英作文チャレンジ! ー はやぶさ 遥かなる帰還

東日本大震災の被災地支援を続ける俳優の渡辺謙さんが14日、主演映画「はやぶさ 遥かなる帰還」の無料の試写会を岩手県の大船渡市や宮古市で開き、舞台あいさつした。渡辺さんは「映画を持って来るという約束を果たせてうれしい。皆さんも力を合わせていろんな壁に立ち向かってほしい」と被災地のファンを励ました。
Free previews of the upcoming film “HAYABUSA” were held in Ofunato and Miyako of Iwate prefecture and its starring actor Ken Watanabe appeared there.
Continuing his support for the East Japan earthquake victims,  Mr.Watanabe encouraged the fan in the disaster-ridden areas, saying “I’m happy I have fufilled my promise of coming here with a new work of movie. Please stand together and face various challenges”

英作文チャレンジコーナー : 北大がジャガイモ害虫特効薬の合成に成功!



A research team from Hokkaido University has succeeded in synthesizing a “wonder drug” that can decisively exterminate harmful insects infesting potatoes. The news was reported in newspapers the other day.



Having read it, I was truly impressed with how they came up with such a great idea.



Given such a tongue-biting name as “Jagaimoshisutosenchuu” (Globodera Restochiensis) , the insects are approximately one millimeter tall and live on potato roots, causing a very poor crop.



With their eggs persisting in the soil for more than ten years, Globodera Restochiensis are so troublesome that even the chemical compounds cannot kill effectively.



Not only has Hokkaido suffered but also other potato producing countries throughout the world.


卵は眠った状態で土壌に潜み、ジャガイモが畑で根を張る際に分泌する物質を感じ取ると目を覚まし、ふ化する。Their eggs sleep in the ground. They wake up and start hatching upon feeling some substance released by potatoes when starting to grow roots,.



What a wise strategy to sleep until dinner is ready!



But human beings fight back.


幼虫はジャガイモしか食べないため、作付け前に人為的に卵をふ化させてしまえば、彼らは餓死するしかない。The larvae eat nothing but potatoes. It means that if we can artificially hatch eggs before planting potato seeds, the larvae have no other option than to die of starvation.



The Hokudai team has successfully achieved the artificial synthesizing of the “awakening substance” for the first time in the world.



The team says there’s no negative impact or risk to the environment because the substance comes from potato itself.



As we use stronger chemicals to kill germs and insects, they get more and more resistant to protect themselves.



As a result of the endless fighting, contamination threatens nature and human health more seriously than ever.



“We’ll stop fighting, and give you a helping hand in hatching eggs.” Such a conciliating approach should be applicable when dealing with troubles and problems, big or small.



I wonder if lawmakers in Nagatacho could take up the idea.

(北海道新聞 7月16日号朝刊 卓上四季)


英作文チャレンジコーナー 時を超える毒物 



A house without a toilet is a phrase often used when people ridiculously refer to   nuclear plants where nuclear waste has no place to go.


Frequently used  similes such as this have an advantage of being easily understandable, but carries a careless tone of diluting seriousness of the state of affairs.


Radioactive waste is uncontrollably poisonous. 

There’s  a movie named Safety in 100000 Years which is currently premiered in Theater Kino, Sapporo.

It tells us that the “actual dimension of the problem is far more serious than toilets.


Finland started building the world’s first permanent nuclear-waste repository.

The camera goes down to the construction site where drilling is done 500 meter underground.


What an extraordinary plan it is to construct a building that can last 100,000 years until the nuclear waste is no longer deadly to human beings.


英作チャレンジコーナー(日経) なんと女性の1/4が彼氏より高年収!


年収以外に彼氏を上回る学歴やキャリアの女性も少なくないようだ。「恋人より学歴が高い」と答えた女性は3分の1に迫る31%にのぼり、「恋人より役職が高い」と答えた女性も7%いた。(日経 2011年4月19日)
As many as 26%, or one out of every four  responded  they earn higher income than their boyfriends.  The questionnaire taken on women aged 20-39 has shown a new aspect of circumstances surrounding people who are in love. It also indicated that women surpass men in other fields as well, such as education and career. ABout one third, or 31 percent answered they have higher education than their male counterparts, and seven percent , higher positions.

英作文チャレンジコーナー(はいはい道新) Hokkaido Newspaper “Readers’ voice column”


毎日通勤で通る道で気になっていることがあります。いつも通るその道は冬は車一台分くらいの幅しか除雪されておらず、歩道は除雪後の雪が山積み。近く小学校に通う子どもたちは仕方なく車道を歩くしかありません。車とすれ違う時は交通事故に巻き込まれるのではないかといつもひやひやします。幹線道路の除雪も大事ですが、子どもたちの安全のためにも通学路の歩道を最優先で除雪してほしいものです。(1月31日 道新)

There’s something on my mind about the road I take everyday on my way to work. For this road, the snow shoveling is not done enough, making it as wide as a single car lane.

The shoveled snow gets pushed aside, blocking people from walking on the sidewalks. Thus, children going to school or a facility have no option but to walk on the road instead. It makes me shiver every time I see cars passing by, causing me to fear the  kids might get involved in an accident.

It’s important to clear trunk roads of snow. But I want the authority to carry out snow clearance on school roads for school children’s safety .

英作文チャレンジコーナー(はいはい道新) Hokkaido Newspaper “Readers’ voice column”

家庭菜園でピーマンを栽培していますが、こんなのは見たことがなくびっくりしました。ひょとしたら何かいいことがある前兆かもしれないですね。夫は「宝くじでも買っておけ」ですって。(北海道新聞 2011年1月25日)
I bought a paprika, a vegetable that looks like Japanese “peeman”, for my cooking purpose.
It was big and yellow.
There were some bruises near the calyx, so I thought of cutting it into round slices.
As soon as I cut it open, there was  another paprika of the same color inside.  It looked like an unborn baby growing inside.
I grow “peeman” (green peppers) in my own vegetable garden, but nothing like this happened to me before.
Maybe this is a sign of good luck.
 “Why not buy some lottery tickets?” says my husband.

英作文チャレンジコーナー(はいはい道新) Hokkaido Newspaper “Readers’ voice column”

地産地消をうたった懸賞に私と夫の名前で2通応募しました。あまり期待せずにいたところ、主催者から当選の知らせがあり、希望した魚の一夜干しセットが届きました。大好物のツボダイのほかホッケ、カレイ、など5種類の干物が10点ほど入っていて夫婦で大喜びです。六日間続けて夕飯でいただきましたが、日頃スーパーで購入している干物とは違い、どれも特上品で大満足でした。久々にうれしい思いを味わいましたよ。(北海道新聞 2011年1月17日号)
My husband and I signed for a prize contest whose slogan was “Produce locally, consume locally”. We sent in two applications with our names respectively.
Though not expecting to win, we got a notice from the authority that we won the prize, a set of “Ichiyaboshi ” or overnight dried fish we had wished for.
There were about ten fish of five species, such as my favorite Tsubodai (Japanese armorhead), Hokke (Atka mackerel), Karei (Flatfish).
We were both pleased with the prize.  We ate them for dinner for six consecutive days.  All of them were of high quality and not the kind that you can get at a regular superstore. We never had tasted happy moments like this for a long time.

テレビ見たぞ、彩芽くん I’ve seen you on the TV, AYAME.


When the drip  needle was about to be inserted, you showed no sign of being scared.


In the elementary school foot race, you were running as hard as you could. 


Traveling to as far as Sapporo, you’ve earned a lifetime experience.


When your doctor told you that your arm muscles had increased a bit, you looked happy.


君のその頑張りで、多くの人が感動し、勇気づけられた。 おじさんもそのひとりだ。

Your fight against your disease inspired many people including me.


Thank you.

海外でも報道、タイガーマスクのイイ話。Tiger Mask repaying welfare facilities, spurs outburst of charity

虎だッ、虎だっ、お前は虎になるのだ。 タアーッツ! 我が世代のヒーロー、タイガーマスク(伊達直人)の名を借りて善行をおこなう男の姿が海外でも報じられています。


ディクテーションのやりがいがありました。 この運動が世界中に広がることを願いたいです。




The gifts have been delivered to more than ninety locations across Japan, boxes filled with backpacks, envelopes of cash.  This one came with green onions and five bags of rice. Each are from an anonymous donar who goes by Naoto Date, the name of a super hero in the popular Japanese comic, Tiger Mask.


Kikuchi Masatoshi got a box filled with pencils and pencil sharpeners at his orphanage in Yokohama. He says “I knew this man had a big heart.”


Tiger mask became popular in the 1960s, the stories about Naoto Date who becomes a professional wrestler and donates his money to the orphanage.


Now news of a real life hero helping children has sparked a national gift giving movement. The first gift came Christmas day and an employee at a welfare center outside Tokyo found ten boxes of backpacks. This man found twelve hundred dollars in an envelope at a grocery store. It came with a letter that read “There are tiger masks across Japan. Please use this for promising children.” The super hero has even gone to the police himself and asked them to deliver supplies to orphanages. Nearly two dozen new locations have reported gifts Tuesday alone. All the attention hasn’t convinced the man behind the mask to come forward yet, but there have been sightings. This store owner says an older man came in and bought half a dozen backpacks for an orphanage.

He covered his face with a scarf so I didn’t ask who he was. But I’m pretty sure he was Tiger Mask. Akiko Fujita, ABC news Tokyo.



カーリング、プロリーグ化を検討。 Study started for professional curling league foundation

ハラハラしながらテレビ画面のカーリング選手を見つめたバンクーバーオリンピック。もうあれから一年かあ。さて今、北海道ではプロリーグ化の構想がでているという記事を目にし、英訳してみました。 (だけどこれまで立役者だったチーム青森の立場はどうなるんだろ? 後ろ足で砂をかけることになるのでは?)
(北海道新聞 2011年1月6日) 
The government of Hokkaido is working on the possibility to establish a professional curling league in Hokkaido.
The stone sliding sport gained tremendous attention in Japan during the Vancouver 2010 winter Olympics, and a plan is drawn to boost its popularity even higher by organizing a league.
From the new fiscal year, Hokkaido will begin to study various factors such as  facility, team running costs, and expected size of spectators before deciding if the leadue forming is practical or not.