一年で23キロやせた男性の秘訣とは?How he lost 50 pounds in a year?




Many of us struggle for a weight on the daily basis. 

But for Ed Ugel, this battle of the bulge was so tough he decided to get serious about it.

He set off on a year-long quest to lose fifty pounds and regain his health, which he documented in his new book “I’m with fatty”.


And Ed Ugel is here to tell us more about it. Welcome Ed. Good to see you.

Thanks for having me. 

What motivated  you to start on this difficult journey in the first place?

That was born out of a health issue.


I thought that I was getting chubby around the middle  and chin. but it turns out that my wife taped me sleeping and my snoring was so bad that it turned out it was  sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea of course is when you stop breathing in your sleep, which is not a good thing.


And that’s related to weight.


That’s related to weight.

There’s not an absolute cause or effect. My doctor would put it that way. But once I put the weight on, the apnea showed up and when I lost the weight the apnea disappeared.

So at least for me, that was the motivating factor.


Now in this book you are very honest about the difficulties you went through in losing weight and coming to terms with the fact that you were a food addict.

Could you tell us about that?

You know I’m a lover of food like many people are. But I think when you wake up in the middle of the night and find yourself with a piece of steak in one hand and pint of Ben and Jerry’s in the other, you realize maybe you have gone past the point of no return. So for me it was really trying to find a way to isolate what was passion versus what was really an addiction. And that was something that I needed  to change through the rest of my life.

So how hard is it to find a healthy relationship to food for someone who obviously loves food so much.

Well I don’t think it’s as hard as it sounds. For me it’s about moderation and will. What I try to do is cook my way out of this problem.

When I’m in the kitchen and I’m cooking as much as I love to cook. And my food I think is delicious. It’s not really that unhealthy.

Just naturally I cook  a relatively healthy meal

It’s  when you are eating out of styrofoam boxes at a Chinese takeout that I really get myself in trouble, I’d like to think that’s really par for the course for a lot of the country .

Yeah, I think that’s a bit taken away from your book that if you learn to cook for yourself, you’ll ultimately eat a lot more healthy. Going out to eat is often the worst way we can eat.

Well I think it’s almost impossible to cook as badly and poorly as for yourself.


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