

Chancellor Alistair Darling will this week tell government departments that the money has run out and they face a three-year cash freeze on spending. アリステアダーリング大蔵大臣は今週、政府各部門に対し財政逼迫のため今後3年間政府支出凍結に直面することになる、と伝える予定だ。

Darling is said to believe that public sector workers will have to match the sacrifices made by private sector employees during the recession この不景気の間、民間企業の従業員が強いられてきたのと同じ犠牲を、今後は公務員もはらわねばならないだろうと同氏は信じていると言われる。

Asked how the deficit should be reduced, respondents in the YouGov poll strongly favoured the main emphasis being on spending cuts over tax rises, by 52% to 30%. 財政赤字をどのように減らすかを世論調査で問うたところ、回答者の52%が支出削減を支持したのに対し、増税と答えたのは30%だった。

Yesterday the Tories stepped up their campaign to prevent money being wasted on costly IT projects. 昨日、野党の保守党はIT関連事業に多くの(税金が)浪費されるのをやめさせる運動を展開すると立ち上がった。


This financial catastrophe was caused, in large part, by Labour’s complete disregard for regulation of the financial sector – an own-goal one might say.



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