

かろうじて聞き取れたのは、friends, for a while, surpriseのみ。 今までオレはなにをやってきたのだろう? と自責の念に駆られてしまう。

Kenya の部分など Canyon に聞こえてしまった。

米語ばかりやっていると、イギリスの英語はまったく異なものに聴こえてくるから不思議です。 英語学習者のみなさん、気をつけましょう。


It was about three weeks ago on holiday in Kenya.
We had a little private time away together with some friends and I just decided that it was the right time really.
We had been talking about marriage for a while so it wasn’t a massively big surprise.
 I took her up somewhere nice in Kenya and I proposed.


「ダムは必要悪だと思っていました」と、今本博健氏は告白する。 河川工学などを専門に、京大教授として約30年。 定年退官し名誉教授となった2001年、近畿を流れる淀川水系のダムの必要性を検証する委員会に加わったときも、「必要なダムはつくらせてくれ」と主張した。 だが個別のダムの功罪を吟味するうち考えを改めた。 今は「ダムの時代は終わる」と断言する。 (北海道新聞 2010年11月14日朝刊)

‘I thought that dams were necessary evils”, he confesses.
Mr.Hirotake Imamoto served as a professor at the University of Kyoto for about thirty years, specializing mainly in river engineering.
Following his retirement in 2001, he became a professor emeritus and joined a committee whose mission was to verify the necessity of dams built across the Yodogawa river and its tributaries in Kinki district.
During all these years, Imamoto used to advocate “Let us build dams if they are needed.”
But then he altered his idea after examining merits and demerits of each dam already built.
Now he asserts “The era of Dams will be over”.

160m 上空から落下! 九死に一生を得たパイロット PILOT’S PLUNGE CAUGHT ON CAMERA


    An Idaho pilot is lucky to be alive this morning after a harrowing accident. His engine-powered parachute malfunctioned, sending him plummeting 100 feet to the ground.

And it was all caught on camera. Neal Karlinsky has his incredible story of survival.


Hoyt Patton loves to fly. He really is in an authorized aircraft known as PPC or powered parachute. And here‘s what it looked like from his point of view last week in footage licensed by ABC news. Taking off, rising up about a hundred feet, and then… disaster.

His parachute tangled and Patton plummets straight into the ground.


Can you help me? As he calls out for help, eye witnesses rush over to him.



From his hospital bed, Patton says he knew he was going to crash.


He has a broken pelvis, ribs, and elbow. Watching the video is hard to even imagine how he survived. It’s like falling off a ten-story building.


“I’ve seen him do some pretty crazy take-off and landing. It’s scary to me but he’s not scared”  Patton knows he very lucky. “Lucky guy. This could have been a wheelchair.


Pilots like to say that any landing that you can walk away from is a good 4one. Patton couldn’t exactly walk away from this one but he had quite a story to tell. And he says this flight won’t be his last. For good morning America, Neil Karlinsky, ABC News, Seattle.




















Tomorrow would have been John Lennon’s seventieth birthday.  His widow Yoko Ono said that he dreaded turning forty, but thinking of seventy made him smile. So would the celebration that’s coming.
Peaceful, musical, all over the world. 
Our top rock fan Dan Harris will be right in the thick of it.
So many of us find it so hard to believe that this global icon of youthful rebellion and idealism would now be turning seventy.
A birthday that’s being marked in a big way.
All of John Lennon s solo albums are being rereleased in a box. There’s  
 There’s a new movie coming out that examines the teenage years of the future Beatle.
 I’m John
 And this new PBS documentary takes a look at the last decade of Lennon’s life.
 So, I had to contribute something.
 The documentary also contains rare home movies of the five years that Lennon took off from music to raise his son, Sean.
 I looked after the baby and I made the bread and I was a househusband and I’m proud of it.
 Even this active domesticity was radical.
For a father to be as involved in raising his family and making that a priority.
That  wasn’t – in the ’70s, you know that wasn’t a really thing that you  saw so much.
 Yoko Ono has said she is surprised by all the activity around her husband’s birthday.
But it is a testament to his enduring appeal.
 Life and career of John Lennon, singer song writer, symbol of an era, dead at forty.
 Nearly thirty years after he was shot and killed outside of his apartment building in New York City . Today, right across the street in the part of central park named strawberry fields in honor of John Lennon and his music.
So many of the songs are now , part of, you know, singalongs in nursery schools and lullabies and just the music that you grow up with when you live on this planet.
 And the world will live as one.
 And here we are at strawberry fields as the sun goes down.
And George, it’s worth noting that people visit this place pretty much every day of the year, rain or shine, and tomorrow on Lennon’s actual birthday, the crowd is expected to be huge.
More evidence that 30 years after he died, John Lennon still matters

7年前にミシガン州で消えた子犬、ケンタッキー州で見つかる。Michigan man finds long-missing dog in Kentucky


Sandie Clark came to work at the Estill County Animal Shelter Tuesday morning, she found two dogs left overnight in the “drop box.” (サンディークラークさんが火曜日の朝、動物保護収容所へ出勤してみると、dropboxに2匹の犬が置かれていました) One was a Weimaraner, but his high breeding wasn’t the only thing that set him apart. 一匹はワイマラナー。しかしこの犬を飼い主の元から引き離したのは血統の良さではありませんでした。 

There was a microchip inside him.  After a few calls later, she was on the phone with a Michigan man, who had last seen his six-month-old pup the day after Thanksgiving, 2003.(彼の体内にマイクロチップが埋められていたのです。何度か電話したのち、彼女はミシガン州の男性と通話できました。この男性は、2003年の感謝祭の翌日、生後6か月の子犬を盗まれていたのでした。)

Yeah, we found a dog down here and it’s got a microchip in it,’ and I said, ‘Holy cow, is it a Weimaraner?’ and they said, ‘Yes,’ and I said, ‘That’s Jake.'”
Davis said Jake was stolen from his backyard — perhaps by a family he’d help pack for a move to Kentucky.(ジェイクは裏庭で盗まれたとのこと、おそらくそのときケンタッキー州に引っ越しをする家族の荷造りを手伝いましたので、その家族が持っていったのではないかと思います。

“We got him back and it doesn’t matter anymore. 
(犬を取り戻したのでこれ以上大事にしません) We’ll take him home and take good care of him. (家に連れて行ってだいじにしてやります) We got him an appointment with the vet tomorrow at 2:30 and get him checked out and get some meat on his bones,” he said.(明日2時半に獣医に診てもらう予約をとりました。そのあと栄養をたっぷりつけさせてやるつもりです。)

Davis’s children were one and three years old when the family dog vanished.  The younger hardly remembers Jake — the elder never forgot.(その子犬が消えた時、デイビスさんの子どもは1歳と3歳でした。下の子はジェイクのことをほとんど覚えていませんが、上の子は決して忘れませんでした)

“When we showed her some pictures of him yesterday when she first got off the school bus and she said she always knew he was coming home,” Davis said.(スクールバスを降りるとき、娘にこの犬の写真をみせたところ、「いつかは帰ってくると思ってた」といったんですよ。

In dog years, Jake’s been gone nearly half a century.(犬の年齢を人間に合わせれば、半世紀は家を離れていた計算になります。) 

“I don’t know if he remembers me yet, but I’m sure he’ll get to be — once we get him home and he can see the kids — same house he was before, same backyard,” he said.(ジェイクが私のことを覚えているとは思えませんが、家に帰って子どもたちと会って、見覚えある家や裏庭を見れば、きっと思い出してくれると思います)

It was a 900-mile round-trip, but Davis and his brother Dave pick up Jake, take him home. 往復で900マイル(1500キロ)の旅ですが、デイビスさんと弟のデイブさんはジェイクを引き取りに来、家へ連れて帰ります。“I drive ten thousand miles ,ten times over to pick him up.(こいつを引き取るためなら一万マイルでも、その十倍でも運転してきますよ。 By mid-afternoon, Brad, Dave, and Jake got in the truck for a 450 mile trip back to Michigan.正午を過ぎたころ、ブラッドさんデイブさんそしてジェイクはそろってトラックへ乗り込み、450マイルの旅にでました。

That’s OK. They’ve got a lot of catching up to do.これでよし。離れ離れになっていた年月を共有できるまでかなりの期間を要するでしょうね。 That’s John Mcgary. ABC 36, your local news selects.

一年で23キロやせた男性の秘訣とは?How he lost 50 pounds in a year?




Many of us struggle for a weight on the daily basis. 

But for Ed Ugel, this battle of the bulge was so tough he decided to get serious about it.

He set off on a year-long quest to lose fifty pounds and regain his health, which he documented in his new book “I’m with fatty”.


And Ed Ugel is here to tell us more about it. Welcome Ed. Good to see you.

Thanks for having me. 

What motivated  you to start on this difficult journey in the first place?

That was born out of a health issue.


I thought that I was getting chubby around the middle  and chin. but it turns out that my wife taped me sleeping and my snoring was so bad that it turned out it was  sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea of course is when you stop breathing in your sleep, which is not a good thing.


And that’s related to weight.


That’s related to weight.

There’s not an absolute cause or effect. My doctor would put it that way. But once I put the weight on, the apnea showed up and when I lost the weight the apnea disappeared.

So at least for me, that was the motivating factor.


Now in this book you are very honest about the difficulties you went through in losing weight and coming to terms with the fact that you were a food addict.

Could you tell us about that?

You know I’m a lover of food like many people are. But I think when you wake up in the middle of the night and find yourself with a piece of steak in one hand and pint of Ben and Jerry’s in the other, you realize maybe you have gone past the point of no return. So for me it was really trying to find a way to isolate what was passion versus what was really an addiction. And that was something that I needed  to change through the rest of my life.

So how hard is it to find a healthy relationship to food for someone who obviously loves food so much.

Well I don’t think it’s as hard as it sounds. For me it’s about moderation and will. What I try to do is cook my way out of this problem.

When I’m in the kitchen and I’m cooking as much as I love to cook. And my food I think is delicious. It’s not really that unhealthy.

Just naturally I cook  a relatively healthy meal

It’s  when you are eating out of styrofoam boxes at a Chinese takeout that I really get myself in trouble, I’d like to think that’s really par for the course for a lot of the country .

Yeah, I think that’s a bit taken away from your book that if you learn to cook for yourself, you’ll ultimately eat a lot more healthy. Going out to eat is often the worst way we can eat.

Well I think it’s almost impossible to cook as badly and poorly as for yourself.

33名全員生存!!! Trapped Chilean miners send note saying they are alive!


炭鉱町で育った私にはこういう事件がどうしても他人事に思えません。 早く無事に帰れることを祈りたいです。


A riveting human drama thousands of feet below the earth. (地下数千フィートのところでものすごい人間ドラマが起きています)Thirty-three Chilean miners facing months of life now at a tiny cavern. (小さな洞窟で、何か月も暮らすことになる33名のチリの鉱夫たち)The mine collapsed two and a half weeks ago they sent up a scribbled message XXXXX (2週間と少し前にこの鉱山は崩落しました。そして中に居た彼らが地上に向け手書きのメッセージを送ってきたのです。)

And now the incredible struggle began to get them food, water, and hope for the weeks of rescue may require.(信じられない戦いが始まりました。中に居る彼らに食糧、水、そして(救出には何週間もかかるが、きっと助かるという)希望を送り込む戦いでした。Jeffrey  Kofman is in Chile tonight. (ジェフリーコフマンがチリに飛んでいます。) 

This video taken by an underground probe confirmed the news. (地下探索機を用いて撮ったビデオが、このニュースを裏付けました。)All thirty-three men are alive. you can see one of them here. 33名すべてが生存しているのです。いま一人が映って見えますね)The men there journeyed down seven miles of zigzagging tunnel when a section of the copper mine collapsed. (彼らは鉱山の中の11キロにおよぶジグザグトンネルを下りていった時、落盤が発生しました)After two weeks of seven failed attempts, yesterday rescuers drilled a six inch wide hole two thousand two hundred and fifty-eight feet down. (その後2週間にわたり、7度の救出作戦が行われましたがすべて失敗。そこで昨日、ドリルで直径15センチ程度の穴を740メートルの深さまで掘ったのです。)When they heard banging, they sent down a tiny camera.(やがて大きな轟音が聞こえたところで、彼らは小さなカメラを落下させました。)

When it came back to a surface,there was a note from the  eldest of the miners,63-year-old Mario Gomez.(それを頂上に戻してみたら、小さな紙切れが一緒に付いてきたのです。63歳の長老炭鉱夫マリオゴメズさんからのものでした。)

“I want to tell everyone that I’m good”, he wrote to his wife. “And we’ll surely come out OK.”  (それは奥さんに宛てた手紙でした。元気だということを皆に伝えたい。ここに居るみんなが無事に帰るつもりでいることを伝えたい、という内容でした) The news was met with euphoria by anxious families and anxious nation.(全員生存のニュースに家族も国民も喜びました。) 

“We are happy”, says Katarine Abalone, whose brother is trapped underground, “this is what we’ve been waiting seventeen days to  hear”.  (とてもうれしいです、17日間待っていた言葉でした。こう語るのは兄弟が閉じ込められたカタリンアバロンさんです)The thirty-three men are surviving under grueling conditions in a six hundred square foot refuge about the size of a hotel room.(この33名の鉱夫は55平方メートル、およそホテルの一室と同じ程度の広さの場所で生き延びています。ですが環境は大変にきびしい状態にあります) The temperature ninety-five degrees with a humidity at ninety-five percent.  (摂氏35度、湿度95%They have some electricity from a truck engine for light.(近くにあったトラックのエンジンから電気を取り、照明として使っているようです) They used a backhoe to dig into the dirt floor of the mine to find drinking water. (またバケット付きの掘削機を使って地面を掘り、飲み水を発見しました)

鉱山安全健康ニュース社編集長エレンスミス氏、 People may say this is not successful because these men are trapped. (鉱夫が閉じ込められたのだから、この鉱山計画は失敗だった、と言うかもしれませんが)I say this is incredibly successful because these men  survived and they’re going to be able to survive.(私はむしろ成功だったと思っている。こうして生存が確認され、生きて帰ってこようとしているのだから)


Down the six-inch shaft, rescuers are now lowering, the saltwater, gel tablets and medicine to help nurse the men back from the brink of starvation. (中に閉じこめられた人を飢餓から救いだすため、地上の救出部隊はその15センチの穴を使って塩水やゼリー菓子、薬品を下へおろしています)It’s believed that they’ve been living off a 48-hour supply of food. (彼らは少なく見積もっても48時間は食糧が無い状態だったとみられています)To rescue the trapped men, they will dig a wider 27 inch bore hole.(人間を救出するため68センチの穴をドリルで開ける用意があるそうです) The men will be raised up one at a time, but two are reportedly obese and it’s not clear how they will fit.(そうすれば、中の人間を一気に持ち上げて地表まで運ぶことになります。ただ肥満者が2名いると伝えられているので、彼らの身体が納まるのかどうか明らかになってはいません) All this could take a month but it may take until Christmas. (このすべての作業には一か月、いやクリスマス頃までかかるかもしれません) Mario Gomez seemed to sense that in the note he scrolled to his wife ” patience and faith”, he wrote,  god is great and the help of my god is going to make it possible to leave this mine alive. (マリオゴメズ氏もそれを感じ取っているらしく、奥さんあてのメモには「忍耐と信心、偉大な神の助けでここから生きて出られるだろう」と書かれてありました。) We know the men have enough air  to breathe and we now know they have enough  food to eat. (彼らには十分な水と充分な食料が届いたことが明らかになりました) What is not clear is whether they know how long it may take to rescue them. Diane? (明らかになっていなのは、救出にどれだけ時間がかかるか、です。ダイアナさん)


ナオミキャンベルのダイヤ授受疑惑 Did she really not know it was a gift of diamonds from war crimes-indicted?


「黒くて汚い石ころなら手渡されました」というナオミキャンベルの供述をくつがえす証人が現れた。 その名はミアファロー、13年前の記憶をたどり、証言台に立った。



Mia farrow is still on the sand being cross examined. (ミアファローは依然として厳しい尋問を受け、身動きが取れない状況です)Naomi Campbell, as you  mentioned,  testified last week.(ナオミキャンベルが先週証言台に立ちました。)

Now all this hinges on exactly what was said over a star-studded breakfast table at Nelson Mandela’s House thirteen years ago.(13年前、ネルソンマンデラ氏宅の朝食席で何が話されたのか、ここにすべてがつながっているのです)

Listen very carefully.(注意して聞きましょう。)

Under oath,  the movie star and super model agreed  that Campbell received an extraordinary gift.((裁判所で)宣誓した映画俳優とスーパーモデルは、キャンベルが何か特殊な贈り物をもらったという点では一致していました)


” I opened my door. And two men were there and gave me a pouch and said it’s a gift for you. And there were very small dirty looking stones.”(ドアを開けたらそこに2人の男が立っていて、袋を手渡され「あなたに贈りものです」と言われました。汚い石が数個あるだけでした。


“They had given her a huge diamond.” (彼らが手渡したのは大きなダイヤです)


A crucial question: was this gift from Charles Taylor, charged with arming vicious rebels in return for black  diamond. ここに極めて重要な疑問があります。この贈りものはあの、反政府軍に武器を供与して黒いダイヤを手に入れた疑いがかけられている、チャールズテイラーから贈られたものなのか?という疑問です。 


“And these two men. Did you know who they were?”  (その2人の男は誰だか分りますか?)

ナオミ”NO. I’m afraid not”(いいえ知りません)

ファロー”And she said  they had been sent by Charles Taylor.” (チャールズテイラーからもらった、と彼女は言っていました)

ナオミ”At breakfast, I told Miss Farrow and Miss White what had happened.  And one of the two said that’s obviously Charles Taylor. And I just said I guess it was.”朝食のとき、私はファローさんとホワイトさんに事のてん末を話しました。すると2人のうちどちらかが「それ、絶対にチャールズテイラーが贈ったのよ」と言いました。 私は「そうかもね」と言っただけです。

裁判官”Did you tell Naomi Campbell that the diamond or diamonds came from Charles Taylor?”(あなたはナオミキャンベルに、そのダイヤはチャールズテイラーから贈られたものだと言いましたか?)

ファロー”Absolutely not. Naomi Campbell said they came from Charles Taylor.(いいえ違います。彼女の方から言ってきたんです。)

“Who will the court believe, actress with admittedly touchy memory or volatile supermodel who just a few months ago lied outright to ABC news? 一触即発の記憶をもつ女優と怒りっぽいスーパーモデル、裁判所はどちらを信じるでしょうか? ちなみにモデル(ナオミ)は数ヶ月前ABCニュースに対し、明らかに嘘をつきました。

“You received  a diamond from Charles Taylor.” (あなたはチャールズテイラー氏からダイヤをもらいましたね?)”I didn’t receive a diamond and I’m not gonna speak about that. Thank you so much. Good by.”(ダイヤなどもらっていません。この件に関してはなにも言いません。どうもありがとう、失礼します)

 “We are not —–.”

Now anyone accused of lying to this court can be fined or given up to two years in jail. Right now it is just the actress’s word against the model’s. The court official I spoke with would not make any comment on whether this matter will be  taken any further. George?(法廷でうその証言をした場合、最高で2年の懲役を科されます。今のところはただ女優がモデルに言っただけの言葉とみなされているだけです。 今後偽証としてみなされるのか?法廷関係者と話しましたが、コメントはもらえませんでした。)

That makes sense. I am sure this is not the last word from Naomi Campbell whether she likes it or not.  Thanks, Nick.(そうでしょうね。ナオミキャンベルにはまだ言いたいことがきっとあるでしょう。)

Divers find 230-year old champagne in Baltic wreck バルト海で230年前のシャンパン発見!!!

 1780年ごろのシャンパンが完ぺきな状態で見つかりました。製造年に間違いなければフランス革命よりも前につくられたことになります。 いやーロマンがあるなあ。 ちょっとだけ飲んでみたい・・・と思いつつ「大五郎」を口にする私でした。(悲)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8S5i9afMRXo 動画をご覧になりたい方はクリック願います。

A bit of bubbly for divers in finland enjoying a sunken treasure that hasn’t seen the light of day in centuries.(何世紀もの間海に沈んだままだった宝物を見つけ、フィンランドの潜水士が騒いでいます)The divers exploring a ship wreck in the baltic sea found 30 bottles of champagne believed to HAVE BEEN MADE IN THE 1780s, before the French revolution. (バルト海に沈んだ難破船を探検していたら、1780年ごろのものとみられるシャンペンボトルが30本見つかったのです。フランス革命よりも前のものということになります)They popped the cork on one bottle and said it still tastes fantastic.(1本のコルクを開けたところ、味は上々だったとか) If the date is confirmed it would be the oldest drinkable champagne in the world. (製造日付が確認されれば世界で一番古いシャンペンとなるでしょう)Each bottle could fetch about $70,000 at auction.
