採用戦線異状あり 苦戦の中小企業


Mr.Ryota Goto serves as a president of ASCe, a designer and manufacturer of automated manufacturing machines held a lecture at Hokkaido University of Science.

身振りを交えて自社の魅力を、反応の薄い学生に訴えた。By way of gesticulation, he told the seemingly bored third year students how attractive his company has been.

教室には空席が目立ち、3年生の学生たちは就職活動への意識が乏しく見えた。The Juniors at the seminar room were not many and looked little interested in job hunting.

「自ら大学に足を運ばないと学生には話しすら聞いてもらえない。」と後藤氏は言う、Goto says he cannot even get students to listen to him unless he goes to colleges and appeal by himself.


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