


Last Tuesday, July 21st, several figure-heads of the technology giant Toshiba held a press conference, relating to the recently discovered act of the inflating of profit and expenditure figures from March of 2009 to December 2014, amounting to a total of ¥151 billion.



The press conference was held by all three leaders, including the current CEO of the company. They have expressed their apologies to the press by bowing their heads; admitting that the figures were indeed, incorrect for that span of time, all within their terms.



Though they recognized the “inflated” numbers, they denied the allegations that the directive of willfully changing the information came from them.




I remember, during my overseas assignment in 1980s, I was feeling homesick and really didn’t enjoy my life there because of the racial harassments and so on.



Then, as I was watching TV, I saw a Toshiba commercial; it instantly improved my mood! The short screen time gave me much pride and courage to push on with my stay in that city, as it reminded me of how great things are back home. I felt good that a Japanese company is still doing well over the years.


僕だけじゃない。 きっと多くの企業戦士がそのCMに勇気づけられたことでしょう。
It’s not only me but also a lot of corporate worriers who were given courage and pride by the commercial.

しっかりしろ東芝! Pull yourself together.



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