

  I felt sad at the grocery store today. It’s about vegetables produced in Ibaraki and neighboring prefectures that are currently affected by the radiation. Cabbages, sweet potatoes, and all other greens were sold at clearance prices. This is strange. It’s only spinach and milk that have been banned. People are overreacting too much. …That’s why. 
I feel sorry for the farmers. They are innocent victims.

おかしくね? このニュース。

②なぜTV局は、拉致(abducted)という言葉を用いるのか?⇒ 根拠も無しにこんな極端な言葉を使うのは、視聴率を稼ぎたいからなんでしょ、ABCさん?
If I get to see my kids again, then I’ll definitely want to give my heart, kiss and say I love you very much. And I’ll also say that this is not your fault. What’s happened to my kids is just wrong.
And it was unforunate that they’ve been separated from me, from her loving father in their lives. I really can’t wait to be a part of their life again and
I can’t wait to be reunited with my children so I can hold them and love them and hug them again
jus like I used to right before the abduction.
I’d say Keisuke,  I love you and miss you so very much. Everyday is so hard just to get through. Your granma Joan misses you. Cousins,McKenzie and Reily, your uncle Rod and Daina. I haven’t forgotten you. We are gonna stop fighting for you.
I can’t wait to  see you again. I just… I miss you so much. I pray everyday tha  today is the day that I’ll see your ?????? again. I love you.
All I can say is I’m not gonna give up.
I want my daughter home. I’ll continue to fight. And my daughter knows this. Hopefully the Japanese knows this. The state department knows this. My daughter is coming home, she’s an American.
Erika was abducted when she was night months old. So she’s been a part of my life for a nine,tenth of her life. I was only a life of her for the first one tenth of this. So she won’t remember me. So what I really want to say to her is “Erika. I do want to get to know you. I do want you to be my daughter, I want to be your father. I want you to meet… You have  many relatives who love you here in the states. Much a great deal of family , aunts, uncles and cousins and your grandparents who are hanging on to life, waiting for the chance to meet you, and to get to know you. So we are all waiting for you here with our arms wide open for a big hug when you come. I just can’t  wait to get to know you someday. I love you. 




この朝食のテーブルに座っている人たちは、この日主人公に降りかかる災難に関係する人々。 どうやらバスの運転手と数学の教師のようですね。動画サイトは下記をクリック。


(主人公) GREAT. 
(主人公) : みんなおはよう。今日の予定はどうなってる?
(バス運転手) 朝7時半のスクールバスに乗り遅れ、学校まで歩いて行かねばならないことになっています。
(主人公) よろしい。
(数学教師) 9時15分にあなたの一番嫌いな数学の抜き打ちテストをおこないます。
(主人公) オレンジジュース飲んどこうっと。
least favorite の部分は何度トライしても聴き取れなかったので近所のマイクさんの世話になりました。
ちなみにpop quizとは、抜き打ちの小テストを意味するんだそうです。面白い表現ですね。



英作文チャレンジコーナー(はいはい道新) Hokkaido Newspaper “Readers’ voice column”


毎日通勤で通る道で気になっていることがあります。いつも通るその道は冬は車一台分くらいの幅しか除雪されておらず、歩道は除雪後の雪が山積み。近く小学校に通う子どもたちは仕方なく車道を歩くしかありません。車とすれ違う時は交通事故に巻き込まれるのではないかといつもひやひやします。幹線道路の除雪も大事ですが、子どもたちの安全のためにも通学路の歩道を最優先で除雪してほしいものです。(1月31日 道新)

There’s something on my mind about the road I take everyday on my way to work. For this road, the snow shoveling is not done enough, making it as wide as a single car lane.

The shoveled snow gets pushed aside, blocking people from walking on the sidewalks. Thus, children going to school or a facility have no option but to walk on the road instead. It makes me shiver every time I see cars passing by, causing me to fear the  kids might get involved in an accident.

It’s important to clear trunk roads of snow. But I want the authority to carry out snow clearance on school roads for school children’s safety .

英作文チャレンジコーナー(はいはい道新) Hokkaido Newspaper “Readers’ voice column”

家庭菜園でピーマンを栽培していますが、こんなのは見たことがなくびっくりしました。ひょとしたら何かいいことがある前兆かもしれないですね。夫は「宝くじでも買っておけ」ですって。(北海道新聞 2011年1月25日)
I bought a paprika, a vegetable that looks like Japanese “peeman”, for my cooking purpose.
It was big and yellow.
There were some bruises near the calyx, so I thought of cutting it into round slices.
As soon as I cut it open, there was  another paprika of the same color inside.  It looked like an unborn baby growing inside.
I grow “peeman” (green peppers) in my own vegetable garden, but nothing like this happened to me before.
Maybe this is a sign of good luck.
 “Why not buy some lottery tickets?” says my husband.








The more freezing rain is falling right now that’s on top of the half inch of ice that pretty much coats everything around

And across this part of the country, it is proving to be a big danger for drivers.


This SUV is spinning in circles. Barreling out of control, downhill, with just one way to stop. Seconds later, it started all over again.Parked cars were like pinball bumpers to this driver. The brakes, no use. The wild rides continued.

A convoy of collisions on this Pittsburgh street, even as crash victims like these children, were escaping the mounting wreckage.  In Pittsburgh alone, forty-five crashes choked up to ice.  At least seventy people treated in the E.R.(emergency room) for slips and falls.  

The storm packed with sleet and freezing rain moved further, northeast to near Boston, where instead of driving, cars were skating. 


The hills. It’s tough on the hills. In New Haven Conneticut, a backwards approach to drive home.  

Parking lots and streets looked like ice links.


We just started sliding and stopped, because I didn’t want to hit the car over here. Dropping rain and dropping temperature is not the only problem for this storm. Another ten ionches of snow could fall in parts of northern new England. And other places are suffering too. In Genessee county, Michigan, a dramatic rescue.


Look closely under this semi…  There is a car down there. A driver was pinned inside. He had spun out.

The truck driver tried to avoid him, but instead they both wound up in the ditch. Hard to believe judging from this damage, but somehow the driver escaped unhurt.


Back here in Conneticut, some seven hundred emergency calls came pouring in to state police yesterday during the morning rush.


Robin ther are hoping for a quieter one today.

Look at the background. All the snow still on the streets and piled up high there in Cheshire.




AP 通信が発信した佑ちゃんフィーバー

地元鎌ヶ谷市での熱狂ぶりを”rock star welcome” (ロックスターの様な歓迎ぶり)と表現したAP. 


Rookie Saito creating fan, media frenzy


Nippon Ham Fighters rookie pitcher Yuki Saito has  received “a rock star welcome” from fans at the team’s training facilities in Chiba Prefecture.

About 2,500 fans were out to see his first training with fellow rookies on Wednesday, after the 22-year-old former Waseda University standout’s move into the team’s dormitory made the front page of almost all sports newspapers in Japan.

Saito began with a light workout, only running, playing catch and doing some fielding practice, and the fans kept watching his every move on a chilly day.

“It feels good to go out there and work out,” Saito said. “The first day of training has motivated me even more to jump-start my pro career. I want all these people to see me pitch on the top team mound as early as possible.”

Saito became a national hero when he led Waseda Jitsugyo to the national high school championship title in August 2006.

He opted to play college baseball rather than turn pro.

His rival Masahiro Tanaka, who lost to Saito in the high school championship final, joined the Rakuten Eagles as their top 2006 draft pick and won the Rookie of the Year award in 2007 on his way to becoming an established star pitcher in Japan.

In college, Saito became the only sixth pitcher to reach 30 wins and 300 strikeouts in the Tokyo Big Six League.

“Just seeing him run, I can tell he has strong athletic ability,” said Nippon Ham manager Masataka Nashida, who came to the training.

“Now is only the preparatory stage. I don’t want him to rush anything. I just expect him to take time to build physical strength.”

英作文チャレンジコーナー(はいはい道新) Hokkaido Newspaper “Readers’ voice column”

地産地消をうたった懸賞に私と夫の名前で2通応募しました。あまり期待せずにいたところ、主催者から当選の知らせがあり、希望した魚の一夜干しセットが届きました。大好物のツボダイのほかホッケ、カレイ、など5種類の干物が10点ほど入っていて夫婦で大喜びです。六日間続けて夕飯でいただきましたが、日頃スーパーで購入している干物とは違い、どれも特上品で大満足でした。久々にうれしい思いを味わいましたよ。(北海道新聞 2011年1月17日号)
My husband and I signed for a prize contest whose slogan was “Produce locally, consume locally”. We sent in two applications with our names respectively.
Though not expecting to win, we got a notice from the authority that we won the prize, a set of “Ichiyaboshi ” or overnight dried fish we had wished for.
There were about ten fish of five species, such as my favorite Tsubodai (Japanese armorhead), Hokke (Atka mackerel), Karei (Flatfish).
We were both pleased with the prize.  We ate them for dinner for six consecutive days.  All of them were of high quality and not the kind that you can get at a regular superstore. We never had tasted happy moments like this for a long time.

海外でも報道、タイガーマスクのイイ話。Tiger Mask repaying welfare facilities, spurs outburst of charity

虎だッ、虎だっ、お前は虎になるのだ。 タアーッツ! 我が世代のヒーロー、タイガーマスク(伊達直人)の名を借りて善行をおこなう男の姿が海外でも報じられています。


ディクテーションのやりがいがありました。 この運動が世界中に広がることを願いたいです。




The gifts have been delivered to more than ninety locations across Japan, boxes filled with backpacks, envelopes of cash.  This one came with green onions and five bags of rice. Each are from an anonymous donar who goes by Naoto Date, the name of a super hero in the popular Japanese comic, Tiger Mask.


Kikuchi Masatoshi got a box filled with pencils and pencil sharpeners at his orphanage in Yokohama. He says “I knew this man had a big heart.”


Tiger mask became popular in the 1960s, the stories about Naoto Date who becomes a professional wrestler and donates his money to the orphanage.


Now news of a real life hero helping children has sparked a national gift giving movement. The first gift came Christmas day and an employee at a welfare center outside Tokyo found ten boxes of backpacks. This man found twelve hundred dollars in an envelope at a grocery store. It came with a letter that read “There are tiger masks across Japan. Please use this for promising children.” The super hero has even gone to the police himself and asked them to deliver supplies to orphanages. Nearly two dozen new locations have reported gifts Tuesday alone. All the attention hasn’t convinced the man behind the mask to come forward yet, but there have been sightings. This store owner says an older man came in and bought half a dozen backpacks for an orphanage.

He covered his face with a scarf so I didn’t ask who he was. But I’m pretty sure he was Tiger Mask. Akiko Fujita, ABC news Tokyo.







