

It’s the last stop of a country train line – an isolated town of just a few thousand people. The tourists are flocking here to snap what they call a once-in-a-lifetime picture of her, Tama the cat or as she’s known to the Wakayama Railway – “Super Station Master.”
The cat, in a conductor’s hat, greets travelers like Michiko Yoshihara who traveled nearly six hours by train and spent hundreds of dollars to see Tama.

Tama belongs to the grocery store next door but started hanging out at the train station. The train line heard about Tama and decided on a whim to start promoting her as the stop’s stationmaster.タマはもともと隣の食料雑貨店で飼われている猫でしたが、駅の中をたむろするようになってから電鉄側の知るところとなり、思いつきで駅長に「昇進」させたのでした。

Well the train loads and  tourists started turning up.Merchandise started flowing and so did the cash, turning Tama into the ticket for one town’s turnaround. するとどうでしょう。乗客数、旅行者数が増えだし、商品流通が活発になり、収入が増えだしたのです。タマは一躍町おこしの立役者になりました。

Before Tama, the train line was almost always empty and nearing bankruptcy. Not only has she brought this train line back to life, but single-handedly pumped 10 million US dollars into the local economy.
タマが現れるまでは、この路線はほとんど空車で破産に近い状態にありました。 タマは電鉄会社を復興させただけでなく、地域に一千万ドル規模の経済効果をもたらしたのです。

This is the ten million dollar cat.

Seeing is believing, says the town that’s living an economic turnaround amid a national and global slowdown.

Why would so many spend so much on a little cat? It’s a chance to take a break from the problems facing Japan, says Haruto Maeda, who took the day off work to see Tama.”Call it an accident of life,” says Kishigawa’s Buddhist monk, Takeo Teranaka. “Perhaps other towns should find their own special thing and maybe they’ll see this kind of benefit, too.”
なぜお金をかけてまで大勢の人が猫一匹見るためにやってくるのでしょうか? タマに会うため会社を休んできたマエダハルトさんは、「日本が直面する問題から離れ、ちょっと一息入れるのに良い機会なのですよ」と語る。

Tama now lives full-time at the station, with her mom and a friend.
The prize of the town’s locals, who say in these tough economic times they’ll take a gift horse or cat where they can get it.


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