テレビ見たぞ、彩芽くん I’ve seen you on the TV, AYAME.


When the drip  needle was about to be inserted, you showed no sign of being scared.


In the elementary school foot race, you were running as hard as you could. 


Traveling to as far as Sapporo, you’ve earned a lifetime experience.


When your doctor told you that your arm muscles had increased a bit, you looked happy.


君のその頑張りで、多くの人が感動し、勇気づけられた。 おじさんもそのひとりだ。

Your fight against your disease inspired many people including me.


Thank you.

海外でも報道、タイガーマスクのイイ話。Tiger Mask repaying welfare facilities, spurs outburst of charity

虎だッ、虎だっ、お前は虎になるのだ。 タアーッツ! 我が世代のヒーロー、タイガーマスク(伊達直人)の名を借りて善行をおこなう男の姿が海外でも報じられています。


ディクテーションのやりがいがありました。 この運動が世界中に広がることを願いたいです。




The gifts have been delivered to more than ninety locations across Japan, boxes filled with backpacks, envelopes of cash.  This one came with green onions and five bags of rice. Each are from an anonymous donar who goes by Naoto Date, the name of a super hero in the popular Japanese comic, Tiger Mask.


Kikuchi Masatoshi got a box filled with pencils and pencil sharpeners at his orphanage in Yokohama. He says “I knew this man had a big heart.”


Tiger mask became popular in the 1960s, the stories about Naoto Date who becomes a professional wrestler and donates his money to the orphanage.


Now news of a real life hero helping children has sparked a national gift giving movement. The first gift came Christmas day and an employee at a welfare center outside Tokyo found ten boxes of backpacks. This man found twelve hundred dollars in an envelope at a grocery store. It came with a letter that read “There are tiger masks across Japan. Please use this for promising children.” The super hero has even gone to the police himself and asked them to deliver supplies to orphanages. Nearly two dozen new locations have reported gifts Tuesday alone. All the attention hasn’t convinced the man behind the mask to come forward yet, but there have been sightings. This store owner says an older man came in and bought half a dozen backpacks for an orphanage.

He covered his face with a scarf so I didn’t ask who he was. But I’m pretty sure he was Tiger Mask. Akiko Fujita, ABC news Tokyo.





街でテレビ局の方から「生放送のクイズ番組に出ませんか」と声を掛けられました。見たことのある番組だったので「出ます」と答えた後、時間があったので化粧直しをして心の準備をしていました。ところが集合場所に行くと何人かの人がいて、出場者は抽選で決めるとのこと。残念ながら私は外れでした。勇気を振り絞って出場を決意したのにがっかりです。応募者が多ければ抽選は当たり前なんでそうけれど、それなら初めからきちんと伝えてください。(北海道新聞 2011年1月11日号)
While  in town, I was approached by a TV station who asked me if I wanted to be on a live quiz show. The program name was familiar to me so I said “Yes.”
Then there was a little time availabe so I  touched up my makeup while making a mental preparation.
When I got to the meeting place (designated by the TV station) , however, I saw some other people waiting there too.  It was then I was told that the panelists would be chosen by lottery.  Unfortunately I couldn’t win it. I had to take all my courage to decide on showing up on TV, so my disappointment was all the greater.
It’s understandable that lottery should be a natural process if applicants are more than necessary. But if that’s the case, why didn’t they tell me so in advance?








カーリング、プロリーグ化を検討。 Study started for professional curling league foundation

ハラハラしながらテレビ画面のカーリング選手を見つめたバンクーバーオリンピック。もうあれから一年かあ。さて今、北海道ではプロリーグ化の構想がでているという記事を目にし、英訳してみました。 (だけどこれまで立役者だったチーム青森の立場はどうなるんだろ? 後ろ足で砂をかけることになるのでは?)
(北海道新聞 2011年1月6日) 
The government of Hokkaido is working on the possibility to establish a professional curling league in Hokkaido.
The stone sliding sport gained tremendous attention in Japan during the Vancouver 2010 winter Olympics, and a plan is drawn to boost its popularity even higher by organizing a league.
From the new fiscal year, Hokkaido will begin to study various factors such as  facility, team running costs, and expected size of spectators before deciding if the leadue forming is practical or not.


 さて野村英語維新塾は二年目に突入しました。 箱根駅伝なら第二区間は最も難所といわれる区間であります。山あり谷あり雨あり雪あり・・・。
 ここを乗り切ればなんとか展望が見えてくるのでは、と考えております。 どうかこれからもご指導ご鞭撻のほど、よろしくお願い申し上げます。

怒りの乗客、空港ロビー内にテント・・・ Airport Christmas for Europe’s stranded travelers






Across the Atlantic, thousands of travelers including  Americans  are in a race against the clock to get home for the  holidays only to be told to get ready to camp out a long wait. NICK WATT reports from London tonight.
The busiest international airport on earth, the busiest travel week  of the year. Thousands of passengers are now  trapped in what they are calling HOTEL HEATHROW. They won’t make it home for the holidays.
My son and I come home,  it’s like a present to my parents.  and I was even going to surprise them a little bit.
With London’s worst snow in twenty five years and the coldest in December in hundred years, Heathrow is just not equipped to deal with it.
“I’m truly sorry for every spoiled Christmas holiday, every disrupted travel plan.
In Germany today, a thousand flights were cancelled. In Paris a third of all flights grounded.
“Our flight coming in was Air France   ? ”  The guy on the left is a French transport minister. “Our flight was cancelled, we weren’t told the the flight was cancelled.”  In Brussels, they just ran out of de-icer  “They are closing the airport now, right?”  Right. Closed until Wednesday, at the earliest.
Many roads across  Europe are also a mess, and the railways, well that is a five hour line snaking around  London’s international Train Station. Some passengers are angry, but most are sanguine   “I’ve just stayed in the cold for three hours. I’ve got no blood left actuallly getting excited. So we just sit there and wait.”  “If I have to take a boat, I will.”  “Good. Determination. Good luck. I hope you make it.”  Sadly the news isn’t great tonight. The temperature is gonna plummet again and a lot more snow is forecast.
Nick Watt. ABC News London.

英作文チャレンジコーナー ”高卒求人に大学生流入”の記事



(北海道新聞 2010年12月23日)


Majority of job searching students of  senior high schools are facing a new year with no certain prospect of employment.
What is striking about this year  is that seniors of vocational schools, colleges and universities are moving into the job market of high school seniors, thus creating a situation where  impatient youngsters are fighting for a small number of job offers.  Senior high school authorities are tearing their hair out over having to fight an uphill battle with college grads.
On the other hand, employers are taking full advantage of the buyer oriented markets. Here’s a comment by the personnel of a wholesale company in Sapporo. “When  business was good,  not much interest was taken by college graduates. But now, excellent ones gather at our doors for an interview.   Feeling sorry for senior high students, I cannot stop prioritizing college graduates for the company’s future.”

Wiiを使ってリハビリに。Wiihab is the new Rehab

高齢者のリハビリに任天堂wiiを使うところが増えているようです。アメリカではリハビリをもじってwiihabとよばれているとか。 どんな具合なのか見てみましょう。


No longer the stuff of childs play, the Nintendo Wii  has become an exciting tool used by physical and occupational therapists in rehabilitation settings. This new treatment approach is often called Wii-hab.


At CareOne centers, both our therapists and patients say that one of the best things about Wii-hab is that its fun, which means people are more motivated and engaged during their rehab. This motivation is important from a therapy perspective, but theres another benefit. The Wii enables patients to integrate skills while allowing therapists to see how the person is progressing in a more natural environment. For example, a traditional exercise routine might build muscle strength through a specific strengthening routine. An activity using the Wii not only uses that new strength but also integrates it with balanceit provides a way to practice using strength, balance and weight shifting all within a virtual environment.  For some of our older patients, learning to use the Wii as part of therapy has given them a new link to their children or grandchildren. Once patients return home, theyre motivated to practice newly learned skills with the Wii because its something they can do with the entire family.   

Improving function is an important goal for our therapists, and the Wii aids in achieving this goal by helping our patients get moving again.

英作文チャレンジコーナー(はいはい道新) Hokkaido Newspaper “Readers’ voice column”

On the flammable garbage collection day, I  put a bag of trash out in the garbage station.
In the bag were my leather boots, canvas shoes, plastic stool and other trashes. 
I got there again about an hour later. Unbelievably enough, the boots, shoes and stool were out there, lined up next to the garbage station.
Somebody had opened the bag and taken them out, thinking they are not combustible.!
Then the municipal garbage collection vehicle arrived and I asked the men if those articles belong to the flammable category or not.  They answered “flammable”.
I want to have a word or two with the person who meddled with my bag.
“It’s quite annoying. Mind your own business.”