英作文教室 ・・・ 「オズの魔法使い」は経済問題から生まれた。


映画でも知られる児童文学「オズの魔法使い」はデフレをめぐる論争をもとにした寓話との説がある。舞台となった19世紀後半の米国は物価下落が続き、農民は借金返済に苦しんでいた。There is a theory that “Wonderful Wizard of OZ”, a children’s novel which is also known for its film, is an allegory based on the disputes over deflationary trends in the late nineteenth century, when, in the United States,  commodity prices   were continuously dropping and farmers were at a loss how to pay back their debts.

金本位制を維持すべきか、金と銀との両方を硬貨に用いる金銀複本位制にし通貨の量を増やしてインフレを起こすべきか、これが大統領選の争点にもなった。The dispute was whether the gold standard system should be maintained or to increase currency volume and stimulate  inflation by adopting the gold – silver standard . It also became one of the main issues in the presidential election.


物語は 故郷から遠く離れた不思議な土地に迷い込んだ少女ドロシーが主人公だ。The main character of the story is Dorothy, who finds herself lost in the wonderland far away from home.


ドロシーは家に帰れるようにしてくれる魔法使いを探し、危険な黄色いレンガの道を銀色の靴(映画ではルビー)を履いて進む。 She makes her way through following the dangerous yellow brick road with silver shoes on (ruby in the movie).


黄色は金本位、銀色は銀本位を表している。 Yellow brick road stands for the gold standard, whereas her shoes silver standard.








Many years ago, I had some money stolen while I was staying at a hotel in Monbetsu. I was on a business trip then.

The hotel had no bathtubs in the rooms so visitors had to get themselves washed in the big common bathroom.

Well I went there, took off my clothes and put them in the wooden cabinet along with my room key.

Then I went into the bathroom to get cleaned up. When I finished and stepped back to the changing room, I noticed my room key was gone!

I soon dashed to my room but found my money – a total of 50 thousand yen – had been stolen.

Although the thief must be not far away, I gave up chasing him as I was almost naked.



私の趣味は釣りです。 毎週日曜日、朝早く家を出て海へ向かいます。釣りは楽しいですが、地球温暖化の兆しが気になります。ここ数年、取れる魚の種類に変化が出ているのです。以前なら南方にいたような魚が針に掛かり、驚かされます。海水温度が高まり、潮の流れが急に変わっているのでしょう。

My hobby is fishing. I drive down to the sea early in the morning every Sunday.

Although I enjoy fishing a lot, the thing that does weigh on my mind is the increasing signs of global warming.


Surprisingly enough, the type of fish that I catch these days are not what they used to be a few years ago.

The majority of them are supposed to be found in the southern parts of Japan.

This is a clear indication that sea temperatures are rising and that ocean currents are rapidly changing.


野村ジジイの時事い英作文 ー がれき受入れを英断した島田市。








島田市は勇気ある第一歩を踏み出した。称賛に値する。 (北海道新聞の囲み記事。一部改変)

This is a story that I heard in the city of Minamisoma of Fukushima Prefecture.

If you hand a blank map of Japan to someone in Tohoku region and ask them to draw, with a colored pencil, the area they feel is contaminated with radiation from the ailing nuclear power plant, they will shade over Fukushima prefecture only.

If you ask someone in Tokyo to do the same, they will probably shade over the entire Tohoku region. Someone in Hokkaido? Tohoku and Kanto.  In Kansai? Tohoku , Kanto, and Hokkaido.

As for people outside of Japan, they will probably draw over all Japan`s islands.

What we find then, is that no one includes their own local area as a place of contamination. We cannot put this down to egoism because it is only natural for people to want to believe that they live in a safe place. What we do need to note however, is that a frontier has been unknowingly drawn between safe and dangerous.

The city of Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture has decided to accept disaster debris from the towns of Otsuchi and Yamada in Iwate Prefecture.  I think this brave decision can be called a trial to go beyond these perceived borders.

The national government’s safety standards on radioactive debris are ambitious. This is making it difficult for local governments to make positive steps towards working together because of resident’s pressure for fear of cross border contamination.

Shimada has taken a brave first step, and for this they should be commended.

英作文チャレンジ ― 倉本聰さんが福島の浜辺で慰霊祭




On the first anniversary of the March 11th disaster, Mr.Soh Kuramoto, the script writer, and about thirty actors and actresses (who graduated from the Furano Juku, or acting school founded by Mr.Kuramoto)will comfort the souls of the victims together with the bereaved families and the local community.  During the memorial service, as many as ten thousand candles are to be lighted on the seashores of Iwaki and Minamisoma in Fukushima Prefecture.
The plan was drawn up by Mr.Kuramoto who took a hint from the movement  “One Million People’s Candle Night” where members switch off lights and light up candles at the night of the summer and winter solstice.

英作文チャレンジ ある生徒さんのお話。

街をあるいていてネコの肖像画(ポストカードにしたもの )を売る女性に出会いました。
Walking through the streets of downtown I met a girl selling some cat portrait postcards made by herself.
I said to her “I like your works”. Then she said  she liked them too, but somehow the cards didn’t sell well.
So I told her that the cats in the picture gave some impression of loneliness, making people less tempted to buy and post on the wall.
Then she thanked me for my words, saying she learned the reason for the poor sales.

英作文チャレンジ! ー はやぶさ 遥かなる帰還

東日本大震災の被災地支援を続ける俳優の渡辺謙さんが14日、主演映画「はやぶさ 遥かなる帰還」の無料の試写会を岩手県の大船渡市や宮古市で開き、舞台あいさつした。渡辺さんは「映画を持って来るという約束を果たせてうれしい。皆さんも力を合わせていろんな壁に立ち向かってほしい」と被災地のファンを励ました。
Free previews of the upcoming film “HAYABUSA” were held in Ofunato and Miyako of Iwate prefecture and its starring actor Ken Watanabe appeared there.
Continuing his support for the East Japan earthquake victims,  Mr.Watanabe encouraged the fan in the disaster-ridden areas, saying “I’m happy I have fufilled my promise of coming here with a new work of movie. Please stand together and face various challenges”


手首の調子もだいぶよくなってきたので、googleに数時間前出たばかりのニュースを片っ端から訳して掲載してみました。 まるで柔道の乱取りをやってる気分です。(疲れたー)

Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire primary Tuesday with 39.3 percent of the vote, finishing well ahead of Ron Paul (22.8 percent) and Jon Huntsman (16.9 percent).




A bomber on a motorcycle killed a scientist from Iran’s Natanz uranium enrichment site and his bodyguard-driver on Wednesday during the morning commute in Tehran, Iranian media reported, in an assassination that could further elevate international tensions over the Iranian nuclear program and stoke the country’s growing anti-Western belligerence.




The state Health Department is investigating complaints that Lenox Hill  Hospital coddled R&B diva Beyoncé  to such an extent that other people were kept from seeing their newborns. “We have received complaints,” said Peter  Constantakes, a spokesman for the state Health Department. “Whenever we  receive a complaint, we look into it. It’s not necessarily an investigation. It  could be a review. Most likely in this case, it would be an investigation.” He declined to discuss specifics of the complaints, but at least two families  have told the Daily News that they weren’t able to visit newborns in the  hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit because burly men who appeared to be  security guards barred them from gaining access to that section of the hospital.




鏡を見ていたら、顔にシミが出てきた。なんだろうと考えてても原因が浮かばない。 やがて、若いときに料理をしていて油が顔にハネた時のやけどだと思い出した。そのときは、跡がすぐに消えたので気にとめなかった。今になって復活するとは、とんだ招かれざる客だ。

The other day I was looking into my mirror and found some smudges over my face.
I wasn’t sure why so I wondered for a while.
Finally I came up with the cause. (which I believe is the real cause.) They
are the burn scars that I had when I was younger.
While I was cooking , some cooking oil splashed over my face, leaving me
some scars.
A little while later, the scars were less noticeable. So I didn’t pay much
attention to them, to say nothing of giving care.
Years passed by, those scars showed up again.  It feels like having some
unwanted guests showing up at my house.

英作文チャレンジコーナー : 北大がジャガイモ害虫特効薬の合成に成功!



A research team from Hokkaido University has succeeded in synthesizing a “wonder drug” that can decisively exterminate harmful insects infesting potatoes. The news was reported in newspapers the other day.



Having read it, I was truly impressed with how they came up with such a great idea.



Given such a tongue-biting name as “Jagaimoshisutosenchuu” (Globodera Restochiensis) , the insects are approximately one millimeter tall and live on potato roots, causing a very poor crop.



With their eggs persisting in the soil for more than ten years, Globodera Restochiensis are so troublesome that even the chemical compounds cannot kill effectively.



Not only has Hokkaido suffered but also other potato producing countries throughout the world.


卵は眠った状態で土壌に潜み、ジャガイモが畑で根を張る際に分泌する物質を感じ取ると目を覚まし、ふ化する。Their eggs sleep in the ground. They wake up and start hatching upon feeling some substance released by potatoes when starting to grow roots,.



What a wise strategy to sleep until dinner is ready!



But human beings fight back.


幼虫はジャガイモしか食べないため、作付け前に人為的に卵をふ化させてしまえば、彼らは餓死するしかない。The larvae eat nothing but potatoes. It means that if we can artificially hatch eggs before planting potato seeds, the larvae have no other option than to die of starvation.



The Hokudai team has successfully achieved the artificial synthesizing of the “awakening substance” for the first time in the world.



The team says there’s no negative impact or risk to the environment because the substance comes from potato itself.



As we use stronger chemicals to kill germs and insects, they get more and more resistant to protect themselves.



As a result of the endless fighting, contamination threatens nature and human health more seriously than ever.



“We’ll stop fighting, and give you a helping hand in hatching eggs.” Such a conciliating approach should be applicable when dealing with troubles and problems, big or small.



I wonder if lawmakers in Nagatacho could take up the idea.

(北海道新聞 7月16日号朝刊 卓上四季)