








桜前線北上中。 北海道上陸はゴールデンウィーク明けのはず。




Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt and billionaire co-founder Larry Page have teamed up with “Avatar” director James Cameron and other investors to back an ambitious space exploration and natural resources venture, details of which will be unveiled next week. グーグル会長エリック·シュミットと億万長者のラリーペイジ氏が、映画”アバター”のジェームズ·キャメロン監督や他の投資家と提携し、宇宙探査と天然資源の野心的ベンチャー事業をバックアップする。その詳細は来週発表される。

The fledgling company, called Planetary Resources, will be unveiled at a Tuesday news conference at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, according to a press release issued this week. 今週開かれた記者会見によると、その新生会社はプラネタリーリソース(衛星資源)とよばれ、来週火曜日にシアトル航空博物館で公表されるという。

Aside from naming some of the company’s high-profile backers, the press release disclosed tantalizingly few details, saying only that the company will combine the sectors of “space exploration and natural resources” in a venture that could add “trillions of dollars to the global GDP.” 支持者となった著名人たちの名前を紹介した以外、プレスリリースではじれったくなるほど詳しい話が出なかった。唯一出たのはこの会社が宇宙探査と天然資源の分野を結合したものであり、世界のGDPを数兆ドル押し上げるベンチャーになりうる、という点だけである。

The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Planetary Resources will explore the feasibility of mining natural resources from asteroids, a decades-old concept. ウオールストリートジャーナル紙は金曜、「プラネタリーリソースは、何十年もの間考えられてきた、小惑星での天然資源発掘の可能性を探るであろう。」と報じた。
























いろんな教室でこの話題を取り上げ、What would you say to the fiancee if you were her parent? もしあなたがフィアンセの親だったら、何を彼女に言うか?





曰く、「あれ? アンタも昔、同じようなことしたよね・・・」

アア、わかったわかったもういい。 この話しおしまいっ。

A young couple’s wedding plans suffered a setback when the groom-to-be found he had accidentally donated his girlfriend’s engagement ring to Goodwill. Josh Miller, 31, had been hiding the ring in the pocket of an old winter coat for two months as he waited for the right moment to pop the question.  


She talked about the exact right (ring) that she wanted for a long time and we just finally found the perfect engagement ring and we were very excited,” Miller told ABC News’ Atlanta affiliate WSB-TV.


 That excitement was short-lived however. Ready to propose, Miller dug through his closet for the ring, growing increasingly frantic as he realized it was nowhere to be found.


 “I was just shaking,” Miller said. “I didn’t know what to do, or what to say, or how to feel. I called Cara immediately, but she thought I was joking.”


 Thinking back, Miller realized that coat, ring and all, was among the items he had put in a pile to donate to Goodwill earlier in the week.

 “Honestly, I just think I forgot,” he said. “I knew it was in my closet somewhere, but we were just grabbing stuff and I threw it in a pile and thought, ‘I don’t wear that anymore.’”


 By the time Miller was able to get in contact with the Goodwill in his hometown of Buckhead, the coat, which had been put on the shelves earlier in the week couldn’t be located.


 Miller has not given up however, he is hoping that a Good Samaritan finds the ring, in his jacket, which he described as a black ski jacket with gray stripes, and return it to him. The ring is made up of a square princess-cut solitaire with smaller diamonds surrounding it in a white gold setting.


 “That ring means more to me than anything I can explain,” Miller told WSB.


 In the meantime, the couple will proceed with their wedding plans; Miller is scheduled to fly to Akron, Ohio to ask his fiancee’ Cara Epstein’s father for her hand in marriage.


Whether or not there will be a ring to be put on that hand remains to be seen. “She’s a school teacher and I’m a landscaper,” he said. “We obviously don’t make enough money to afford something like that on a regular basis. It was a very large purchase for us, and I just made a very bad mistake.”





Titanic first-class luncheon menu

 The first-class menu was dated 14 April 1912, the last lunch on board the Titanic


A menu of the last meal served to first-class passengers on board the Titanic has sold for £76,000. このメニューが7万6千ポンドで落札された。

It was among hundreds of items from the ship auctioned in Wiltshire ahead of the 100th anniversary of its sinking in the Atlantic Ocean. 大西洋沖に同号が沈没して100年を機に、南部のウイルとシャー州で数百種類の関連物品が競売にかけられた。

The menu was dated 14 April 1912, the day the cruiser hit an iceberg and sank, killing 1,522 people. このメニュー表の日付は1912年4月14日。氷塊にぶつかって同船が沈み、1522名の犠牲者を出したまさにその日である。

The menu was on the table of the first-class passenger Dr Washington Dodge, a prominent banker from San Francisco who was with his wife and son.このメニューはファーストクラス乗客の机の上にあったものだ。彼はサンフランシスコの著名な銀行員で、妻子を連れての旅行中であった。

She and her son survived the tragedy. 妻子だけが悲劇を逃れていた。