
6月に行われた英検の1次筆記試験結果が発表されました。The results of the Eiken 1st stage tests have been announced.

私の生徒からは、5級一人、3級二人、そして2級一人が関門を突破。Among my classes whom I have taught this previous season, I am proud to announce that one of my students passed the 5th Grade Eiken Examination from this recent session, while two of my female pupils and a senior high boy  passed the 3rd and 2 nd level, respectively.

ですが一方で、準2級で三名、2級で一名が不合格でした。 On the other hand, unfortunately, three of my apprentices didn’t make it through the Pre-2 Exam, and one through 2nd grade.

合格するに十分な実力があると思い、送り出しました。なので責任を感じます。I feel responsible for having told them to take a chance. I was confident that all of them were well enough to succeed.

得点結果表を見るとライティングテストが以前より厳しく採点されている気がしました。Looking at their score reports, I felt that their writing tests were graded more strictly than before.

今回から英作文テストの採点にAIが初めて導入されたそうですが、そのことと関係があるのでしょうか?Does it have anything to do with the fact that the Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been introdiced to mark the writing tests for the first time?

採点基準が変わったかもしれないのに、詳しく知らされず受験料を払った人たちがかわいそうですよ。I feel sorry for the people who paid money for the test and not well informed of the possible change in EIKEN’s grading standard.