


含蓄がありますよね。 なにかの席上で使ってみたいです。 さてこの名言、英語ではなんというべきか?

Life isn’t the way it is supposed to be.

Life isn’t the way you’d want it to be.

ってところかなあ。 もっといいのがあれば教えてください。






こんな時のためにと入っていたガン保険。 奥さんは請求手続きを取った。 

しかしなんと保険金支払いは途中で中断。 原因は奥さんが当月の保険金を誤って少なく振り込んだこと。その差額たったの2セント。(日本円で1円66銭)  


やってられないなあ、こんな目にあったら。 せめて定期引き落としだったらこんなことにはならなかっただろうに。 

だが、救いの神はちゃんといた。 TV局側が徹底追求した結果、保険会社側が折れたのである。



それにしてもこの保険会社のしらばっくれた応対には腹が立つ。このようなケースは今回が初めてではなく、過去にもあったものと感じさせる。泣き寝入りした顧客もいたのではないか? そう思うとやるせなさに襲われる。



Imagine this. A vietnam veteran has cancer and is awaiting  a stemcell transplant, when suddenly the insurance company revoked his coverage, revoked because his premium payment was two cents, two cents short. We learned of  this story from our Denver station KMGH.
David Muir picked up a phone to get answers and got results.
It’s doctor’s appointment they’ll never forget. Ronald Flanagan,fighting cancer, multiple myeloma,  was just moments away from getting a bone biopsy when his wife, in the lobby, heard this.
They told me, well, you know, you don’t have no insurance.
The couple was stunned. Especially because Ron was soon to get a stem cell transplant. Doctors had found a match. But their Cobra insurance coverage they were paying for after his wife was laid off, had suddenly been cut off. All because of a two-cent discrepancy. The last bill, $328.69, Francis paid $328.67.- two cents less by accident. Everybody is very surprised that two cents is enough to do this. And now we’re just pulling teeth and trying to figure out what’s the next step.  Today,we called up that Cobra provider, Ceridian.
It’s David Muir at ABC world news in New York. First put on hold,then told by another worker we’d get a call back. And this afternoon, we heard from Ceridian. Could this possibly be true that they wdre dropped over two cents? WE’ve reviewed the situation throughly and to establish facts and we’re pleased to say that we’ve been able to work with the employer and Mr. Flanagan’s Cobra coverage was reinstated. I just got off the phone with his wife and they have not been told that yet.  We are n the process of communicating with them. The Flanagan’s confirmed after so much worry over that two-cent error. It’s finally over. What would you say to mr. Flanagan tonight? Would you offer an apology?  For what, specifically?
Knowing that ,they were dropped because of a two-cent discrepancy as he waits for a stem cell transplant? We followed the normal processes, which are in complete compliance with the law and the regulations. Mr.Flanagan tells us he’s already been back on the phone with the transplant coordinator telling him he has his insurance back now, trying to get back on that schedule. Diane?


 さて野村英語維新塾は二年目に突入しました。 箱根駅伝なら第二区間は最も難所といわれる区間であります。山あり谷あり雨あり雪あり・・・。
 ここを乗り切ればなんとか展望が見えてくるのでは、と考えております。 どうかこれからもご指導ご鞭撻のほど、よろしくお願い申し上げます。




先日遠出をして、人気の飲食店に出かけました。日曜の昼過ぎで超満員でした。4歳ぐらいのお子さんを連れた若いご夫婦にあぜんとしました。子どもが店内で騒いでもまったく注意しようとしないのです。(北海道新聞 2010/11/11



英作文チャレンジコーナー(はいはい道新) Hokkaido Newspaper “Readers’ voice column”


朝の通勤電車での出来事です。優先席の前で、つり革につかまっていたら、そこにいたおばあさんが「だんなさん、すわればいいしょ」と言って席を詰めてくれるのです。 優先席にはすでに3人いて余裕は無し。無理をして20センチほど空けてくれたのですが、大柄な私にはとても座れるスペースではありません。「ご厚意は感謝します」と丁重にお断りしました。 よほどくたびれた顔をしていたのでしょうね。お年寄りに気を使わせてしまって、反省です。(12月3日)
This is what happened one morning when I was on my  way to work by train.
I was clutching my strap in front of the seats marked for the elderly and/or disabled.
A senior lady sitting there spoke to me “Sir, why not sit down with us?” and tried to make extra room for me.
There were already three people sitting there including her, so apparently no seat was available for me to sit in.
She managed to squeeze me in by positioning herself on the seat. But the space thus made was only twenty centimeters wide – not enough for my big body to get in. So I declined politely.  I must have looked very tired.
I regret that I let her worry about me so much.
札幌の娘宅を訪ねた帰途、地下鉄駅のホームで手袋をはめるためベンチに置いたショルダーバッグを忘れたまま電車に乗ってしまいました。財布や保険証など貴重品が入っており、車内で気づいた時は頭の中が真っ白。慌てて次の駅で降り、事務室で乗車駅に問い合わせてもらうと、届いているとのこと。 引き返して無事受け取った時は、安ど感から座り込むほどでした。どなたかわかりませんが届けていただきありがとうございました。(12月6日)
 I was on my way home after visiting my daughter’s in Sapporo.
While in the subway station, I put on my gloves with my shoulder bag on the bench.
It was not until I got on the train that I realized I left the bag behind.
I was stupefied because it contained some precious items such as my wallet, my health insurance card, and so on.
I soon got off at the next station, dashed to the office and asked for their lost and found service.
The staff  contacted my starting station and told me that the bag had been recovered!
When I had it back in my hands, I felt so relieved that I nearly fell on the floor.
Whoever it was that found it, I want to say thank you.



被害者の一人、アレンジョーンズさん。BANK OF AMERICA系列のクレジットカードで81ドル(6500円前後)の返済が遅れ、自宅に催促の電話が来るようになった。留守電に残されたメッセージは、おもわず耳をふさぎたくなるような、差別・侮辱そして卑猥用語だらけ。とても由緒ある銀行とは思えないものだった。返済を迫る電話は早朝から深夜に及び、完済後も続いた。

もう一人の被害者、バージニア州のジェフバーグさんは、まったくお金を借りていないのに返済催促の電話に悩まされ続けた。またしてもBANK OF AMERICAの系列だった。相手の勘違いが判明するまで約一か月もの間、いやがらせが続いた。

ずさんな顧客管理と不快な電話応対。BANK OF AMERICAともあろうものがなんという醜態! 銀行の生命線であるクリーンなイメージが侵されてもかまわないのか? TV局はさらに極秘調査を続けた。

その結果BANK OF AMERICAは、取り立て専門の会社と契約を結び回収に当たらせていたことが判明。 またその会社は、出所直後の前科者を中心に採用し、いやがらせ電話をさせていたこともわかった。

TV局はすぐに銀行側に対し釈明を求めたがノーコメント。そこで次に頭取を街頭で待ち伏せ、直接話しかける手段をとる。 頭取は、問題になっている留守電メッセージについて、素直に非を認め善処を約束。


しかしこれで問題がすべて解決したわけでない。BANK OF AMERICAはなぜこのような低俗な回収屋と手を組んでいたのか? 銀行としてのイメージ低下リスクを危惧しなかったのか? 

最後にTV局はこう結んでいる。 「今回の事件は、債権回収の即効性を最優先させたが故の結末である。」





The phone calls were ugly and harrowing. They came early in the morning late at night over and over again.
At least tough times, there may be no surprise that debt collector calls are at the country’s top consumer complaints,   but these ones crossed all boundaries of decency – racist, pornographic, even targeting someone who owed nothing.  Tonight our exclusive  investigation has  found that the callers behind these vile shakedowns were hired by a company working for one of the America’s banking giants.
Chief investigators correspondent, Brian Ross is here to break the story. And Brian this evidence  is truly stunning.  It really is George.  The tactics of American debt collectors have reached an all time low – including racist and obscene phone calls used in some cases on behalf of major American corporations.
RECEIVED AUGUST 7th AT 0810 p.m.  An overdue payment of 81 dollars on a Bank of America credit card led to the following messages from a debt collector.
Go mother xxxxx back to mother xxxxx Africa.
 The recipient Allen Jones of Dallas says the calls came even after he told  them  his bank of America  account had been paid.
The representative acted like we could call you as many times as we want.  And the racist obscene calls  continued late at night and early in the morning.
This is your mother xxxx  wake up call, man.
In Lynchburg Virginia, in the case of mistaken identity, another Bank of America customer Jeff Burg was hounded with a similar rough phone tactics.
Yeah I have you scared you don’t want to pick up the phone now?  Is it because you are now in bed with your sister, or with your mom or with your cousin? Huh or what? Little punk.
Burg said he received call like that for  months till they finally realized they had the wrong Bank of America customer. “I had no way to put an end to the phone call.
The calls to the Bank of America’s customer all came from a debt collection agency  ACT in Harlingen Texas.
“That sounds like to me a whole lot.” one of the debt collectors who made the offensive calls, Calros Oliva , a company supervisor,  testify in a lawsuit that he was hired there just seven months after leaving prison.
“They have a prison mentality. These are the people ACT chose to hire to collect debt from Bank of America.” The company says the callers were rogue operators and that it has since improved oversight.
What happened  did not represent the policies and the work that our employees do.
But jury held both the callers and ACT responsible in a verdict of more than 1.5 million dollars. Yet bank of  America continued to use the same debt collecting agency. Even after we sent them tapes for the phone calls,
Get your mother ******, **** :*** up and go pick some mother ****
cotton fields.
The bank refused to provide anyone to talk to us on camera. So we went looking for its CEO Brian Moynahan.
can a story for ABC” to ask him why his bank  still use the agency and gave him a copy of the phone call. 
That kind of language , is that acceptable in your effort.?
No that would not be acceptable. I’ll find out.
You let me know? Yep. Thank you very much.
Two days later, Bank of America  essentially fired the collection agency as a result of what we raised in our investigation according to the debt collection agency chairman. Bank of America says the decision has nothing to do with our story.
They say that there’s one action I got to believe regulators will take a look at this.
Absolutely  the Federal Trade Commission says their jurisdiction is preparing a major crackdown.
And one official there said the problem is the abusive phone calls work, and the bottom line has too often trumped  common decency and the law. 






Tomorrow would have been John Lennon’s seventieth birthday.  His widow Yoko Ono said that he dreaded turning forty, but thinking of seventy made him smile. So would the celebration that’s coming.
Peaceful, musical, all over the world. 
Our top rock fan Dan Harris will be right in the thick of it.
So many of us find it so hard to believe that this global icon of youthful rebellion and idealism would now be turning seventy.
A birthday that’s being marked in a big way.
All of John Lennon s solo albums are being rereleased in a box. There’s  
 There’s a new movie coming out that examines the teenage years of the future Beatle.
 I’m John
 And this new PBS documentary takes a look at the last decade of Lennon’s life.
 So, I had to contribute something.
 The documentary also contains rare home movies of the five years that Lennon took off from music to raise his son, Sean.
 I looked after the baby and I made the bread and I was a househusband and I’m proud of it.
 Even this active domesticity was radical.
For a father to be as involved in raising his family and making that a priority.
That  wasn’t – in the ’70s, you know that wasn’t a really thing that you  saw so much.
 Yoko Ono has said she is surprised by all the activity around her husband’s birthday.
But it is a testament to his enduring appeal.
 Life and career of John Lennon, singer song writer, symbol of an era, dead at forty.
 Nearly thirty years after he was shot and killed outside of his apartment building in New York City . Today, right across the street in the part of central park named strawberry fields in honor of John Lennon and his music.
So many of the songs are now , part of, you know, singalongs in nursery schools and lullabies and just the music that you grow up with when you live on this planet.
 And the world will live as one.
 And here we are at strawberry fields as the sun goes down.
And George, it’s worth noting that people visit this place pretty much every day of the year, rain or shine, and tomorrow on Lennon’s actual birthday, the crowd is expected to be huge.
More evidence that 30 years after he died, John Lennon still matters

ハリケーンカトリーナ 5年経っても癒えない傷Hurricane Katrina – Five years later




I remember, in the weeks after Katrina, you and I were sleeping in  rental cars at night. (ハリケーンカトリーナに襲われて数週間後のあの夜、

僕とあなたはレンタカーの中で寝ましたね)At the end of the day we would both talk about what we witnessed – whether it be the convention center, Charity Hospital.(そしてその日目撃した物事を2人で話し合ったものでした。集会所とか、チャリティ病院とか。)

What image sticks with you the most five years later? (あれから5年、どんなイメージが今一番強く残っていますか?)

Well I think the one that’s most upsetting to me was, driving down the road, Jim Hill, and I , the producer.(はい、あの時もっとも腹立たしかったのは、ジム・ヒルと編集者の私が運転していて) And we suddenly saw right at the end of the street, underneath the traffic lights of this major city in the United States, New Orleans, a dead body right along the curve on the grass.(その道路の端で人間の死体を見たのです。このアメリカの主要都市ニューオーリンズの、道路脇の街灯の足元で、カーブに沿った草地のところで見たのです。) No one had picked them up. The national guard had not flown them away. The police  haven’t picked them up. The fire fighters haven’t taken her away. Her name was  Vera. That’s all we knew. (誰もその遺体を引き取ろうとしませんでした。州兵も、警察も、消防も。彼女の名はベラ。分かっているのはそれだけでした)

Except that there was one man, a neighbor that was there, threw a blanket over the top of the body and then started burying her in dirt. (ただ一つ心の救いだったのは、近所の男性が彼女の遺体にタオルをかけ、土中に埋め始めたことでした。)He said that the nun would not ever forgive him if he did nothing like this. (このようなことしたら、修道女に許してもらえないだろう、と彼は語っていました) We had a chance also then, two days ago, to actually go back to that spot with the man who had done that kind of digging to bury that great woman. (おとといの日、同じ場所を訪れてかの男性と再会しました。)And now they created this shrine as a memorial to her for the rest of her life and hopefully it will stay there at that exact spot, where we saw that five years ago.(そこには亡くなった彼女を追悼するための祭壇が作られていました。5年前とまったく同じ場所に立てられた祭壇、いつまでもそこに残っていてほしいですね。

I know his tears haven’t been erased when you talked to him just this week. (その男性、きっと5年前から涙が途切れることはなかったでしょうね) It’s still so emotional for the people of New Orleans. (ニューオーリンズの人にとって、まだまだ理性を失うような感情が残っていることでしょう。)But is there a noticeable change in the vibe five years later?(5年経って、人々の気持ちに目立った変化はありますか)

Well it really depends on who you talk to. (人によって様々ですね)Some people are very honest about it, very open about it.(正直にオープンに話してくれる人もいれば) There are ones really kind of not talking about it much any more. (もう話したくないという態度を取る人もいます)But I did get a chance to go back to the hospitals that you and I witnessed. (あの病院へ再度行ってみました)Most horrific things  we’ve seen.(我々が5年前にみた最も恐ろしい光景でした) I went back to the ones like that charity hospital where you and I remember five years ago going through these hospitals and in the beds there were people, patients who were actually dying.(ベッドの上には瀕死の人や患者がいました) They were not going to survive because there was no electricity in there. (停電状態だったので彼らに何もすることが出来なかったのです) There’s nothing much to do about it.(出来ることは何もありませんでした) So finally they went up to the roof and these paramedics were actually in there with helicopters taking them away. (最上階へいってみると、ヘリコプターで到着した医療チームが患者を運び出していました)And five years ago, I talked to one guy, who was one of the pilots that I saw. He was in tears then. (その時のパイロットと会ってみました。涙にくれていました)Had a chance yesterday to actually fly over the city again and he had the same exact feelings as he did back then. (昨日現地を訪れた際、5年前と同じ心境になったと語っていました。)You know we have seen so many tears; people really have actually reacted the same way as they had before, It’s been a big challenge.(このように、まだ多くの人々が当時と同じ反応を見せ、涙を見せます。大きな試練でした。)

33名全員生存!!! Trapped Chilean miners send note saying they are alive!


炭鉱町で育った私にはこういう事件がどうしても他人事に思えません。 早く無事に帰れることを祈りたいです。


A riveting human drama thousands of feet below the earth. (地下数千フィートのところでものすごい人間ドラマが起きています)Thirty-three Chilean miners facing months of life now at a tiny cavern. (小さな洞窟で、何か月も暮らすことになる33名のチリの鉱夫たち)The mine collapsed two and a half weeks ago they sent up a scribbled message XXXXX (2週間と少し前にこの鉱山は崩落しました。そして中に居た彼らが地上に向け手書きのメッセージを送ってきたのです。)

And now the incredible struggle began to get them food, water, and hope for the weeks of rescue may require.(信じられない戦いが始まりました。中に居る彼らに食糧、水、そして(救出には何週間もかかるが、きっと助かるという)希望を送り込む戦いでした。Jeffrey  Kofman is in Chile tonight. (ジェフリーコフマンがチリに飛んでいます。) 

This video taken by an underground probe confirmed the news. (地下探索機を用いて撮ったビデオが、このニュースを裏付けました。)All thirty-three men are alive. you can see one of them here. 33名すべてが生存しているのです。いま一人が映って見えますね)The men there journeyed down seven miles of zigzagging tunnel when a section of the copper mine collapsed. (彼らは鉱山の中の11キロにおよぶジグザグトンネルを下りていった時、落盤が発生しました)After two weeks of seven failed attempts, yesterday rescuers drilled a six inch wide hole two thousand two hundred and fifty-eight feet down. (その後2週間にわたり、7度の救出作戦が行われましたがすべて失敗。そこで昨日、ドリルで直径15センチ程度の穴を740メートルの深さまで掘ったのです。)When they heard banging, they sent down a tiny camera.(やがて大きな轟音が聞こえたところで、彼らは小さなカメラを落下させました。)

When it came back to a surface,there was a note from the  eldest of the miners,63-year-old Mario Gomez.(それを頂上に戻してみたら、小さな紙切れが一緒に付いてきたのです。63歳の長老炭鉱夫マリオゴメズさんからのものでした。)

“I want to tell everyone that I’m good”, he wrote to his wife. “And we’ll surely come out OK.”  (それは奥さんに宛てた手紙でした。元気だということを皆に伝えたい。ここに居るみんなが無事に帰るつもりでいることを伝えたい、という内容でした) The news was met with euphoria by anxious families and anxious nation.(全員生存のニュースに家族も国民も喜びました。) 

“We are happy”, says Katarine Abalone, whose brother is trapped underground, “this is what we’ve been waiting seventeen days to  hear”.  (とてもうれしいです、17日間待っていた言葉でした。こう語るのは兄弟が閉じ込められたカタリンアバロンさんです)The thirty-three men are surviving under grueling conditions in a six hundred square foot refuge about the size of a hotel room.(この33名の鉱夫は55平方メートル、およそホテルの一室と同じ程度の広さの場所で生き延びています。ですが環境は大変にきびしい状態にあります) The temperature ninety-five degrees with a humidity at ninety-five percent.  (摂氏35度、湿度95%They have some electricity from a truck engine for light.(近くにあったトラックのエンジンから電気を取り、照明として使っているようです) They used a backhoe to dig into the dirt floor of the mine to find drinking water. (またバケット付きの掘削機を使って地面を掘り、飲み水を発見しました)

鉱山安全健康ニュース社編集長エレンスミス氏、 People may say this is not successful because these men are trapped. (鉱夫が閉じ込められたのだから、この鉱山計画は失敗だった、と言うかもしれませんが)I say this is incredibly successful because these men  survived and they’re going to be able to survive.(私はむしろ成功だったと思っている。こうして生存が確認され、生きて帰ってこようとしているのだから)


Down the six-inch shaft, rescuers are now lowering, the saltwater, gel tablets and medicine to help nurse the men back from the brink of starvation. (中に閉じこめられた人を飢餓から救いだすため、地上の救出部隊はその15センチの穴を使って塩水やゼリー菓子、薬品を下へおろしています)It’s believed that they’ve been living off a 48-hour supply of food. (彼らは少なく見積もっても48時間は食糧が無い状態だったとみられています)To rescue the trapped men, they will dig a wider 27 inch bore hole.(人間を救出するため68センチの穴をドリルで開ける用意があるそうです) The men will be raised up one at a time, but two are reportedly obese and it’s not clear how they will fit.(そうすれば、中の人間を一気に持ち上げて地表まで運ぶことになります。ただ肥満者が2名いると伝えられているので、彼らの身体が納まるのかどうか明らかになってはいません) All this could take a month but it may take until Christmas. (このすべての作業には一か月、いやクリスマス頃までかかるかもしれません) Mario Gomez seemed to sense that in the note he scrolled to his wife ” patience and faith”, he wrote,  god is great and the help of my god is going to make it possible to leave this mine alive. (マリオゴメズ氏もそれを感じ取っているらしく、奥さんあてのメモには「忍耐と信心、偉大な神の助けでここから生きて出られるだろう」と書かれてありました。) We know the men have enough air  to breathe and we now know they have enough  food to eat. (彼らには十分な水と充分な食料が届いたことが明らかになりました) What is not clear is whether they know how long it may take to rescue them. Diane? (明らかになっていなのは、救出にどれだけ時間がかかるか、です。ダイアナさん)


Divers find 230-year old champagne in Baltic wreck バルト海で230年前のシャンパン発見!!!

 1780年ごろのシャンパンが完ぺきな状態で見つかりました。製造年に間違いなければフランス革命よりも前につくられたことになります。 いやーロマンがあるなあ。 ちょっとだけ飲んでみたい・・・と思いつつ「大五郎」を口にする私でした。(悲)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8S5i9afMRXo 動画をご覧になりたい方はクリック願います。

A bit of bubbly for divers in finland enjoying a sunken treasure that hasn’t seen the light of day in centuries.(何世紀もの間海に沈んだままだった宝物を見つけ、フィンランドの潜水士が騒いでいます)The divers exploring a ship wreck in the baltic sea found 30 bottles of champagne believed to HAVE BEEN MADE IN THE 1780s, before the French revolution. (バルト海に沈んだ難破船を探検していたら、1780年ごろのものとみられるシャンペンボトルが30本見つかったのです。フランス革命よりも前のものということになります)They popped the cork on one bottle and said it still tastes fantastic.(1本のコルクを開けたところ、味は上々だったとか) If the date is confirmed it would be the oldest drinkable champagne in the world. (製造日付が確認されれば世界で一番古いシャンペンとなるでしょう)Each bottle could fetch about $70,000 at auction.
