



















いろんな教室でこの話題を取り上げ、What would you say to the fiancee if you were her parent? もしあなたがフィアンセの親だったら、何を彼女に言うか?





曰く、「あれ? アンタも昔、同じようなことしたよね・・・」

アア、わかったわかったもういい。 この話しおしまいっ。

A young couple’s wedding plans suffered a setback when the groom-to-be found he had accidentally donated his girlfriend’s engagement ring to Goodwill. Josh Miller, 31, had been hiding the ring in the pocket of an old winter coat for two months as he waited for the right moment to pop the question.  


She talked about the exact right (ring) that she wanted for a long time and we just finally found the perfect engagement ring and we were very excited,” Miller told ABC News’ Atlanta affiliate WSB-TV.


 That excitement was short-lived however. Ready to propose, Miller dug through his closet for the ring, growing increasingly frantic as he realized it was nowhere to be found.


 “I was just shaking,” Miller said. “I didn’t know what to do, or what to say, or how to feel. I called Cara immediately, but she thought I was joking.”


 Thinking back, Miller realized that coat, ring and all, was among the items he had put in a pile to donate to Goodwill earlier in the week.

 “Honestly, I just think I forgot,” he said. “I knew it was in my closet somewhere, but we were just grabbing stuff and I threw it in a pile and thought, ‘I don’t wear that anymore.’”


 By the time Miller was able to get in contact with the Goodwill in his hometown of Buckhead, the coat, which had been put on the shelves earlier in the week couldn’t be located.


 Miller has not given up however, he is hoping that a Good Samaritan finds the ring, in his jacket, which he described as a black ski jacket with gray stripes, and return it to him. The ring is made up of a square princess-cut solitaire with smaller diamonds surrounding it in a white gold setting.


 “That ring means more to me than anything I can explain,” Miller told WSB.


 In the meantime, the couple will proceed with their wedding plans; Miller is scheduled to fly to Akron, Ohio to ask his fiancee’ Cara Epstein’s father for her hand in marriage.


Whether or not there will be a ring to be put on that hand remains to be seen. “She’s a school teacher and I’m a landscaper,” he said. “We obviously don’t make enough money to afford something like that on a regular basis. It was a very large purchase for us, and I just made a very bad mistake.”





Titanic first-class luncheon menu

 The first-class menu was dated 14 April 1912, the last lunch on board the Titanic


A menu of the last meal served to first-class passengers on board the Titanic has sold for £76,000. このメニューが7万6千ポンドで落札された。

It was among hundreds of items from the ship auctioned in Wiltshire ahead of the 100th anniversary of its sinking in the Atlantic Ocean. 大西洋沖に同号が沈没して100年を機に、南部のウイルとシャー州で数百種類の関連物品が競売にかけられた。

The menu was dated 14 April 1912, the day the cruiser hit an iceberg and sank, killing 1,522 people. このメニュー表の日付は1912年4月14日。氷塊にぶつかって同船が沈み、1522名の犠牲者を出したまさにその日である。

The menu was on the table of the first-class passenger Dr Washington Dodge, a prominent banker from San Francisco who was with his wife and son.このメニューはファーストクラス乗客の机の上にあったものだ。彼はサンフランシスコの著名な銀行員で、妻子を連れての旅行中であった。

She and her son survived the tragedy. 妻子だけが悲劇を逃れていた。



野村ジジイの時事い英語教室。 − 29歳米兵、アフガン少女を助け自ら犠牲に

It is a compelling war-zone story of heroism of a U.S. soldier who gave his own life to save an Afghan girl from certain injury. 人の心をつかんで離さない話がある。戦地でアフガニスタンの少女を傷害から救い出すため自ら命を捧げた米兵の英雄ストーリーだ。 Sgt. Dennis Weichel, 29, died in Afghanistan last week as he lifted an Afghan girl who was in the path of a large military vehicle barreling down a road. デニスウェイチェルは先週赴任先のアフガニスタンで亡くなった。29歳だった。大型軍用車両が猛スピードで走る道路上にいた女の子を抱え上げた時だった。   Weichel, a Rhode Island National Guardsman, was riding along in a convoy in Laghman Province in eastern Afghanistan when some children were spotted on the road ahead.ロードアイランド州兵のウェイチェルはアフガン東部のラグマン州で護衛車両に乗っていた。その際前方に数人の子供がいるのを発見。   The children were picking up shell casings lying on the road. The casings are recycled for money in Afghanistan.  Weichel and other soldiers in the convoy got out of their vehicles to get them out of the way of  the heavy trucks in the convoy.子供たちは路上にころがる薬きょうを集めていた。アフガンではリサイクルとして換金できるのだ。ウェイチェルと同僚は車両を降り、子らを路外へ出した。

The children were moved out of the way, but an Afghan girl darted back onto the road to pick up some more casings that lay underneath a passing MRAP, or Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle.  The huge armored trucks can weigh as much as 16 tons and are designed to protect the troops they carry from roadside bombs. 一旦路外へ出た子供たちだったが、一人の女の子が道路の方へいそいで戻った。通過中のMRAP (対地雷装甲車両)の下にある薬きょうを拾うためだった。その車両は16トンもあり、輸送中の軍隊を道路脇の爆弾から守るよう作られている。   Weichel spotted the girl and quickly moved toward her to get her out of the way.  He  succeeded, but not before he was run over by the heavily armored truck.  ウェイチェルは少女を見つけ、すぐに走り寄って彼女を連れ出した。成功したが自分自身は間に合わず、重量車両に轢かれてしまった。

Staff Sgt. Ronald Corbett, who deployed with Weichel to Iraq in 2005, said, “He would have done it for anybody,” adding, “That was the way he was. He would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He was that type of guy.” ウェイチェルと共に2005年にイラクに配置されたロナルドコベット軍曹は、「たとえ相手が誰であれ、あいつなら同じ事をしただろう。それがあいつの性格なんだ。シャツが欲しいと言われれば、自分のを脱いで渡すような、そんなタイプのやつだった。」と振り返った。

His remains  will arrive in Rhode Island Saturday, and a wake will be held in Providence Sunday. He’ll be buried Monday.    He is survived by his children, his fiancée and his parents.  Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee has ordered flags in the state to be flown at half-staff until Weichel’s burial.彼の遺体は土曜日にロードアイランド州に到着し、日曜日に通夜、月曜日に埋葬される予定。 子供、フィアンセ、両親が遺族として残された。 リンカーンシャフェイ州知事は埋葬が終わるまでの間、同州内の旗を半旗にするよう指示した。


野村ジジイの時事い英作文 ー がれき受入れを英断した島田市。








島田市は勇気ある第一歩を踏み出した。称賛に値する。 (北海道新聞の囲み記事。一部改変)

This is a story that I heard in the city of Minamisoma of Fukushima Prefecture.

If you hand a blank map of Japan to someone in Tohoku region and ask them to draw, with a colored pencil, the area they feel is contaminated with radiation from the ailing nuclear power plant, they will shade over Fukushima prefecture only.

If you ask someone in Tokyo to do the same, they will probably shade over the entire Tohoku region. Someone in Hokkaido? Tohoku and Kanto.  In Kansai? Tohoku , Kanto, and Hokkaido.

As for people outside of Japan, they will probably draw over all Japan`s islands.

What we find then, is that no one includes their own local area as a place of contamination. We cannot put this down to egoism because it is only natural for people to want to believe that they live in a safe place. What we do need to note however, is that a frontier has been unknowingly drawn between safe and dangerous.

The city of Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture has decided to accept disaster debris from the towns of Otsuchi and Yamada in Iwate Prefecture.  I think this brave decision can be called a trial to go beyond these perceived borders.

The national government’s safety standards on radioactive debris are ambitious. This is making it difficult for local governments to make positive steps towards working together because of resident’s pressure for fear of cross border contamination.

Shimada has taken a brave first step, and for this they should be commended.




ゴルフはシングル級の腕前という男性や、商社マンの妻として海外生活を経験した女性、大型ダンプの職歴を持つ女性など、「へええ」とうなりたくなる人ばかり。また出身地が長野、宮崎、鹿児島など多岐に及んでいることにも驚きました。こういったユニークな人たち、旭川にはまだまだいるんだろうなと思います。 さまざまな出会いを与えてくれたフリーペーパー「FIT」「ライナーネットワーク」に深く感謝いたします。

それとは反対に、悲しい別れも。 元気いっぱいの現役サラリーマンSさんがこの春札幌に転勤となり、教室をやめることになりました。来週ささやかな送別会を開く予定です。Sさん、雨の日も雪の日も通ってくれてありがとう。 単身赴任はつらいってつぶやいてたね。それももうすぐ終わりだ。この春からは妻子との暮らしが待っているよ、よかったね。お元気で!

出会いの春、別れの春。 春は本当に節目を感じさせる季節ですね。




時間も食材もなかったので、簡単なもので済ませました。 案の定子供たちからブーイングの嵐・・・



まったくもう、これだけあれば充分でしょうが! ねえ皆さん!



Japanese and American cultural differences と題されたビデオをYOUTUBEで見つけました。









What do you guys think of opening a shop in Cambodia?




 Well, it’s something we should think about.




 But I think we should go over the numbers, one more time maybe.




 What do you think?




 If the numbers show promise for the future of the company and the rest and then at least…






英作文チャレンジ ある生徒さんのお話。

街をあるいていてネコの肖像画(ポストカードにしたもの )を売る女性に出会いました。
Walking through the streets of downtown I met a girl selling some cat portrait postcards made by herself.
I said to her “I like your works”. Then she said  she liked them too, but somehow the cards didn’t sell well.
So I told her that the cats in the picture gave some impression of loneliness, making people less tempted to buy and post on the wall.
Then she thanked me for my words, saying she learned the reason for the poor sales.




買う決め手となったのがテザリングという機能。これさえあれば、ノートパソコンのネット接続がどこに居ても可能となるのです。つまりこれからは、全ての教室でネットをフル活用した授業ができるっつうわけ。 やったあ、これはオイシイ。
