時事英作文 自治体で障害者雇用数を水増し

It has been revealed that twenty seven out of the 33 central government agencies had inflated the number of handicaspped people hired.

Their last June’s annoumcement stated that they hired 6867.5 people with disabilities. but actually the figure totaled 3407.5.

This is less than half what was initially announced and the final hiring rate will edge down to
1.19 % , far below the legally required minimum of 2.3 %.

The same phenomenon occurred in 30 local autonomies such as Shimane and Ehime.

There are about 9.36 million people in Japan who are handicapped  It accounts for 7.4% of the total population.

かれらの生活を守るため、1960年に障害者雇用促進法が制定され, 従業員100人を超える企業は2%以上の障がい者を雇用するよう義務付けた、
In order to protect their lives, Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities was enacted, ordering every firm with more than 100 employees to fill at least 2 % of their staff with disabled people.

It means that ministries and local governments that should serve as a role model for the citizens did not comply with the law whether on purpose or not.


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