

「おれの学校、制服だせーの」 「スマホの機種、どれにしよう」「バス通たりー」










「可愛いあの子に声かけられて、頬を染めてたうぶなやつ」→ おれだ!

「女房・子供に手を焼きながらも生きている」→ おれだ!





おいイケメンども、いいか? 最後のレッスンを迎え、どうしても言いたいことがある。









英作チャレンジ 炎上直前の車から老夫婦を救出

いやー、ものすごい事件が熊本で起こりました。 横転した車の中にいる80代老夫婦を、付近の通行人が救出。2分後に車は火を吹き、炎上しました。まさに間一髪の救出劇と言えますね。 ところがその通行人、警察が着いたときすでにその場を去っていたそう。「名乗る程のもんじゃござんせん」的なドラマを演じたわけです。 かっこいいなあ。

即席で事件内容を英訳しました。 名も無きヒーローに捧げます。

A car hit the sidewalk on route 208 in Tamana city, Kumamoto pref.  and turned upside down, trapping two people inside. Several passers-by came and rescued them out free from injury.  Two minutes later, the car caught fire and was burnt down to ashes.

When the police arrived there, all the rescuers had left.












4. 屋根裏の床板をひっぺがすと、中から古めかしいウイスキー瓶がゴロゴロ。





9.それともこのままにしておくか? 迷うブライアンさん。


11.みなさんならどうしますか? 僕ならきっと・・・・飲まず売らず、ずっと部屋に置いて眺めていると思います。

Whisky windfall: Man finds rare 100-year-old bottles hidden in the attic

When a Missouri man decided to install central air-conditioning and central  heat in the attic of his historic house, he found much more than he bargained  for.

Bryan Fite, of St. Joseph, Mo., discovered 13 bottles of century-old whisky  under the floorboards in the attic of his 1850 house.

He didn’t recognize his good fortune right away, thinking the bottles were  tubes or oddly shaped installation pipes. But Fite soon discovered he was  sitting on a goldmine of antique whisky – the bottles are likely worth several  hundred dollars each, and possibly more.

Interest in investing in whisky has grown in the last five years since the  U.S. made it legal for auction houses to sell spirits, the Huffington Post  reported.

The bottles of Hellman’s Celebrated Old Crow whisky that Fite found were  distilled in 1912 and 1913 and bottled in 1917, two years before Prohibition  made the consumption and sale of alcohol illegal throughout the U.S.

Fite guesses the bottles were a secret stash hidden by the previous owner of  the house.

“The original owner lost the house and was put in a sanitarium for  alcoholism,” he told St. Joe Channel. “So perhaps that might be a story  behind it too, that that was his secret stash up in the attic!”

Fite and his wife, Emily, bought their home in 2011 and planned to fix it up.  He decided to install the heating and cooling unit himself to save some  money.

“I think it’s amazing to be able to feel a little bit energetically what’s  been going on in this house for its history,” Emily told St. Joe’s Channel.

Fite said he has no plans to open the pre-Prohibition bottles yet, and might  wait until year 2017 when they turn 100.

“Part of the allure for me is having them in their original state,” he told  ABC. “I have high expectations of what they’ll taste like, and I’m afraid if I  open them I’ll be disappointed.”

Chances are that even though Fite is a Bourbon man himself, it will be a  night to remember.





Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt and billionaire co-founder Larry Page have teamed up with “Avatar” director James Cameron and other investors to back an ambitious space exploration and natural resources venture, details of which will be unveiled next week. グーグル会長エリック·シュミットと億万長者のラリーペイジ氏が、映画”アバター”のジェームズ·キャメロン監督や他の投資家と提携し、宇宙探査と天然資源の野心的ベンチャー事業をバックアップする。その詳細は来週発表される。

The fledgling company, called Planetary Resources, will be unveiled at a Tuesday news conference at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, according to a press release issued this week. 今週開かれた記者会見によると、その新生会社はプラネタリーリソース(衛星資源)とよばれ、来週火曜日にシアトル航空博物館で公表されるという。

Aside from naming some of the company’s high-profile backers, the press release disclosed tantalizingly few details, saying only that the company will combine the sectors of “space exploration and natural resources” in a venture that could add “trillions of dollars to the global GDP.” 支持者となった著名人たちの名前を紹介した以外、プレスリリースではじれったくなるほど詳しい話が出なかった。唯一出たのはこの会社が宇宙探査と天然資源の分野を結合したものであり、世界のGDPを数兆ドル押し上げるベンチャーになりうる、という点だけである。

The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Planetary Resources will explore the feasibility of mining natural resources from asteroids, a decades-old concept. ウオールストリートジャーナル紙は金曜、「プラネタリーリソースは、何十年もの間考えられてきた、小惑星での天然資源発掘の可能性を探るであろう。」と報じた。




野村ジジイの時事い英語教室。 − 29歳米兵、アフガン少女を助け自ら犠牲に

It is a compelling war-zone story of heroism of a U.S. soldier who gave his own life to save an Afghan girl from certain injury. 人の心をつかんで離さない話がある。戦地でアフガニスタンの少女を傷害から救い出すため自ら命を捧げた米兵の英雄ストーリーだ。 Sgt. Dennis Weichel, 29, died in Afghanistan last week as he lifted an Afghan girl who was in the path of a large military vehicle barreling down a road. デニスウェイチェルは先週赴任先のアフガニスタンで亡くなった。29歳だった。大型軍用車両が猛スピードで走る道路上にいた女の子を抱え上げた時だった。   Weichel, a Rhode Island National Guardsman, was riding along in a convoy in Laghman Province in eastern Afghanistan when some children were spotted on the road ahead.ロードアイランド州兵のウェイチェルはアフガン東部のラグマン州で護衛車両に乗っていた。その際前方に数人の子供がいるのを発見。   The children were picking up shell casings lying on the road. The casings are recycled for money in Afghanistan.  Weichel and other soldiers in the convoy got out of their vehicles to get them out of the way of  the heavy trucks in the convoy.子供たちは路上にころがる薬きょうを集めていた。アフガンではリサイクルとして換金できるのだ。ウェイチェルと同僚は車両を降り、子らを路外へ出した。

The children were moved out of the way, but an Afghan girl darted back onto the road to pick up some more casings that lay underneath a passing MRAP, or Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle.  The huge armored trucks can weigh as much as 16 tons and are designed to protect the troops they carry from roadside bombs. 一旦路外へ出た子供たちだったが、一人の女の子が道路の方へいそいで戻った。通過中のMRAP (対地雷装甲車両)の下にある薬きょうを拾うためだった。その車両は16トンもあり、輸送中の軍隊を道路脇の爆弾から守るよう作られている。   Weichel spotted the girl and quickly moved toward her to get her out of the way.  He  succeeded, but not before he was run over by the heavily armored truck.  ウェイチェルは少女を見つけ、すぐに走り寄って彼女を連れ出した。成功したが自分自身は間に合わず、重量車両に轢かれてしまった。

Staff Sgt. Ronald Corbett, who deployed with Weichel to Iraq in 2005, said, “He would have done it for anybody,” adding, “That was the way he was. He would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He was that type of guy.” ウェイチェルと共に2005年にイラクに配置されたロナルドコベット軍曹は、「たとえ相手が誰であれ、あいつなら同じ事をしただろう。それがあいつの性格なんだ。シャツが欲しいと言われれば、自分のを脱いで渡すような、そんなタイプのやつだった。」と振り返った。

His remains  will arrive in Rhode Island Saturday, and a wake will be held in Providence Sunday. He’ll be buried Monday.    He is survived by his children, his fiancée and his parents.  Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee has ordered flags in the state to be flown at half-staff until Weichel’s burial.彼の遺体は土曜日にロードアイランド州に到着し、日曜日に通夜、月曜日に埋葬される予定。 子供、フィアンセ、両親が遺族として残された。 リンカーンシャフェイ州知事は埋葬が終わるまでの間、同州内の旗を半旗にするよう指示した。



時間も食材もなかったので、簡単なもので済ませました。 案の定子供たちからブーイングの嵐・・・



まったくもう、これだけあれば充分でしょうが! ねえ皆さん!





明るくてユーモアたっぷりのお方でした。 歌手の夏木マリによく似ていたので

Have you ever been told that you look like a singer Mari Natsuki?


Yes. But only in my younger days.







英作文チャレンジ ― 倉本聰さんが福島の浜辺で慰霊祭




On the first anniversary of the March 11th disaster, Mr.Soh Kuramoto, the script writer, and about thirty actors and actresses (who graduated from the Furano Juku, or acting school founded by Mr.Kuramoto)will comfort the souls of the victims together with the bereaved families and the local community.  During the memorial service, as many as ten thousand candles are to be lighted on the seashores of Iwaki and Minamisoma in Fukushima Prefecture.
The plan was drawn up by Mr.Kuramoto who took a hint from the movement  “One Million People’s Candle Night” where members switch off lights and light up candles at the night of the summer and winter solstice.

野村ジジィの時事イ英語教室 − 雪中2ヶ月、男性救出



(Reuters) – A Swedish man was dug out alive after being snowed in to his car on a forest track for two months with no food, police and local media reported on Saturday.


The 45-year-old from southern Sweden was found on Friday, emaciated and too weak to utter more than a few words.


He was found not far from the city of Umea in the north of Sweden by snowmobilers who thought they had come across a car wreck until they dug their way to a window and saw movement inside.


The man, who was laying in the back seat in a sleeping bag, said he had been in the car since December 19.


“Just incredible that he’s alive considering that he had no food, but also since it’s been really cold for some time after Christmas,” a rescue team member told regional daily Vasterbottens-Kuriren, which broke the news.


Umea University Hospital, where the man is recovering after being rescued by police and a rescue team, said in a statement he was doing well considering the circumstances.


Doctors at the hospital said humans would normally be able to survive for about four weeks without food. Besides eating snow, the man probably survived by going into a dormant-like state, physician Stefan Branth told Vasterbottens-Kuriren.

“A bit like a bear that hibernates. Humans can do that,” he said. “He probably had a body temperature of around 31 degrees (Celsius) which the body adjusted to. Due to the low temperature, not much energy was used up.”


Why the man ended up under the snow in the forest remains unknown, police said.


(Reporting by Anna Ringstrom; Editing by Janet Lawrence)











「クリスマス以降本当に寒い時があった、その中を食料無しで過ごし、今も生きているとはまったく信じられない。 救助チームのメンバーが地元紙Vasterbotten-Kurirenにそう語り、ニュースとなった。


警察とレスキューチームにより救助された後、同男性はウメオ大学病院に収容され回復に向かっている。 同病院は、「あの環境の中よく生き延びた」と声明を発表した。



「この男性は雪を食べただけでなく、睡眠に近い状態にいたことが幸いしたのだろう。」内科医のステファンブランス氏が同紙に語った。「言うなれば冬眠中のクマのような状態。人間でもそれができるのです。おそらく体温は31度前後になり、それに身体が順応したのでしょう。 低温のおかげで消費エネルギーが少なくて済んだのです」