英作文チャレンジコーナー 時を超える毒物 



A house without a toilet is a phrase often used when people ridiculously refer to   nuclear plants where nuclear waste has no place to go.


Frequently used  similes such as this have an advantage of being easily understandable, but carries a careless tone of diluting seriousness of the state of affairs.


Radioactive waste is uncontrollably poisonous. 

There’s  a movie named Safety in 100000 Years which is currently premiered in Theater Kino, Sapporo.

It tells us that the “actual dimension of the problem is far more serious than toilets.


Finland started building the world’s first permanent nuclear-waste repository.

The camera goes down to the construction site where drilling is done 500 meter underground.


What an extraordinary plan it is to construct a building that can last 100,000 years until the nuclear waste is no longer deadly to human beings.


英作文チャレンジコーナー (はいはい道新)

道北を巡るバスツアーに参加した時のこと。出発時刻になっても姿を現さない人がいました。添乗員があちこち連絡を取っていたら、定刻から20分ほど過ぎてから男女二人が乗車してきました。 おかげで出発が遅れたのですが、謝りもせず悪びれたそぶりもなし。出発後今度は車内で女性グループがお菓子などを食べながら大声でおしゃべり。添乗員の観光案内の声も聞こえず迷惑です。団体行動です。気持ちのいい旅のためにマナーを守ってください。
 (道新 2011年5月16日号)
This is a story when I was on a bus tour to Dohoku area (Northern Hokkaido).
Somebody failed to show up in time for the departure time. The tour guide got in touch with some places to find this missing person.
Finally  came on board a man and a woman with no word of apology or self reflection.   and the bus started moving about twenty minutes behind schedule. And then, there was a group of girls chatting loudly while eating snacks. So I couldn’t hear the tour guide’s explanation clearly, which was quite annoying.
I want to say to those people that group tour members must obey rules to make their tour comfortable.

英作チャレンジコーナー(日経) なんと女性の1/4が彼氏より高年収!


年収以外に彼氏を上回る学歴やキャリアの女性も少なくないようだ。「恋人より学歴が高い」と答えた女性は3分の1に迫る31%にのぼり、「恋人より役職が高い」と答えた女性も7%いた。(日経 2011年4月19日)
As many as 26%, or one out of every four  responded  they earn higher income than their boyfriends.  The questionnaire taken on women aged 20-39 has shown a new aspect of circumstances surrounding people who are in love. It also indicated that women surpass men in other fields as well, such as education and career. ABout one third, or 31 percent answered they have higher education than their male counterparts, and seven percent , higher positions.


本日の日経記事より抜粋しました。 今年の夏は本当に厳しい試練になりそうです。

An original plan was filed by the Ministry of economy, trade, and Industry on how to maintain a balance between electricity demand and supply for the coming summer months.
Based on the article 27 of the Electric Business Act, the bill takes a few steps forward – such as the 25 to 30% reduction on the maximum power consumption by large quantity users such as big factories.
Prior to this, the major manufactuing sectors, such as automotive, electrical equipment, metal production, have already started working on the countermeasures.  But the hurdle is high for drastically cutting down on power consumption. 


(日本経済新聞 2011年3月19日)
Driven by  falling land prices, the housing demand in Sapporo is showing signs of recovery after the recessionary trend caused by the financial crisis.
There is a buying spree for accessible apartment houses  such as the ones along subway trails.
– which shows a greater tendency among seniors to live in city centers. 
On the other hand, more and more young families choose affordable individual houses built in suburbs where land prices are cheaper.
In this way, the housing market here is evolving towards bipolar extremes.


英作文チャレンジコーナー(はいはい道新) Hokkaido Newspaper “Readers’ voice column”


毎日通勤で通る道で気になっていることがあります。いつも通るその道は冬は車一台分くらいの幅しか除雪されておらず、歩道は除雪後の雪が山積み。近く小学校に通う子どもたちは仕方なく車道を歩くしかありません。車とすれ違う時は交通事故に巻き込まれるのではないかといつもひやひやします。幹線道路の除雪も大事ですが、子どもたちの安全のためにも通学路の歩道を最優先で除雪してほしいものです。(1月31日 道新)

There’s something on my mind about the road I take everyday on my way to work. For this road, the snow shoveling is not done enough, making it as wide as a single car lane.

The shoveled snow gets pushed aside, blocking people from walking on the sidewalks. Thus, children going to school or a facility have no option but to walk on the road instead. It makes me shiver every time I see cars passing by, causing me to fear the  kids might get involved in an accident.

It’s important to clear trunk roads of snow. But I want the authority to carry out snow clearance on school roads for school children’s safety .

英作文チャレンジコーナー(はいはい道新) Hokkaido Newspaper “Readers’ voice column”

家庭菜園でピーマンを栽培していますが、こんなのは見たことがなくびっくりしました。ひょとしたら何かいいことがある前兆かもしれないですね。夫は「宝くじでも買っておけ」ですって。(北海道新聞 2011年1月25日)
I bought a paprika, a vegetable that looks like Japanese “peeman”, for my cooking purpose.
It was big and yellow.
There were some bruises near the calyx, so I thought of cutting it into round slices.
As soon as I cut it open, there was  another paprika of the same color inside.  It looked like an unborn baby growing inside.
I grow “peeman” (green peppers) in my own vegetable garden, but nothing like this happened to me before.
Maybe this is a sign of good luck.
 “Why not buy some lottery tickets?” says my husband.

英作文チャレンジコーナー(はいはい道新) Hokkaido Newspaper “Readers’ voice column”

地産地消をうたった懸賞に私と夫の名前で2通応募しました。あまり期待せずにいたところ、主催者から当選の知らせがあり、希望した魚の一夜干しセットが届きました。大好物のツボダイのほかホッケ、カレイ、など5種類の干物が10点ほど入っていて夫婦で大喜びです。六日間続けて夕飯でいただきましたが、日頃スーパーで購入している干物とは違い、どれも特上品で大満足でした。久々にうれしい思いを味わいましたよ。(北海道新聞 2011年1月17日号)
My husband and I signed for a prize contest whose slogan was “Produce locally, consume locally”. We sent in two applications with our names respectively.
Though not expecting to win, we got a notice from the authority that we won the prize, a set of “Ichiyaboshi ” or overnight dried fish we had wished for.
There were about ten fish of five species, such as my favorite Tsubodai (Japanese armorhead), Hokke (Atka mackerel), Karei (Flatfish).
We were both pleased with the prize.  We ate them for dinner for six consecutive days.  All of them were of high quality and not the kind that you can get at a regular superstore. We never had tasted happy moments like this for a long time.

英作文チャレンジコーナー ”高卒求人に大学生流入”の記事



(北海道新聞 2010年12月23日)


Majority of job searching students of  senior high schools are facing a new year with no certain prospect of employment.
What is striking about this year  is that seniors of vocational schools, colleges and universities are moving into the job market of high school seniors, thus creating a situation where  impatient youngsters are fighting for a small number of job offers.  Senior high school authorities are tearing their hair out over having to fight an uphill battle with college grads.
On the other hand, employers are taking full advantage of the buyer oriented markets. Here’s a comment by the personnel of a wholesale company in Sapporo. “When  business was good,  not much interest was taken by college graduates. But now, excellent ones gather at our doors for an interview.   Feeling sorry for senior high students, I cannot stop prioritizing college graduates for the company’s future.”

英作文チャレンジコーナー(はいはい道新) Hokkaido Newspaper “Readers’ voice column”

On the flammable garbage collection day, I  put a bag of trash out in the garbage station.
In the bag were my leather boots, canvas shoes, plastic stool and other trashes. 
I got there again about an hour later. Unbelievably enough, the boots, shoes and stool were out there, lined up next to the garbage station.
Somebody had opened the bag and taken them out, thinking they are not combustible.!
Then the municipal garbage collection vehicle arrived and I asked the men if those articles belong to the flammable category or not.  They answered “flammable”.
I want to have a word or two with the person who meddled with my bag.
“It’s quite annoying. Mind your own business.”