12月9日 授業資料

Do you rely on reviews when you buy a product?

American cosmetic company Sunday Riley was found fabricating positive reviews of its products for two years.

The company’s unfair actions were revealed through a former employee. They leaked photos of Sunday Riley e-mails with instructions on how to create fake accounts and write online reviews. So those comments do not reflect actual feedback from satisfied customers.

The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigated and established that the allegations were true. But they did not impose severe punishment, which enraged many people. “Why are the sanctions so light?”  “Consumers will start disregarding reviews as a reliable basis for purchasing products. “

“Dishonest companies will continue with fake reviews”

“Honest firms may say if they are losing out by following the law.”




Frozen 2 Has $127 Million Opening Weekend

Six years after the success of the first film, Frozen 2 has made more than $127 million over its first weekend in cinemas, says Disney.

Frozen 2 has also broken a number of records for Disney, getting the largest opening for any Walt Disney Animation Studios movie. It has also had the highest-grossing global debut of any animated film.

The new film brings back a lot of the same voice actors as the 2013 film, including Idina Menzel as Elsa and Kristen Bell as Anna. The couple who wrote the music for Frozen, Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, returned too, although the songs in Frozen 2 have been less popular than those in the first film.

Reviews for Frozen 2 have been good, but not as good as they were for Frozen. Research company CinemaScore has given an A- grade to Frozen 2, but Frozen got an A+.

Critics gave the new film a score of 75% fresh on film review website Rotten Tomatoes, while the first Frozen got 90%. However, its audience score on Rotten Tomatoes was 93% fresh.

11月25日 授業資料

Singapore Bans Ads of Drinks with High Sugar Content

Advertisements of sweet beverages like soft drinks, juices, energy drinks, and instant coffee will soon be prohibited in the country. The ban will be implemented across all types of print, online, and broadcast media to discourage people from consuming too much sugar.

Singapore has been reported to be one of the biggest consumers of sugar in the world. The excessive sugar consumption has led to an increased number of citizens developing obesity and chronic illnesses such as heart diseases and diabetes. This prompted the government to come up with policies that would lessen healthcare issues among its citizens, which in turn could lessen healthcare costs for the government. 

The Singaporean government held public consultations about ways to reduce sugar consumption. Seventy percent of the respondents supported the implementation of advertising regulations

In addition, they are examining two other proposals on the sugary drinks  –  additional tax and a total ban on sales.



11月18日 授業資料

Japan actress Erika Sawajiri arrested for MDMA possession

The police said they launched an investigation into the 33-year-old actress after receiving information she was “involved in illegal drugs.” They searched her home in the morning and found two white capsules in a plastic bag inside a jewelry box. Sawajiri admitted that they were hers.  Police says they will continue probing the case.

Sawajiri has had success not only as an actress but as a singer.  She starred in many movies and TV dramas.

 She was scheduled to play the role of 16th-century Japanese warlord Oda Nobunaga’s wife in public broadcaster NHK’s historical drama series.

 NHK is having a headache over the scandal because the shooting has already started and has not been completed yet. “Re-editing the film is so hard. Also It’s impossible  to replace actresses.” said one of the drama production staff.


この事件についてメイさんがいろいろ質問をしてきますのでそれに答えられるようにしましょう。 (5W1H だけでなくYES/NO  questionにも)


Do you think Sawajiri  should make a comeback or not?

In Japan, films are often banned from public viewing due to scandals by actors and actresses. Do you agree to the idea?



中1 Nさん5級。 部活をやりながら勉強も両立。えらい!

小6 Yくん4級。 前回1問差で不合格、涙をのんだ。その悔しさをばねに今回は正答率8割! 堂々の合格!

中3 Eさん4級。 いろいろ訳あって勉強が出遅れたが、気を取り直して合格。なあに遅れはすぐに取り戻せるさ。あせらず頑張ろう!

中3 Hさん準2級(1次) 不言実行の子。

中3 Mさん準2級(1次) 落ち着きないが2次は大丈夫かな?

高1 Kくん準2級(1次) 秀才だが英語だけニガテと本人。おいおい!

高1 Iさん準2級(1次) 合格したら親になにか買ってもらうことを楽しみにしている。

高1 Iくん2級(1次) 夏に1次合格していたが、高体連で2次試験が受けられなかった。 さあ取りに行くぞ!




地方出身のため市内のアパートに一人暮らし。その間料理の腕をぐんぐん上げている。 先日のレッスン時、「試作品」を持ってきた。サツマイモをこねて作った土台の上に栗一つ。 シンプルなデザインだが、食べてみると秋の風味が口いっぱいに広がった。 




なんでも栗を煮ていて鍋に触れたらしい。ドジだなあ。 でもおいしかった、ありがとう!


今日金曜日学校で準2級を受験したSさんから、ライティング問題の題目が「学校祭(school festival)は生徒にとって必要か」だったと情報提供ありました。


学校祭は、勉強に忙しい学生たちに一種のやすらぎのひと時をあたえる。School festivals give a relaxing time to the students who are busy in studying.

キャンプファイアー、歌、踊りなど長い人生の中で、いつまでも残る思い出を作れる。Festival events such as a campfire, singing and dancing will leave an ever lasting memory for every one concerned,

生徒たちが懸命に打ち込んできたことを披露するチャンスを与えてくれる。Students will have a chance to showcase what they have worked so hard on.




When I get inquiries from mothers of high school students, they are either through email or phone.

メールの時は、メルアドをみます。するとある「傾向」があることに気づきます。 l look at their email addresses, I noticed a widespread tendency.

それは、アットマークの手前に80年代のアイドルを連想させる文言が使われていること。田原俊彦、近藤真彦、ゴダイゴ、チェッカーズ。That is, the part before @ sign often suggest their favorite artists of the 80’s, such as Tahara Toshihiko, Kondo Masahiko, Godiego, Checkers.


Then I think to myself that this mother was a great fan of the rock star when she was in her teens.


Having a chance to meet them face to face, I never forget to ask about their email address.

すると真っ赤な顔をして「あらいやだ。年がバレバレ」。They turn red and go like this. “Oh no. “Oh my goodness. Now you know how old I am.”


Don’t worry, mom. Nomura School of English Studies is always in the SHOWA era.