
The donut shop on the Miramer road has been across the street from the Marine base for more than thirty years. (ミラマー通りのドーナツショップは、30年以上にわたり海軍基地の向かい側に在った。)
Just after five a.m. a man  in a hooded sweatshirt walked in the back door as the lone employee had emptied the  trash.(午前5時を過ぎたころ、フード付きのトレーナーを着た男が裏口から侵入、そのとき店員はひとりしかおらず、ゴミ箱を空にしたところだった。)
 The gunman and the employee head for the register where the gunman orders the employee to empty it, even the coins.(銃を持った男と店員は現金機のところへ行き、中にあるものすべて渡すように命令。 コインさえもすべて。)
Then he makes the employee to take out his wallet and give him everything in it as well.
 Now both head to the back of the store, where the gunman points a weapon at the victim’s head and makes him drink liquid sorp in an effort to reveal the combination to the store safe.(さて二人は店の裏側へまわり、被害者の頭に銃を突きつけ、液体石鹸を無理やり飲ませた。金庫の番号を白状させるためだった。)
 Watch as he repeated, puts the weapon at his head and forced him to drink the liquid soap.
Finally convinced he didn’t know the combination or that there is even was a safe, the gunman leaves, as the employee locks the door behind him, calls his employer, who then called the police.(店員はダイヤル番号を本当に知らない、いやそもそも金庫があるのかどうかさえも知らない、ということにやっと気付いた犯人は、店をでる。店員はすぐにドアに施錠し、知らせを受けた店主が警察へ通報した。
The man taken in the robbery was not revealed,  the gunman is desctibed as a black man of 5.7 and 160 pounds.(強盗に係わった男の正体はわかっていないが、身長約5.7フィート、体重約160ポンドと言われている。


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