





ただ、道路わきに停車している白い車は当然ドライバーから見えています。 陰から子供が飛び出す可能性を考慮して減速できたはず・・・じゃないかなあ。



A fourth grader from Denver, Colorado, is miraculously OK after a hit- and- run.  That accident was caught on video. The accident happened Friday. You see Eric Aguilar attempting to run across the street outside his hous, when a car hits him. The driver keeps going. Aguilar remembers exactly what happened.

 I was running to over here, and then, the car just hit me right here, and I landed right here.

They make me sick to my stomach just to see the impact of Eric hitting the car then hitting the mirror.

Aguilar has several scrapes and he’s got bruises. He’s expected to be OK.


Police are still still trying to track down the driver.  Aguilar says from now on he promises to look both ways before crossing the streets. 


I was surprised that his mother spanked him.  Right.

Look both ways kids.

He’s got spanking now.  He will.



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