英作文コーナー オリンピックは秋がいい。


More and more generations are ignorant of the fact that Japan’s national holiday of SPORTS DAY was established in commemoration of 1964 Tokyo Olympics.

その理由の一つは、10月10日に固定されていたその祝日が、3連休を増やす国民祝日法改正で10月第2月曜日になり、年によって日付が異なるようになったためだ。 A part of the reason is the National Holiday Law that was revised to help promote a three-day weekend, because of which the SPORTS DAY was changed to the 2nd Monday of October from its originally fixed October 10th.

In addition, some youngsters may wonder why the 1964 Olympics were held in autumn.

The recent summer Olympics were all held in the height of summer, making it sound as if it were a matter of course.

2004 アテネ 開会 8月13日、 2008年 北京 開会 8月8日、 2012年ロンドン 開会 7月27日  2020年 東京 7月24日
2004 Athens began on AUg.13th, 2008 Beijin on Aug.6th, 2012 London on July 27th, 2020 Tokyo on July 24th.

What’s behind it is some pressure from American broadcasting companies who hate to have the timing clash with the popular American professional sports.

They say that such events as MLB World Series and Olympics shoukd never be carried out at the same time.

If we look at it in a positive way, the media wishes to give loyal viewers equal chances to enjoy all sports events live/

Giving them a suspicious glance, we feel that their motives are to monopolize their profits.

Whichever is true, the Olympics athletes will have to do their best under the hot and sultry condition.

In the case of outdoor sports like Marathon,  we worry about the health and well-being of spectators.

Autumn is for sports. Though hit by typhoons sometimes, people feel like moving their bodies under the sunny blue sky, including those who usually are not into sports.

Indeed, autumn is the best season for sports.


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