a runny nose, red, watery eyes and a fever of 101 degrees or higher, then progress to a red rash that begins on the face and spreads to the rest of the body, according to the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.Anyone infected on those flights could start showing symptoms now, says David Goodfriend, director of the Loudoun County Health Department in Virginia, where Dulles International Airport is located. People typically begin showing symptoms within one to three weeks after being infected. So far, Goodfriend says he hasn’t found anyone with symptoms.Doctors investigate even one case of measles because it’s extremely contagious, Goodfriend says.Thanks to vaccinations, doctors have eliminated measles in the Western Hemisphere, says William Schaffner, an infectious-disease expert at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville. New cases here — about 150 a year or fewer — are typically brought in by people from overseas.”We don’t want measles to be re-introduced here,” Schaffner says.The virus infects more than 80% of unvaccinated people exposed to it, Schaffner says. Measles can linger in the air for two hours and spreads through coughing, sneezing or secretions from the mouth, according to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.”Air currents can take the virus to the far corners of the room and into another room,” Schaffner says. “The current generation of doctors won’t recognize it because they’ve never seen it.”Measles can cause rare but life-threatening side effects, such as pneumonia and brain inflammation, and is especially risky for pregnant women, babies under 1 year old and people with compromised immune systems, Schaffner says.People with symptoms shouldn’t go to work or school, and should call their doctors before showing up in the office, to avoid infecting other patients, according to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.Maintaining a high rate of “herd immunity” protects those babies, who don’t get their first measles shots until they’re 12 months old, Schaffner says.People are considered immune if they were born in the USA before 1957, have had measles or have had two doses of measles vaccine, according to the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. A medication called Immune Globulin can prevent measles if given within six days of exposure.The United Kingdom and Ireland have weathered a number of measles outbreaks since 1998, when the author of a now-discredited article in The Lancet alleged a link between the vaccine and autism. Hundreds of people there were hospitalized and four died, says Paul Offit of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, author of Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All.Myths about an autism-vaccine link — which have been refuted by 14 studies — have led parents of 100,000 children not to vaccinate them, Offit says.Contributing: Associated Press.




この朝食のテーブルに座っている人たちは、この日主人公に降りかかる災難に関係する人々。 どうやらバスの運転手と数学の教師のようですね。動画サイトは下記をクリック。


(主人公) GREAT. 
(主人公) : みんなおはよう。今日の予定はどうなってる?
(バス運転手) 朝7時半のスクールバスに乗り遅れ、学校まで歩いて行かねばならないことになっています。
(主人公) よろしい。
(数学教師) 9時15分にあなたの一番嫌いな数学の抜き打ちテストをおこないます。
(主人公) オレンジジュース飲んどこうっと。
least favorite の部分は何度トライしても聴き取れなかったので近所のマイクさんの世話になりました。
ちなみにpop quizとは、抜き打ちの小テストを意味するんだそうです。面白い表現ですね。



AP 通信が発信した佑ちゃんフィーバー

地元鎌ヶ谷市での熱狂ぶりを”rock star welcome” (ロックスターの様な歓迎ぶり)と表現したAP. 


Rookie Saito creating fan, media frenzy


Nippon Ham Fighters rookie pitcher Yuki Saito has  received “a rock star welcome” from fans at the team’s training facilities in Chiba Prefecture.

About 2,500 fans were out to see his first training with fellow rookies on Wednesday, after the 22-year-old former Waseda University standout’s move into the team’s dormitory made the front page of almost all sports newspapers in Japan.

Saito began with a light workout, only running, playing catch and doing some fielding practice, and the fans kept watching his every move on a chilly day.

“It feels good to go out there and work out,” Saito said. “The first day of training has motivated me even more to jump-start my pro career. I want all these people to see me pitch on the top team mound as early as possible.”

Saito became a national hero when he led Waseda Jitsugyo to the national high school championship title in August 2006.

He opted to play college baseball rather than turn pro.

His rival Masahiro Tanaka, who lost to Saito in the high school championship final, joined the Rakuten Eagles as their top 2006 draft pick and won the Rookie of the Year award in 2007 on his way to becoming an established star pitcher in Japan.

In college, Saito became the only sixth pitcher to reach 30 wins and 300 strikeouts in the Tokyo Big Six League.

“Just seeing him run, I can tell he has strong athletic ability,” said Nippon Ham manager Masataka Nashida, who came to the training.

“Now is only the preparatory stage. I don’t want him to rush anything. I just expect him to take time to build physical strength.”