英作文挑戦コーナー(June 23rd, 2020)



Oral arguments have been heard for three times in the Sapporo District Court lawsuit where a man and a woman are requesting compensation money from Hokkaido government for allowing police officers to take them away after jeering at prime Minister Shinzo Abe during  his speeches at the rally for Upper  House election in July last year.


Defendants’ side argue that the request should be.rejected , arguing that the officers actions were legal in order to avoid danger.


Aside from this, I wonder why such an incident took place.


The Hokkaido Police says that the officers did what they believed was right under the circumstances. But I wonder if that is really true.


According to the video evidence in the courtroom,,  The plaintiff man was suddenly surrounded by many police officers and taken away from the audience immediately after he shouted Abeyamero or Abe, “you must resign “


It was done so nimbly enough to be suspected as an organizational. action.